>unbeatable armies don't exi-
Unbeatable armies don't exi-
Other urls found in this thread:
>gets destroyed in afghanistan
>loses 10 million of its civilians
>decides to retreat in winter war
Red army status: btfo
>gets pushed in 100s of miles by some guy with a state the size of Texas fighting a two front war
That's why finns suggested peace treaty first :D
The axis had superior numbers for the first two years.. germany didn't invade russia alone
Is it because they felt bad about leaving so many Ivans at home without fathers?
It was for your own good. We finns are merciful people.
Stalin botched the initial offensive but once they went back to the original plan the finns were quickly crushed
Well of course, they captured 4 million Soviets within the first 6 months, and while technically not fielding as much as the Germans, and their allies, the Soviets had plenty of reserves, reinforcements, manufacturing capabilities, land lease, and the willingness to throw absolutely everything they had at the enemy without any true care as to the cost, every man lost by the Germans was irrecoverable, but the Soviet never had such a problem.
So unbeatable it had to have Americans supply it for most ww2 ya you fuckers where and are shit. I bet my life savings your not even a Russia, just a faggot in collage.
These are all memes. The germans treated their soldiers horribly, literally marching them to death and the idea for the dreaded order 227 came from what the germans did at moscow. At some point you have to stop excusing their incompetence.
>defeats nazis
>surrenders 40 years later without shot fired due to some lack of bread and toilet paper
Such are Socialist paper tigers...
Again with the fucking memes. The war on the german side would have lasted a year at most if not for romanian oil. But the soviets getting minimal aid from their allies is a big deal all of a sudden. Nazis are a joke.
based and krasnayapilled
Why didn't this army defend the Soviet Union in 1991?
>Red army status: btfo
Kek - stupid chuhonetz
Yeah. The Americans totally couldn't just have dropped a few nukes on them lmao
Are you trying to imply the impact of the Allied Lend-Lease Act was insignificant to the Soviet war effort?
In 1945? They would need more nukes than they can produce and would need to nuke literally all of europe.
Are 10% of all machines significant to win a war? Interesting.
Significant battles like the battle of Stalingrad weren't support by brits or americans. You are so fucking stupid lmoa.
According to David Glantz, one of the leading historians of ww2 on the eastern front it shortened the war by one year at most and saved a few million russian lives. It helped, but they would have won regardless
Still imagine being so poorly quipped that the German coalition kicks your shit in depsite you having several times the manpower and industrial capacity. It was mainly Hitlers idiocy and constant detours as well as American assistance on the Northern areas of the Eastern front that saved the USSR.
That just really goes to show out delusional people like you are in regards to how significant Lend-Lease was for the Soviets.
Eh, that's a hypothetical assumption. Whilst I can see how the Soviets might have been able to mount a significant resistance without Lend-Lease. I fail to see how they could have actually gotten as far as they did without any real support from the allies.
What about the raw materials for making powders and explosives? What about machine tools for processing T-34 hulls to insert an enlarged turret under an 85mm cannon?
No, I don't learn history from retarded YouTubers. It proves how retarded you are.
Without the cousin-killing Yanks the Gerries would have easily won the war.
''Retarded Youtubers'' How far is your head up that arse of yours. - Military History Visualised is educated in this specific subject of History. Especially that of World War II.
If you're so biased and ignorant to such an extent that you cannot overcome your own educational boundaries and ignorance, then by God. You. Are. Retarded.
>that german accent
LOL! he probably doesnt know his russian father
The guy has studied the eastern front for decades and knows exactly what materials and equipment the Soviets were short on. He is the foremost expert on the eastern front in ww2 and cited by multiple academics including virulent anti-communists. Safe to say he's more informed than anyone here.
It is astounding as to how little he actually knows, especially about his own country. It's like me (A Brit) claiming we could have stood against Germany alone.
Yet, if we tried we'd have all starved and been forced into a peace-treaty (Which we nearly were)
I hate americans so much.
I'll definitely buy his books, I'll take your word on it.
>Relying on the French to assemble an unbiased poll.
Your fleet could take the germans no problem, at least at sea. And it's retarded to compare britain and russia.
ThIs finns got btfo.
Dealing with the German fleet was no issue, that's obvious. Whilst the Germans had more modern ships in comparison to us. We still had the numerical and strategic advantage over the sea.
isn’t it pathetic that the world power at the time couldn’t capitulate a small regional power?
What is the purpose of this thread?
