Are these really the only nicknames for these presidents?

Are these really the only nicknames for these presidents?
en (.) wikipedia (.) org/wiki/List_of_nicknames_of_Presidents_of_the_United_States

Attached: 10234.png (1538x309, 31K)

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any obummer nicknames leaf?

The Obama years were boring, user. Except on your end, where you never stopped being enraged over it, and you're still mad Romney lost.

But where's Drumpf?

They missed Obongo and king nigger.

..and Satan himself!

Obamya with a drone

king nigger

god emperor

go away germcuck, just because you hate yourself doesn't mean you should worship some black man as the incarnation of satan

they forgot zion don

>not obongo

Who the fuck ever called king nigger that ? His nick name should be rent boy for (((Goldman Sachs)))

Any lmao

Of course not. Where's Obongo, Obummer?

King nigger was a commonly used nickname for Obama

Attached: 1546421282075.jpg (575x454, 40K)

You're only allowed to have insulting nicknames for right wingers

Where is Magic Negro for Obama?

Attached: retards intredasting.jpg (410x530, 91K)

Hahaha look at you trying to blend in. Kill yourself shill. You fucking nigger.

>obummer is thoughtcrime
wiki says so..


I've never heard the phrase, "No Drama Obama". I was in college surrounded by his supporters through most of his first presidency and never heard anything of the sort. I watched all the 24/7 news propagandists often during that time too. Never heard it.