I miss him lads. He was so much better than Trump

I miss him lads. He was so much better than Trump.

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By doxxing syrian kids?

you are gross and fake

Was he substantively different from Trump? Seems like not much has changed.

I only want to see gorilla in zoo not in government

Well, he made less promises that he didn't keep.

He was a FAGGOT!

He sukkked paki cokkk

and Michelle is a fukkking tryanny with a penis.

Onigger was an ignorant communist racist that tried to DESTROY America....FUKKK that NIGGER!

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I miss 2015/16 bros

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t. remoaner who is fine riding in the back of the bus for reparations or some shit

Spys on Americans
Bugs British German French embassies in DC
Taps Merkels cell phone
Runs torture center out of consulate in Germany
Raised health insurance prices by 800%
Dont get to keep your own Doctor
Divided country by supporting criminals over victims
Droned babies and women because drone sideways look cool

Yeah, kinda figures a nigger violates your sovereignty and you like him...

dayum daisuke

He will only be remembered for two things

1. For being the first nigger president
2. For assassinating Bin Laden

this but unironically

Literal glow in the dark nigger who worked for one of the alphabet agencies as Osama bin Laden actor before a stint as the president

He's not gone. Run for office and spy on you and then leak your sisters abortion to win. He's a shithead.

>Bin Laden
No proof ever provided. He'll be remembered for the Syrian War.

Fuck you and your BOY.

He sucked tranny dick.

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Without Obama dividing the country with identity politics, Trump would never been elected.

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>suddenly caring about arabs


I don't, fuck him.

Be honest. What you really miss is Big Mike.

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>No Fly Zone
>proceeds to attack all those flying tanks, flying barracks, flying checkpoints, flying patrol boats, flying infantry

Why do niggers have such ugly noses?

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Kang Nigger got a standing ovation at the Nigger Basketball Association games.

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I like trump so far as he seems to do a lot of barking and very little biting. So long as he doesnt bite he's better than obungo who bit without a warning like a pitbull against Ghaddafi. Trump wont stop barking about muh vuvuzela and muh iren and muh animel asad and yet he does jack shit. So as long as he's doing jack shit im actually ok with him being in the WH. Altho he is still a zog shill doing everything for israel so fuck him but ya know at least he isnt killing innocent middle eastern children.. yet..

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Obviously bait, probably some jewfag messing with us

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That’s one big nigger buckess.
