In birmingham,UK - a group of paki muslims are protesting the "outsider program" educating kids on sex, sexual preference etc. While i dont agree, these pakis are disregarding our government and laws, but because their muslims anything we do is a hate crime. We should hang them all. What would you lot do?
UK in clown world
Other urls found in this thread:
just nuke it
Second city - way better then london, can we just bomb the city centre and get rid of the pakis and polish?
I'd join them in the streets to protest faggotry aimed at kids and use their protected status as a meat-shield
Now is an ideal time to make some pro-LGBT Islamic memes for pride month to spread around. Stir some shit up.
I made a thread about it here:
God I can't wait for this to become a common thing. Will be great to see open borders people doing backflips when our new friends push back on LGBTQ shit.
Wish we could deport the pakis and hang the fags
thats not mohammed , thats Ali ,
will partake in this, document how it goes.
Muslims love the idea of school programs perverting white children, in fact they welcome it, but when it involves their own children it's no longer ok.