UK muslim doctors held to lower hygiene standards

You make me SICK, Britain.

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it's only got worse, they are literally shitting in the corridors now and nobody says anything

this is clown world

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diversity will literally start killing people because low iq shitskin and nigger "doctors" and "engineers"

sonny boy diversity has been killing people before your father was a twinkle in your grandfather's eyes

What if i refuse medical services from a muslim woman because of the higher risk of infection I might receive from them? How would the courts rule? Am I being Islamophobic? Or scientific?

the west is fucked. we need to build floating microstate nuclear powers.


The fucking state of this board. There's nothing wrong with letting people adhere to their religion at work. Maybe we should tell Christians nurses and doctors to stop wearing crosses?

Long sleeves carry infection like a sponge you don't wash you dumb mong

Nm i see your faggot flag

LOL socialism is such shit. Now your health is at risk so you don't hurt some invaders fee fees.

you sound like a complete fucking retard here btw

Yeah... but crosses we use like a necklace very underneath of our cloths

I can only assume it's the same here.

They have done this since 2010

i had a consultant deal with a heroin addict. noted on the notes, tried to tell him to wear gloves. goes on to draw blood without gloves and without washing his hands. didnt care as both were scum.junkie was also scared of needles lol.

Goddamn you're stupid. Sleeves are practically magnets and incubators for germs. They're absolutely a health risk. And if a Christian wanted to wear a leather bracelet with a crucifix, she'd definitely have to remove it for the same reasons. I though Brits had a half decent educational system?

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Muslims always told me about how clean they are unlike unclean kufar. Now they will be responsible for the next super bug pandemic?

100s of thousands Americans die every year because of "mistakes".
It's in full force already.

A mere 1,000 armed white men could liberate the UK


you know what, you guys are right.

It's going to get 100x worse though.

They should focus on washing their left hand. that's the hand they wipe their ass with.

>shariah at work
kek they'll just leave someone on the table open to die when prayer time starts then I guess

Islamophobic. The increasing rise of superbug spread is caused by climate change, not peaceful religious practises

interesting that you know it would end up in court. she would call the police because that is the culture at the moment, and even if no actual crime is committed the police can still find some way to prosecute you for a hate event lol, it's reached that level right now

I know I have refused doctors before. It was due to incompetence and not religion, but they do not ask why. In america you can ask for a new doctor in a hospital setting. even in private practices you can ask to not be seen by particular practice members.
are.... you not allowed to ask for a different doctor in leafland?

>you not allowed to ask for a different doctor in leafland?
I've never needed to. All my doctors have been excellent, if overworked.

>The power of prayer will heal his wounds. Stop hating muslims you bigots

I live next to America. Everything always ends up in court. This case is particularly serious, however. It's a battle for the status of rationality in our lives. I can think of nothing more consequential than that.

when I was in hospital a few years ago I literally had multiple full piss bottles because nobody would clean them up.
>The medical staff wouldn't because it's the cleaners job
>The cleaners wouldn't because it was the medical staffs job
The cleaners were all private contractors too.

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