Okay, guys. Let's assign code names to all the things we hate. So, we can openly say we hate them anywhere online...

Okay, guys. Let's assign code names to all the things we hate. So, we can openly say we hate them anywhere online. Plus we will be able to tell when we see a comment or a post somewhere made by one of us.

>Jews= Juice.
>muzzies= kebab
>nigger= ?
>globalists= ?

Come on! Let's get to work!

Attached: death-to-all-juice-1-225x300.jpg (225x300, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nigger = roody poo

Doesn't sound good. I think it sounds okay to say something like "Man, I hate juice. All kinds of juice! Orange juice, lemon juice, I just hate juice. I don't like kebab either." roody poo doesn't really fit.



take your pick

it changed s o y to onions, lol

Globalists = old 'white' men
leftists = right wing death squads


Attached: 2018-08-27.gif (1200x357, 56K)

UI's (Useful Idiots)

I was thinking globes about the globalists. I think it's subtle enough, but still understandable. The leftists one is hard.

I like it

tfw you forget to change your memeflag

OP = faggot

Fuck jannies

leftists = coalgirl
there's this group of people who used to dub anime under the name "coalgirls" so we can pretend to be """"""""""""otakus""""""""""""

See that. Now we have to 13/50 the giNger problem.


there I did it

not bad

Leftists => Democrats => donkeys

My wife calls them ismarts, pic related. She has also called niggers wigwams since we were kids lmao

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>>Jews= Juice.
I hate nosey people.
I hate people who are nosey.
He's a nosey kind of person.

Why do they hate juice?

Attached: 1456413126815.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Leftist I don't know

Attached: born 2 shit.jpg (750x745, 60K)

These glowniggers really aren't trying hard

The amount of new faggotry is on new heights

We had that already.
Niggers were Googles, kikes were skypes.

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Shut your mouth you roody-poo new candyasses.

Oh, I like roundies!

Good, good!

Nigger = regenerating

Globalists/leftists/feminists = pure evil

By the way... there are niggers in every race. Wiggers, curry-niggers, taco-niggers, prairie-niggers, sand-niggers, uh... well... how about we go with gook-niggers for the insects, slav-niggers... and I guess everyone else is just a bigger, for lack of better terms.

It makes sense ya know? It's right in the word. I mean, we called it a "race" for a reason. Right?

We should add burger-niggers and gyros-niggers.

Niggers = bananas

Sounds good, dude. I'm game for any new variations of "...-niggers."

The worst ones are the mutt-niggers. Have fun deciding all of those different variations. Mutts are worse than black-niggers, in my opinion.

Niggers: Chocolate Muffins

If you fellas need an example of black people who are NOT niggers, watch the show The Vet Life on animal planet. Those young men are outstanding. Much further from being actual niggers than any liberal, leftist white person. Remember, liberal-leftist ideology is pure evil. That said, any nigger who is also liberal-feminist, is absolutely degenerate. Worse than pure evil. They have no chance at winning the "race." There isn't a nomenclature that can describe how purely evil those people are. BUT... have fun coining that terminology. Hehehe

I hate globes, because the Earth is flat.

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Niggers are Mondays

I Hate Mondays

How about gibbers?

>"I don't like Mondays".

Stop fucking around... This is a scientific thread. lol

"Looks like someone's got a case of the biggers. Hi Michael Bolton." heh

Fucking autocorrect-niggers!

>>Jews= Juice.
We already decided they were gems.



It's a nice fried chicken reference, and it sounds close enough to nigger without being too offensive.

Most blacks are fat anyway, so a good cop-out is to explain you think they are eating too many tendies. Win win.

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Just because you can force memes doesn't mean you should.
