Imagine destroying you entire culture because some retard said so. China is beyond redemption at this point

Imagine destroying you entire culture because some retard said so. China is beyond redemption at this point

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china is unstoppable unless you can start a civil war

Kill yourself tradcuck. You're a cancer on society.

you've been brainwashed by pure evil to hate everything you are

Talking about China or white America now?

...directly to the memeflag i quoted, dude. context clues.

"Imagine not wanting feet bindings"

Oh no, how awfull. I would still call this period of China, the second best (the best being han, ofcourse). Mao has set up China for being the next economic superpower and succeeded. China went from shit to great, while America went great to shit.

It wasn't just feet binding though, plenty of harmless cultural artefacts and traditional art and architecture were attacked too. Even most commies think the cultural revolution is retarded these days.

bug people are doomed by their robot personalities.


Which shouldn't be so difficult given their history.

which is why I say it but their government is unprecedented and will kill half their own people before they let it happen

That's true but I'm still advocating for China to be the world power.

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>Mao has set up China for being the next economic superpower
Imagine being this stupid. To the extent China's economy has improved, it is thanks to Deng xiaoping, who had to remove Mao's chosen successor in order to take power. And a superpower they are not.

Sometimes I wonder if China would be a superpower today if the nationalists had won the civil war. Imagine if their economic boom had started in the 50s instead of the 80s, imagine how much more powerful they could have been today

Don't worry. I've written a story to redpill liberal normies on the chicoms. Normies don't care about chinks or commies. Instead you must lead them to truth, like hiding your dog's medicine in his favorite food If only I could find a way to use Star Wars as my vehicle of propaganda ...

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>implying that's not bau in chinkland

Without Mao there was no unified China, deng could never apply any policy without Mao giving him a huge, educated and united populace.

Except he four Olds were reinstated under Deng and are now massively promoted.

fuck china and everyone who support it

The KMT was even more corrupt than he communist party has been at any point, they fucked China extremely hard and are partly to blame for the Chinese famine caused by Mao.

The cultural revolution should've just been applied to liberal party members, not their whole history, I agree. That is why I said that han was THE superior period of China.

Germans are like robots. They can't take hints and clues. Real NPCs of the world. That's why they are so bad at humor. Same with other kinds of NPCs like commies and leftists. Leftists literally can't meme or make a joke.

Just a quick history lesson for the retards of this board.
The Chinese communist party was part of Sun's KMT, and at this period the KMT massilevly benefited from Soviet support, then when Sun died Chiang seized power, purged the party from anyone that contested him and under foreign influence and with the aid of the Chinese criminal world started to kill all members of the left wing of the KMT in Shanghai in 1927 causing the start of the chinese civil war.
While he was busy jerking off to his own power he instated massive taxes on the Chinese people, notably on the production of tea, causing China, for the first time in history to be overtaken by India in tea production, then he played the appeasement game with the Japanese until they were right at his doorstep.

Maybe that would be for the best.

imagine having sex

>Chinese man advocates for China

News at ten eh

Getting married. Feels good man

Immagine spamming garbage thinking you're a big boy.

Go home chink

Mao was a hero

jews helped

They've never brainwashed for half a decade with education unlike the past

The KMT was so retarded that Hitler chose to ally with the nips instead

They played all sides, Sun was an americanized protestant

Imagine destroying your entire culture because “muh shareholders”

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>(((some retard)))

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>Imagine instead destroying your culture by being close to Jews
Yeah I think in the end Mao had the right idea.

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Somw jew funded him.

Sorry, *jews

The same nationalist couldn't even rule Taiwan.

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Feel free to skip ahead to the current last chapter if you want to get the real juicy redpilling

The worst thing about Taiwan is that their Supreme Court has legalized communist parties that had been outlawed since the Civil War pushed the KMT there.

The eastern block was more traditional then the west retard

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Chinks are supposedly high IQ but why are they so fucking dumb?

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Mao did fuck all retard. It was his successors who took care of China

Mao unified the masses, Deng fixed the mess Mao left and Xi is bringing China back to the place it had occupied for the past 5000 years.

OK Mao did a few things.
>made the decision to join the Korean war
>made the decision to use entire nation's resources to make the atom and hydrogen bombs also satellite
>went to war with India in the 60s over border dispute

I thought they killed all the sparrows and thus brought swarms of insects upon their fields and themselves

They did

Yeah, then they also all starved to death because Mao told all the farmers to stop farming and try to make steel in backyard furnaces. This went on for five years because Mao didn't want to hurt their feelings by telling them to stop because they were only making pig iron

Actually what happened is that the party set production quotas and taxes based on those quotas, then arrivist regional rulers decided to inflate the quotas wo basically let's say you produce 100 tons of rice and that 20% of this rice is supposed to go to the communist pot, then your local ruler decides to report a production of 2k tons.
Yeah, coupled with the aftermath of the KMT policies, the 4 pest campaign and droughts et all you get into a big fat mess real quick.

The unification of China under his rule was like the only good outcome of his policies, most Chinese know this and will acknowledge this basic fact off the record.

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It's literally the most important point for Chinese people who are used to massive Civil wars every couple centuries.
The mandate of heaven mentality is still alive and well.