I believe that the Cofnas critique has essentially debunked the JQ, lets debate

I will not respond to memes or inforgraphs. I only want to talk about this at an intellectual level.

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Hi Mike

Well nigger, drop the knowledge. No arguing about definitions like a dirty kike

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Fuck off Jew

Jews intermarry around 70 percent in america. This behavior is not tribal. If whites did this youd say its white genocide, so if jews do it then it should be a behavior that would destroy them

You argued about definitions like a dirty kike. Also:

> I hate raw data from the real world *cries like a bitch*

Their in-group behavior has never required them to possess anything close to a majority in their host nations. Regardless of the observed population fluctuations they will maintain a subjective intrinsic measure of "jewishness" to which important jews will provide value by wealth distribution and marriage. To equate white host population with jewish US population fluctuation ignores why the JQ was even a question to begin with and is thus tautological.

yeah frankly im a bit worried that the jews are going to disappear after having built up a financial infrastructure and society at scale that will turn into goy town once they're gone.

goy are basically domesticated niggers. you realize that prior to rome civilizing you snow niggers, that you were painting yourselves blue and having orgies in the forest? druids didn't even have a written tradition fucking lol.

Do you not believe that Jews are tribal. What do you believe? We can test your claims with evidence

>I'm gonna strawman someone's argument and then burn it down

Go fuck yourself kike.

Jews are notorious gene thieves it lets them "assimilate" easier into their host nations.

They are still "Jewish" even when being a mischling.

Well post a link to his critique!

lol, its literally been the alt right who have straw manned cofnas. Almost nobody has read it, not even Mike Enoch has read it and its only 20 pages

Marrying your children to absorb another groups wealth is still a tribal action.


How are Jews tribal? They are more likely than christians to say trump favors israel too much

'White dispossession' then

Hi Strike

You would have to specify what group of "Jews" you mean.

>Israel doesn't really exist

hahahahahaa neocons are almost as pathetic as liberals man.

Choke on this:

It doesn't matter what the culture of critique says really.
Kikes all fear the shoah.
Their identity is persecution, their foundational myth is the Holocaust.
They all act to preserve their inbred family, they just use different tactics.
The "Kosher Sandwich" is just neurotic kikes using multiple avenues to the same end: be parasites and don't get genocided.
There is no mystery.

We could run civilization just fine without Jews.

Kevin McDonald has debated Cofnas on occidental observer:


Read there if you want real argument.

>i wont respond to data
oy vey

My claim is that jews themselves have internal hierarchical structure which exists extrinsically and with exclusion to the out-group of their host nation, as most in-groups within hosts tend to develop. Through this definition, yes i would acknowledge jews as tribal, just as most populations possess some degree of tribal function. What made the JQ the JQ is that where other tribal groups openly exert influence through physical territorial subjugation, jewish people historically used usury and political intrigue to achieve goals related to their perceived tribal interest (freedom from persecution, capture of Israel, disproportionate control within host nations. This was made possible for a number of reasons (they looked phenotypically similar to most europeans, "passable" in some cases, they took advantage of the desire for wealth and growth no matter the cost, etc.) For you to argue they don't function because they periodically abandon 70% who are not strictly loyal to the jewish in-group, you would be arguing that somehow the survival of jewish in-group behavior is tied to their population size relative to their host, which it has obviously never truly been. This stands in contradiction to typical in-group out-group behavior as seen in muslims or mexican migrants, wherein their subversive behavior towards the host is directly correlated to their population size relative to the host population. Hence, the JQ and not the Alien Question.

i wouldn't want to live under goy bruh. jew civilization may be cucked but at least it's not like medieval shit.

goy are fucking stupid honestly


fuck off, jew

The Chinese pretty much soften the Jewish Question for me - they behave much the same way. They hook you with money, coordinate among themselves (talking the CCP here), isolate enemies, and, you're trapped.

Second half of this:

sorry, I can't pinpoint a single part, just, pick the halfway point and scan forward for something interesting.

Yet you live in the US.
Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.

Kevin Macdonald already gassed this slippery fellow.

