Why should I be annoyed by this picture

When race itself doesn't exist and is a social construct.

I feel that many Jow Forums kids NEED to believe in race, because they are insecure and can't get a GF. Thus to believe in race and to resurrect some Jim Crow type racial ideas is what they NEED in order to form a scapegoat and to believe there is some barbarian horde causing all their problems (instead of themselves).

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Why do white people get so mad when they see an interracial couple? Why are they so protective of these sluts? It makes no sense to me

Put more 150 million Africans arriving from Africa.

Put more 10 years.

Now you know "why".

She will be yours in a few years, white boi

Most white people don't, it's just rednecks and some 4channers and virgin white guys who like to blame race for why they aren't getting any. As if these women would even touch them if the black guy they were with didn't exist, the women would instead date a good looking white guy if the black guy they are with didn't exist, she wouldn't settle for some channer virgin guy who can't even fuck an average woman.

I don’t have any problems bro. The shit Jow Forums complains about is political/socioeconomic, for instance how niggers destroy everything they touch. Has fuck all to do with me and my sex life (I’m married btw) or my social status.

It provokes a reaction in men, which has deep roots from our tribal days, and even deeper roots from our animalistic days, of hostility and violence - a woman, who by appearance belongs to your tribe, is being "stolen" by a man who by appearance belongs to a VERY foreign tribe.
It's only natural to react negatively to such a sight, of course this does not mean one SHOULD react in such a way - there are many ways in which we CONTROL our animalistic impulses, but nevertheless it is understandable and natural.

There you go.

That's fine, but why should we like niggers as opposed to hating niggers, there's a million reasons to hate them and next to no reasons to like them.

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>It's not about race!
>Black power!

but the woman willing put herself in a relationship with him. She wasn't "stolen" or taken out of her will

because we - minority, white people, 8% of world population - are attacked.
attacked in a subconscious way, in way of propaganda and ''''integration'''' of niggers/asians/pajeets into us

Those are primitive beliefs, because men don't own women.

Some loser white kid on his computer doesn't own women and shouldn't be able to force them to date him, they are free to pick the men they want.

>willing put herself in a relationship with him
because (((society))) made her dumb bitch and tolerates that

By modern standards? Sure.
Which is why it's probably best to control the impulse to be enraged.

By historic standards? No.
Men compete with other men for control over the women, women are more like property or prizes which you fight over - hence the deeply rooted reaction towards violence.

It all makes perfect sense, that doesn't make it right, but it DOES make it easy to understand.

>Society made her like that black guy, instead of me.....wahhh wahhh

Umm sorry honey, but the guy just looks better than you and is more desirable. Get over it you insecure faggot.

so you get violently angry over some slut who doesn't want your white ass?

What a sad way to live

This isn't hundreds of years ago, men don't own women or force them to date them (unless you are talking about shitholes like Saudi Arabia or something).

In the modern world women choose who they want, many men try to court women and women decide which one she wants to be with. Sorry

Of course they are primitive beliefs, I made sure to mention that, and yet those beliefs are deeply rooted within us - which answers the "why" of your question.

>a social construct.

Afraid not sweety.

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cringe cucks watch their little girl take BBC

Probably because you know a black person is just incapable of the love a white man would have for anubwoman, nevermind a white woman. All women of all races want a white man and it sucks a little to see a woman throw herself away for a beast. Same for Mexicans and Hispanics or any number of mongrel races.

Race denial is for retards who dont deserve to pass genes on

OP is back... why do people keep falling for this bullshit

You'll be paying for her turd spawn, will turn the community you live in to shit, and when old enough will kill you.

If you don't feel that impulse you're probably not a man - but how you act upon that impulse is the measure of ones character.

The body does not "evolve" that quickly, society may have changed but our impulses have not.
That's the explanation.

Nigger fuck off back to Africia.

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That's how most channers are, they sit on here jacking off over graphs to try to tell themselves they are desirable, while they have to jack over porn every night and get pissed off about blacks. lol

No you fucking faggot its because theyre our womb containers. Everything in nature is created so you feel repulsed by anything unnatural. Its a perversion of the natural order and would never be prevalent if not for jews. Different races are different species. Jews are mixed race and they all suffer from a high amount of genetic illnesses. Domesticated dogs are so interbred they can no longer survive in the wild.
Why dont any of you retards ever read a fucking book or do some research before posting here

so a definition of a man is someone who cares about who some girl I don't know dates?

yeah I'm probably not because I really don't give a shit

So you have convinced yourself of Jim Crow beliefs, where whites have souls and are angels capable of love and all other groups in the world are animals and not humans.

lol, so sad.
You desire to believe this, because it comforts your loneliness and you want to believe you are fighting some evil group that made you a lonely loser. Always wanting someone else to blame.

Next pic will be of her black eye and busted mouth with a mulatto kid crying behind her.

