Young, intelligent white men aren't getting laid anymore

Young, intelligent white men aren't getting laid anymore.

How can we fix this and save ourselves? Post tips and redpills.

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Fuck moar

Sperm bank. Be vocel. If women want to take up the role of men and spread their eggs as far as they can, then men get to be the gatekeepers and disregard whores.

Have sex.

just move to thailand and fuck all the ladyboys bro

I just had mad sex.

Treat women like shit. They are just a hole that needs filled.

Our race will eventually be nigger-dumb.

Just use the new backpage to fuck prostitutes. Why not?

>not illegal if you record it
>STD status disclosed upfront at premium places with the hotter girls
>can have a platter of all ethnicities and phenotypes
>costs much less than lying your way to a bar thot's bed and with the exact same level of emotion
>places downward pressure on value of sex, putting women slowly back in their place
>guaranteed to indulge all of your kinks
>exchange of value is equal, thots in hookup culture will require far greater value than they offer
>all women are prostitutes anyway

There is no such thing as an incel because anybody can do this. The issue men face is a lack of suitable companions due to the whorepocalypse. No individual man's action can change this sad fact of life. It will be a problem solved by policy.

>Young, intelligent white men aren't getting laid anymore.
>Implying women are this hard to get.
The men found better things to do with their lives... Like videogames