My issue there is that jews were core architects of the CCP and advisors to Mao. The CCP is merely their egg.
Here is a good starting point imo. Han Chinese would not behave politically the way they do without jewish influence.

US is run by jews dude

I think it could well be. But we did fine before them. Better, most on Jow Forums would say.

It always killed me when people say shit like "Chinese can't be tricked by the Jews". Do they not realize where they went after the whole soviet thing?

nah goy town sucks. jews just want money. i wouldn't want to live ruled by a goy. goy are more brutal and frankly more corruptible.

>I only want to talk about this at an intellectual level.
Then stop lying about the Jewish problem being false.

Jews are a bride gathering cult. Their men have always lusted after Aryan women. Read Mark Brahmin’s analysis on theapolloniantransmission.com

he looks like a kike

this copy pasta shit posting is on e i g h t chan as well.

cofnas is the weirdest thing because he's a jew that has dedicated his academic career to arguing against "the JQ" and antisemitism, but he's also an overt race realist that believes in eugenics and that niggers are going to destroy homo sapiens species.

> jews just want money
If that was true, they'd just be annoying. But it's obviously not true, as shown by things like youtube and twitter and news outlets in general. Poisoning society with anti-white propaganda is far more important to jews than the size of their bank accounts.

>Jews intermarry at a rate of 70% therefore they are have negative in-group preference

The “Jew” is passed on through the mother. This is so her offspring within the foreign tribe they are infiltrating are Jewish. This acts as a layer of protection for the Jew as they are no longer so much the “outsider” for a tribe who’s been kicked out of 109 countries over the past 2000 years, this defense / offense mechanism is entirely unique to the Jew and is quite fascinating.

Ever wonder why the Jew is always at the forefront of socially progressive and culturally erosive societal movements?

The Jew promotes race mixing for two reasons, 1) to breakdown the social cohesion of their host nation (allowing the Jew to blend in much easier) and 2) because for the unaware Jew, it is and / was their nature - to blend in with their host nation.

The left / right Jewish dichotomy of social revolutionary and conservative militant.

The atheist Jew descends upon its host nations like a cancer, infecting every aspect of civilized society, corrupting it to the core whether it be the media, the church, education and most importantly, the financial institutions.

The “religious” Jew controls foreign policy of their host state inciting violence against their enemies and using foreign armies for their dirty work.

The atheist Jew is mostly unaware of their actions as they are motivated by their rejection of Christ AKA civilized society, hence why they are always at the forefront of social revolutionary change. These Jew NPCs pave the way for their more nefarious brothers in arms, The Zionist Right Wing “religious” Jew who heads these institutions now occupied by the Jew and corrects their direction in a desired fashion.

The left wing atheist Jew imports Islam into America.

The Right wing Zionist jew crashes planes into the Twin Towers while setting off bombs inside killing 3,000 Americans and tricking us into a 20 year occupation and genocide of the Jews enemies.

All while the left wing Jew continues to socially erode the host nation inviting hordes of enemy combatants into their temporary home, and also while the Zionist Jews incite internal conflict with the new migrants.

This left / right Jewish coin has plagued western nations for hundreds of years and is the key to their evasion of criticism as when you criticize the left side, the right side says “oy vey” and as you criticize the left side the right side says “oy vey”

Except that's just shilling by rabbis to get them to intermarry even less.

The truth is that since 1990s the jewish intermarriage rate has stabilized and is around 20%-30%.


Very informative posts

Most Jews act on impulse (like most people) their biological proclivities are in line with their history of rootless wandering from place to place, never truly fitting in wherever they might be. This is why they are naturally inclined to front social revolution within their host nations.

Though, there is a cabal of right wing Jews who understand that they can profit greatly from ideas, social revolutions and unrest by buying up property during war time, capitalizing on conflict, pinning nations against one another and even against themselves.

While the left wing Jew disorients the host nation, the right wing Jew swoops in and takes the throne.

They all fear the shoah.
All different tracks to prevent it.
All their stories are about persecution and genocide. This is their identity.