>its white males fault they have the highest suicide rate now by far as wealth is redistributed from them to everyone else at a rate unlike anything ever seen before

Becoming a third world shithole, that's why, look how we live here

>Those are primitive beliefs
they are not

>because men don't own women.
there are no 'individuals' in the world, we are all interconnected
we are the members of same society, males and females, so we are influencing each other
there are no 'individuals' in the world ever, we all depending on each other. Your food, your sewer, you internet access, your IRL socialization - you wouldnt exist without other members of society.
so, its silly to say that FUKK OFF I AM FREE because alone you would not survive, you cant be free cuz your are always a member of society

and by living in society, you must live according to its norms. That's why promiscuity, degeneration etc are punished - they corrupt and destroy the society aka living place you share with others
that's why in white society white people 'own' each other, incl white men 'owning' white women

'muh YOU dont own US' statement is like spitting in the face of your beloved mother

yes, if some mudsharks think so they better move from society built by 'fucking white people' to
their beloved Africa

>No you fucking faggot its because theyre our womb containers.

I can understand how you are a virgin. lol

White people have a higher purpose.

It's true whether you agree or not. In the end it won't matter because shits are animals and don't have a soul.

If race doesn't exist then why is it necessary to push this stuff in the media and through policies?

Niggers do not control their animal impulses why should we?

Sorry but we are free, that's why you have faggots like yourself, and lesbians and even pedo's.

No other person forces anyone to date people anymore in the modern world, you are from Russia so maybe you didn't know that (Russia is barely a modern country and has barely any women's rights and has a high suicide rate and low life expectancy).

Every race is like that, have you ever actually talked to non whites before?

I’ll bite. The byproduct is what bothers me. Rootless children with terrible insecurities and broken households with either single mothers or parents that will never understand each other on a cultural and fundamental level. The few couples that can find understanding and create a nurturing home is just that, a few. It’s hard enough with same race families. Also, little motive to find solidarity when you look nothing like your countrymen and the media constantly plays divide and conquer. Little meaning to life when you have little to no connection to the soil your stepping on. I don’t care about coal burning roasties fucking Jamal, it’s the damage that coal burning does on the fabric of society as time progresses and populations shift. Who do those kids from those pairings mate with? More mixed kids? Marry white, potentially repeat the cycle? It’s all a headache. Then those same kids that don’t get redpilled end up partaking in divide and conquer as well. The few that don’t live awkwardly in the shadows practically.

Post-racial societies (the end result if Stacy-Jamalisms) are hell. Pure nepotism and corruption. Highly dystopian. Unless everyone is mutted out 100% (okay maybe 80%) the time of transition is just pure chaos and turmoil. It’s really not worth it on populations the size of the US or other Euro nations. It only happened in Brazil or the Dominican Republic because it was small scale and early on - pretty much worked in the society upon the founding of these nations. And their current state is less than stellar, it seems.

It's amazing how those east Asians who apparently don't have souls manage to commit far less crimes per capita than white people and also live longer as well and rape far less.

The so called white angel behaves worse than what you call lowly animals, fail.

Well you see that's how we naturally regulated our own eugenics:
>men compete for women
>the most capable men get to breed with the largest number of women and create the largest number of children
>man, as a whole, becomes more capable over time

No of course we've reached a point in our conscious development that we've become aware of this system, and therefore we're able to actively alter our own eugenics, which is why the old system has become completely redundant.
Unfortunately we've also rejected the new system (nietzsche ubermensch) so for the moment we seem to be floundering around in willfully unconscious disgenics - but that will undoubtedly changed in the near future when genetic designing develops further.

>Every race is like that

What is a race? Do you consider yourself a race?

>Rootless children

So people who are half black are rootless? Don't think so buddy, they get far more roots than your virgin ass.

They're complete strangers to me. I don't own the white girl. She isn't mine just because she's white.

I left that choice is up to you, I will neither say yay nor nay.

Its amazing how those niggers who are so good manage to commit three times the amounts of rapes, murders, and ribs than any white and on top of that every country filled with blacks is underdeveloped third world shit like my country

Nigger hair is disgusting.

>race doesn't exist
>racial statistics are all fake
>except when they can be used against white people

We see your mask come off at last Mr anti-white racist.

Then I choice to want the death of all niggers and coal burners and make all my decisions in life based on that

I just do not like the allusion that has behind it, see the contrast well, is a black man "good looking" with a blonde white woman, is a stereotype of status, in which I get very angry because it has this contrast and is culturally diffused as if it were a pattern to be followed. It could be much more natural if the blacks were with other women who were not white and blonde without appealing a contrast. This is bad and stupid, the meaning of this contrast is that a black man must have the need to have the white woman by his side to assert himself in society. It's a toxic relationship from stereotypes that they like to spread without dealing with the consequences.

The MAOA gene predisposing or signaling higher chances of violent behavior is moot. Activists have already anticipated scientific research results long ago. They've secured legal protections for blacks prevent their genetics from being recorded for use against them in discriminatory fashion.

Genetics can influence choices. But we aren't allowed to legally use that scientific data.

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men compete for women yes but are men supposed to be butthurt when a man of another race gets a woman of your own race?

Yeah chang, rootless. It’s called having a conflict of cultural identity and dealing with conflicting subtleties/social cues in human interaction between different tribes (in this case races).

Too much for your peabrain to comprehend anyhow.