You literally lost more men, more equipment, more tanks, more guns, more planes, more of fucking everything in practically every single fucking battle. You won on manpower and an american cock up your ass. The german army was far superior than the retarded jew cuck slaves of the USSR. Fuck yourself you trolling chimpanzee
That's ironic considering that is exactly what Stalin did. Compare the number of deaths by the Nazis and Red Army dumbass
do they tell you guys that we werent involved in the war? we played our part
Lad, Stalin is the same guy that refused to allow his soldiers to retreat which caused all the early war encirclements including the largest encirclement in human history, Stalin refused to let civilians evacuate because he thought soldiers would fight harder, Stalin constantly fucked with his generals, and allowed that retard who’s name I have forgotten, but the man that stunted weapons development because he believed all that was needed was ww1 era weapons, and tactics, and he let him hold very high position because he was loyal, Stalin fucked up in Finland because he went against his generals original plans, he either caused the mass starvation before the war due to incompetence or maliciousness, and he absolutely would have lost had it not been for the massive advantages he had from the beginning. Hitler meddled with his generals sure, but he was a big supporter of blitzkreig which proved to be an incredibly effective strategy, he saved the Wehrmacht at Moscow from being encircled, he went after the oil rather than Moscow, against the wishes of his generals, but he did so because he knew that taking Moscow would mean nothing, but taking that oil would be far more effective in the long run, his generals knew how to win battles, but not wars, and especially not wars against men like Stalin.
>when you have more soldiers than the enemy had bullets
Cry moar. K/d ratios even out after the first couple of years when germans no longer have the element of surprise, numerical superiority and a better doctrine. I'm not gonna deny the germans did amazing in the first year. But they started fumbling once the red army got their shit together.
You would read something about the history of Finnish-Russian relations, the Finns were offered a deal.
Kek. All britbongs so stupid like you?
If Germans didn't invade in winter the Soviets would have lost.
I would hardly call your land lease “minimal” your aviation fuel was almost entirely supplied by your allies for example, and all those resources, equipment, weapons, vehicles, food, fuel, and clothing allowed you to free up millions of men for combat. You won by smothering your enemies with the corpses of tens of millions, and your retarded nation collapsed a few decades later anyway, making all those losses completely in vain.
You probably have a hard time reading so I can repeat it once more incase your brain starts working (it won't).
You literally lost more men, more equipment, more tanks, more guns, more planes, more of fucking everything in practically every single fucking battle. You won on manpower and an american cock up your ass. The german army was far superior than the retarded jew cuck slaves of the USSR. Fuck yourself you trolling chimpanzee
The germans didnt invade in winter...
They invaded in june you ignorant dumbfuck
yeah, yeah, of course the USSR would've done worse without it, but it would just increase casualties and the duration of the war.
i hope this is a bait
a bad one. also, it's not really an offer if turning it down means war. it is an ultimatum.
Thank you for your creative input, you failed to provide any argument against anything I said, and you are to prideful to admit that your hero was a complete retard that cost the lives of tens of millions. Even today Russia alone has ten million more women than men because Stalin was just such a great leader.
Meant to say winter of 1942. Hitler should have waited to assault Stalingrad
Yeah, well you can blame the Italians for delaying the operation, and the Japanese for attacking the Americans for no fucking reason.
It wasn't an assault on stalingrad alone. It was meant to be stalingrad along with capturing the caucasses and other oil fields because they were running out of oil. The reason people say they lost at stalingrad is because the red army prevented them from acquiring the oil and decimated their numbers, neither of which had much to do with winter. Waiting was not an option.
Winter was a large factor as it cut off supply lines for both the Red Amry and the Nazis. If Hitler waited a few months the outcome of that battle could have been drastically different.
yeah exchange of main defensive line to some backwoods sounds great deal
>2 761 - your square km in exchange 5523 - our square km
>a bad one.
How about no
Well, no. Technically speaking they captured some of the best oil-fields available in the Caucasus. But, because of Soviet scorched-earth tactics, those oil-refineries were only capable of producing a couple of barrels.
Excluding the oil-fields of Baku.
Bullshit, every day the Germans waited was another day for the Soviets to churn out more tanks, planes, guns, to recruit more soldiers, to set up more defensive lines, and to get more shit from their allies. The Germans needed to acquire the oil or they would no longer be able to sustain their military, and the disadvantage with the Soviets would become even worse, they had to act now or the Soviets would organise another massive offensive.
>because no longer exists
What did retards mean by this?
