Feminist Hags are seething!

This lovely video was released by Channel 5:

Read the comments below the video. Feminists are seething. They know that they will lose all their (already low) value. Young marriage is the only way to defeat feminism and get a submissive and virgin wive.

Attached: kkkkk.jpg (358x521, 26K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This pic is a compilation of the subhumans who complain about the happy couple.

Attached: go.jpg (1840x2872, 1023K)

To further scientifically substantiate this:

>Young marriage is the only way to defeat feminism and get a submissive and virgin wive.

WE'VE BEEN LIED TO by JEWISH Feminists & social engineers.
Our forefathers married women this age for 10,000 years.

16yo Women:
>Peak fertility
>Flawless skin
>youthful energy
>impressionable (will grow together & bond)
>Not old and bitter
You cant have that Goy.
You've got to wait for her to "find herself"
She needs to sleep with AT LEAST 25+ guys
> archive.fo/HEoVo
The PROBLEM with that is,
All the statistical data shows,
>WAY higher divorce rates
>WAY higher cases of single mothers
>More women report as "Unhappy"
>Higher female suicide as the approach 30
>Huge increase in STDs
Slutting around seems to break something emotionally inside people.
They cant truly connect anymore (less after each partner).
Older women hearts harden.
That fairy-tale true love becomes impossible.

And on top of all this,
Women are being told that make $25ph doing some shit job,
is more "meaningful" than being a mother.
These subversive Jewish theories are destroying western civilization!!!

there is Nothing wrong with marrying a 16yo women.
In fact it gives you both the best chance at having a long happy marriage.

*fixed typo

Roasties can't into pair bonding. It can only happen at a young age. It's why the divorce rate and infedility are so high these days. That's why the kikes push sexual promiscuity, they know it destroys society.

Attached: f9a269c.jpg (1000x1000, 140K)

this is the one thing sandniggers have 100% correct. note their long-lasting, loyal marriages where they have lots of children. note the complete lack of feminism and the strong conservative values.

it's because they marry their women young

girls with daddy issues challenging the seething horde

Attached: age gap.png (629x554, 54K)

squat team to the rescue

Attached: squat team.png (625x355, 35K)


I see this word used a lot but what exactly does it mean? It is used in the same manner as "rape." It is too vague and encompasses any male behavior that is sexually-oriented.