Daily reminder arranged marriage is our best option now

Trade your sister or cousin to a healthy white redpilled friend you trust in exchange to breed with his sister or cousin.
>b-b-but that's not our culture reee!
It was 100 years ago and still is today in Amish communities and the elite.
>what about whamens feelings you fucking incel reee!
white birthrates, biological functionalism, and the tribe's survival are more important than your (((boomer))) tier moral code
>arranged marriage is somehow the same thing as incest reee!
nice try at misinformation you strawman shill kike

roasties, femcels, boomers, and white knight beta orbiters need not apply

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>women feelings
only cucks care about that and even women dont want them.

based sandcoon

Oke, I'm trading this creature, what have you to offer?

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did you actually just post your sister on Jow Forums? Also, 4 goats and a cow.

you'll have to pay dowry

That’s fine and all but if you don’t inspect your friends cock first then your setting the marriage up to fail and doing a disservice

she looks like a cuter version of Brittany venti

>tfw you would fail the cock inspection

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