K fag
Still better than got nothing.
It all comes back to Hitler and his poor planning (and his top brass). Their poor logistics meant they couldn't transport that much winter clothing as food and material resupplying took precedent. That said whether they freeze/starve to death or run out of oil they're gonna be out of the game anyway.
>please please open another front and bomb German cities
>we'll sign a seperate peace if you don't
Really goes against the whole idea Stalin didn't care about his people. Not like his "allies" cared anyway
yet better what baltics got
They assumed the Soviet Union was a badly put together country, and the Soviet people would rise up during the invasion, and they might have been right if the Union was run by someone else, but Stalin was clever, and brutal, he turned what was a normal invasion into a fight for survival, your average Russian peasant wouldn’t give a shit about communism, but if you told him that the enemy was going to kill his entire race then he would surely take up arms, and fight as hard as he could, and the nation didn’t collapse because Stalin kept a tight fucking leash on everyone, at any moment NKVD could gulag the shit outta you, and thus the nation stayed quite during the invasion. They would never have won with Stalin, and the allies, but it didn’t really matter, the Union is gone, and Europe is killing itself with a bullet even being fired.
>american education
it collapsed from within, it wasn't beaten.
The Baltic and Poland were divided under the influence of Munich, they could not resist Hitler, so at least to increase protective zone. With you another option - the Baltic countries were not offered exchange territory.
And attacking during the winter when his soldiers were not equipped properly for the harsh conditions resulted in the outcome of the favor turning in favor of the allies. You could argue waiting would have left Stalin better prepared but the same case would apply to the Nazis.
Hitler did make some poor decisions, but he was still a better leader for his people than Stalin who didn't hesitate to send his army to their deaths
This is bullshit. The germans were slaughtering and starving civilians en masse. Stalin didn't really need to do anything to convince them he was on their side. German atrocities against russian civvies are some of the worst crimes in the history of war.
They had superior numbers in each battle because they knew how to concentrate their forces but in total they were outnumbered.
This is what wehraboos believe, yeah. The reality is Hitler had zero regard for germans once they outlived their usefulness, which is why he was still encouraging them to resist even after berlin was done for.
They had more men total during the initial assaults. The russians had more reserves but those come with their own caveats. The germans had more actual experienced soldiers.
Imagine being this retarded. He was elected because Germans hated the Bolsheviks. Most Nazis in Germany surrendered because they didn't want to die. If any Soviets tried to surrender they were branded as traitors
Sauce in case
>but in total they were outnumbered.
Tell me more Fritz.
The Red Army and airforce almost collapsed in 1941 when Hitler invaded the Soviet Union. It took them nearly two years to fully recover and drive the Germans out of their lands
Are you fucking serious? I would be astounded to find a war in human history that didn’t have massacres being committed, and this was the largest war in history, with apocalyptic levels of fighting, soldiers always get salty when their buddy gets killed, and taking out the anger on civilians is not just possible, but expected, as for starvation, the Soviets were starving to death even before the Germans invaded, and the invasion definitely made the situation worse, I’m sure you understand the difficulty of feeding people during a war zone, and I doubt Stalin or Hitler would actually waste resources feeding random people instead of their soldiers, and citizens within their own territory. If your really going to bring up atrocities then it’ll turn into a shit flinging victim contest, we both know they were committed massively by both sides, but if your referring to something like general plan ost, I should mention that it literally didn’t exist, and I’m not making that up, even wiki admits they’re was not a single document, file or note even pertaining to such an action.
I assume he believed that they were going to kill all Germans anyway, and killing a few more of them would be the most productive thing.
i bet you believe the soviet just zerg rushed into machinegun fire like in the movies
They kind of did at first because Stalin purged most of his military leadership.
>le ebil Hortler
Fucking dipshit lmao
America is disgusting. Their anti-Soviet propaganda shit is low and their military gave commendations to nazi commanders who upheld the commissar order just because they wrote memoirs about how similar the wehrmacht and american military are. Literal war criminals. And the nazis on this board have the nerve to deny america's fascism
>it doesn't matter what sits on those square miles
why was russia trying to give away precious clay, are they stupid?
>They kind of did at first because Stalin purged most of his military leadership.
In real combat, our infantry lay due to machine-gun fire. Then german's mortar or artillery barrage was directed at the lying infantry - and slayed them.
Merciful and based Finland.
> merciful people created concentration camps for children
> helped Hitler to kill 1 mln citizens of Leningrad
sounds legit