This is the ranking for all European immigrants that came to the United States. I think we can come to an agreement that this is the best list
European immigrant ranking
if the S means SHIT then it's perfectly fine
Pretty much any immigrants you get from Europe are either going to be very talented, rich or well educated.
I was chatting to a Chinese Brit earlier who is going to study in the US. You have no way of knowing who you are going to get from any western European country
I'd put Vatican on F
fuck this pope
Regardless of tiers, it was mostly the dregs of European society that migrated.
It's no wonder it ended up like it did.
Basically 80% of your white population.
I guess you're just a salty spic.
>Brits near top despite being shit-tier people in general
>Albanians not in their own SSS rank for single-handedly building America and being four of the seven founding fathers, as well as progenitors of the American slave trade, only to be dethroned by the Rothschilds in the late 1800s
>Germany even on the list
Shit tier tier list
only losers emigrate
I agree, very good list.
I'ts an Anglo. They are mentally ill.