German politician shot dead

>politician with a history of accepting refugees
>found shot in garden
>no gun

Habbening or nothingburger? What's the reaction to this in Germany Krautanons?

Attached: lübcke_erschossen.jpg (227x222, 7K)

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Nothingburger. Also
I have to
Condemn this
Extraordinary happening.

thanks for the response.
we all condemn such tragedies of course.
i'm feeling sleepy.

Attached: okay.jpg (600x374, 67K)

I hope it was rapefugger and he saw his killer before he died.

your sure? I mean, I didn't recognise his name either, but he was the guy who said that Germans who do not want to help refugees are free to leave this country.
I always wondered how nobody did anythng against him. A shot in the head 3 years after is too good for him.

Maybe we have some based vigilantes on the loose over here?


Attached: Colmar_Judensau.jpg (321x333, 29K)

wouldnt have happened if he just left Germany.

here the video:
I'm pretty sure it was a German. After that I would have loved to do it myself.

Haha death politicians
This is how you know it's not a mossad operation