Red pill me

What is eco fascism? I'm fascinated?

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virtually the same as nationalsocialism,
but sshhh.... don't tell leftypol


Jews? That's fucking retarded and you should kill yourself.

a better future

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Any user able to point me to some literature?

It doesn't really exist as a standalone ideology but Pentti Linkola is the guy to read if you are interested. Can Life Prevail? is an easy and comfy read.

I also recommend the works of Ted Kaczynski and The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul.
Bonus reading: Society of the Spectacle by Guy Debord, Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrilliard, Discipline and Punish by Michel Foucault. These last three are typically associated with the left however they go a long way to explicating how the modern world is one in which it is necessary for ever more intensive processes of emasculation and control of human beings and nature.
I don't consider myself an ecofascist, really, as it isn't really a set ideology and 'fascism' is a little too liberal for my tastes, but this might help get you started.

Attached: ecofash.jpg (500x417, 140K)

How so?

None exists, because it's a LARP.

If you litter or burn too much oil you get beheaded.

Thank you. What is liberal about fascism to you? Honest question.

Save the trees
Euthanize inferior minorities
Gas the refugees

Jew controlled party filled with sjw democrats who couldn't make it into the main democratic parties.
WE have now taken it over, eco-fascism will now be for the white man.
Nature hates non whites.
We will create a eco friendly world and we will fight against those who hate nature and over pollute.

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>He said from his electronic device that has an absurdly huge carbon footprint

Fascism rests its legitimacy on a sort of populism which I find distasteful. This and the cult of the nation-state are products of the enlightenment and the french revolution, a genesis I have issues with. It could be that there is no longer any other sort of legitimacy available for sovereign powers. I am really not sure, I am reading Carl Schmitt right now to try and work through these problems.

Our Lad mentioned it a little

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End anyone that doth harm the rock we live upon for mere fleeting greed

hostile foreign policy toward polluters
control global population
decontaminate toxic biosphere
implement technologies that synergize with nature

>less pollution than a cow's burbs
You sure?

>eco fascism

Attached: Hitler GAY_29873a_461138.jpg (320x192, 27K)

you're fastened to eco fascism?
did they tie you down with hemp-ropes?

You're an idiot. That electronic device uses electricity, yes? A simple cell phone being used for one hour per day for a year causes the release of the same amount of carbon as a one way flight from New York to London. It's not cars killing the world. It's iPhones.

Tree emojis and doing nazi stuff in the woods

So much confusion. Do White men agree here on an ideology?

You must be some retarded antifa faggot. Fuck off jew boi.

Wait what party has been taken over?