They deserve their own fate, however tragic it may be. Im not against mixed race couples on an individual basis but the promotion of it in media it is wrong

What does crime have to do with a soul? It's how you treat other loving things. How many white people are violent to animals compared to shits?

You're supposed to feel an impulse towards violence yes.
(that's the motivation to compete)

>race doesn't exist
>racial statistics are all fake
>except when they can be used against white people

Consider what Charles Darwin said.
Then one can comprehend why black societies in modern cities have also failed.

"Since the dawn of history the negro has owned the continent of Africa rich beyond the dream of poet's fancy.
Crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet.
Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.
His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals,
yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.
A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or
arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use.
He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.
In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.
With league on league of ocean strand and miles in inland seas,
for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind,
heard the thunder of the surf on his beach,
the howl of the storm over his head,
gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond,
and yet he never dreamed a sail."
--- Charles Darwin

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You are a worthless idiot for taking that comment and making it about sex. Your comment kind of proved that person's comment, anyways. A rootless personnfor sure values sex above unity of national identity.

This was written by a woman.


>every country filled with blacks is underdeveloped third world shit like my country
USA has blacks

Did God ever instruct to mate with the Curse Of Ham?

why are white men so cringe and possessive over their women

Fuck this shit, Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas also lived in this glorious rich land and they made things out of it, they made societies, if niggers didn't if because they are closer to animals without conscious than humans

And your average black community in America has third world living standards.

And it is becoming just that, go live into Baltimore, they are just 15% of the population and they transform into shit everywhere they live

Maybe because we're the only race with women worth fighting for.

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That is normal logic, but angry insecure virgin kids like on Jow Forums will instead think that some white stranger girl is her property because she is white, and that she should be forced to date them.

Why are you annoyed that I might have a problem with it? I know you’re bait posting, but it can never be overstated that tolerance is not a virtue but a weakness.

Completely wrong. Women will sell out their people to foreigners (jews) given the chance. Some men will too, but women on the whole qre incapable of seeing any problem with it, while men who do are just lost and need redpilling. Women need to be controlled

Tribalism you fucking mutt. Every race does this.

I married a Latina. All the latinas are jealous. And the Latinos dog me. The same sorta goes vice versa. White girls dog her and well...white dudes are not jealous because were the goat.

Dont give a fuck. Niggers are the scourge and I will disown any daughter or son of mine who even associates with them in any intimate way.

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too bad your women dont want white men anymore lmao

Are you a heterosexual man?

Actually it's "normal logic" to chase off foreign invaders who are after your women as it will leave more women for you and your own kind to choose from.

Being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of. You really are evil. Go live in chicago if you like niggers so much. Or in som abbo community on your gay pedophile eliteist islans.

[citation needed]

ok yeah yeah tribalism blah blah
I really don't care.
It's stupid and illogical.


There's absolutely nothing with two people who love each other showing affection for one another. Only bitter incels have a problem with this.

Have sex

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It’s really obvious especially with every second post starting with “sorry honey”. Fucking retards responding to this faggot.

Give it a rest dude.

>their women
I still don't understand this thought process. Only your wife is your woman.

This is you.

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Its a shame to see a white woman engaging in self destructive behavior. And also a shame to see a nigger not hanging by a rope, thats why I dont like the image.

>le have muh sex

I've made many well composed arguments ITT, feel free to refute any of them.

you're on a thread about people bitching about black men and white women and now you want a citation?! ok

Most of the channers don't even compete for women, they sit on their computers crying about how women don't like them and how we should go back to the good old days of arranged marriages and where women were men's property.

This is why when Jordan Peterson talked about forced monogamy and that marriage should be forced, he aroused a lot of the minds of loser virgins who would love the idea of the country forcing a woman to marry them.

Rootless means you don't get roots = sex.
Oh but I guess you yanks don't know what rooting means in that sense, you are not aware of other cultures.

I hope you're ready for all the pussy you're about to get.

this post is based and realitypilled

Because the black guy is doing it because she's white.
Because the white girl is doing it because he's black and it'll get her kudos from her inner circle/piss off dad.
The fact they need to flaunt their relationship as something "special" is evidence enough that neither party is doing it out of mutual attraction or lust and purely as a power/stature grab in the same way Meghan Kikel married Prince Harry despite her being a useless cunt and being a known attention whore/social ladder climber.

The thread certainly is NOT about "white women not wanting white men anymore" - a ridiculous statement which you have absolutely no basis for.

Thanks. I'm going to use this in future bants. I like it.

>What does crime have to do with a soul? It's how you treat other loving things.

When you rape, murder or attack people that shows bad treatment to other things. Sorry if it's really that hard for you to comprehend.

Whether the soul exists no one knows, but if we are to just say empathy = soul. Well being a bloody criminal and attacking/raping people shows that you don't have much empathy/soul. sorry

Perhaps precisely because it's THEIR women ? Everyone should go with someone of his race. Traitors, man as woman, who go with a person of an other race must die.

>TL;DR gooks are the master race

But I thought race doesn't exist bruh?

I like JP, but he's been put on the 'no-no' list. He's in the Creepy Line which is about Google and FB. I also enjoyed the Joe Rogan podcasts with JP