What films/books are a accurate depiction of society?

What films/books are a accurate depiction of society?

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Schindler's List is pretty good.

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

This is a roundabout one, but In my opinion Taxi Driver by Martin Scorsese foreshadowed the psychology of the mass shootings we are seeing today. Keep in mind, this move was made in the fucking 70's! Travis Bickle was the very first "supreme gentleman"

The film for that reason is a masterpiece. How rare for such a thing to happen.

The Martian chronicles

Any book or writing by Revilo P. Oliver.

1984 is a psy-op damage control book for Brave New World, because BNW nailed it.

Animal farm is a classic

Youtube videos do

The Bible

How long till UK looks exactly like brave new world?

I'm looking to read this book but I heard there's a few versions that are censored/complete chopped up.
Found these 2 online.
Which one is better?
Left or Right

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The normies and NPCs get Brave New World — dissidents get 1984.

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American history X a prison scenes

>The normies and NPCs get Brave New World — dissidents get 1984.
Pretty accurate imho



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The Turner Diaries

the bible and lotr

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bhagvad gita
devi bhagvat purana

Our relation with chirldren and problem of pedophilia are depicted in this masterpiece

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