Is all the Degeneracy in the World linked to Women?

Think about it. Women are always playing mind games. They want their men to prove themselves to them constantly and the like.

Theyre emotional, unstable and have a weird hive mind on most things.

So is it really all that implausible that they would decide, collectively, to try and provoke a response from white men by importing and breeding with niggers and rapefugees and also being bigger champions of homosexuality than the eternal faggot himself?

Just wondering. I'm an autist who is mildy retarted and see conspiracies everywhere but i seripusly think there is a possibility

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This thread again...

this is atleast 80% true but dont bother posting threads like these you will just be called a shill since most people on Jow Forums are bafoons just chasing pussy

Eeeeh could be

Degenerate women are the result of weak men

No, fix yourself up and you too can get laid faget.

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Women need to know their place. Not just to cure degeneracy, but they are actually much happier taking care of the home and raising children.


Ehh no thanks. Im working on me now but not for puss. Working to fix yourself for any other reason than to fix yourself is ultimatwly cucked

I havw to agree but isnt it a bit of a self perpetuating cycle? Weak men create degenerate women and degenerate women create degenerate men who support and go along with degenerate women to get laid?

And how do we fix that cycle? Because masculinity is close to being outlawed.

Are women Also naturally degenerate?

Do they revert to their state of nature without male supervision?

Neurotic, unstable men are the root of degeneracy. There is nothing worse than a weak man.

No, women are stupid and they have been brainwashed. We never asked for this power it was givin to us by jewish elites

I dont know about that user. Seriously don't know about that. Men are raised mostly by women, and by single mothers at an alarmingly increasing rate.

I judge a tree by its fruit. Sure the man was a losee who walked away, but i would have to say that women are at equal or greater fault since they actively perpetuate the system. See "celebrate single moms" or "ban fathers day". Theyve actively turned on masculinity. See feminism.

So im going to have to disagree. Fuck degenerate men but women i think are degenerate by nature and love being degenerate otherwise it wouldnt become so rampant.

Based and VaginaPilled

You’re thinking of Reddit.

Eh, it's chicken and egg. Men without any shame or pride let women have power they don't deserve because they want to fuck them.

Neurotic men can exist even with two parents. It's rampant in the Middle East

Stop blaming women. That's like blaming dogs for barking. Is the fault of a dog when it misbehaves? No, it is the fault of the owner. Women are causing trouble today because men were weak enough to give them power and say. Instead of treating like equals, which is satanic, think about solving that problem instead. There's a reason every civilization across the planet grew to power by telling women to shut the fuck up and listen to their husband.

Guess it's not impossible, but even if you were to be correct, what does it change?

The cycle will continue, all these degenerate men will push things to the point of a revolution and they will pay in blood, then a new government will take charge and control the people with a just and honerable iron grip. Ok maybe not but I got a little hard thinking about it, really I am just praying for a meteor to end us all

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>buying into feminist memes

Um sweaty Jow Forums is a feminist board ok. We respect and revere women. They're the future. If a woman is acting problematic it's actually a mans fault. We don't tolerate men talking badly about women here. Every woman is a saint.

Thats a fair point. But the middle east doesnt suffer from the degeneracy we do. Sure they have their own problems but it relates to them being sand niggers and this falls outside of the scope of my thesis.

The brown races are a scientific quagmire user

>If she breathes she's a thot

>"Think about it" pilpul poster
>always deflects blame from jews
>gives a patsy to Jow Forums, in this case their own women .

No the degeneracy of the West is purely jewish.

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But degenerate men by nature follow women hoping to get laid, making them subservient to women.

If degenerate men caused such a thing they would have followed women from the beginning would they not? Or were strong men undermined by weak men at the behest of their female overlords? The resemblance bwtween women and jews is uncanny

Memeflag but i will address your point. Is it possible that jews simply used a weakness of women to undermine the West?

The jews being the commander does not absolve thwir subordinates after all. And again wouldnt it prove that women are naturally degenerate if they are so eagerly, happily and ecstatically going along with it?

Sorry friend but read the thread. We've taken over this board. Pussy power rules again. Even on this board that claims to be soooooo anti liberal most people are st least closet feminists. Face the facts. Women rule the world. So just take your place licking our boots. We won. Feminism won.

>degenerate women create degenerate
Men are suppose to be leaders
They dont follow women
They can fix themselves women cant

Pretty much the women's vote has doomed the western world to the Jewish God of egalitarianism.

I'd actually wouldnt mind that. It kind of sucks being in charge of civilization. Always having to keep it together and fix all the problems. Maybe men should get a break. Ill tell you what, you run up that hill and charge the Russian trenches and ill stay at home and make propognada posters saying "keep our girls flying"

When you say you want to run the world, i dont think you know what that fully entails. Starvation, war, famine and disease? Those are all your problems now.

And if you think a matriarchy would be peace on earth than i have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn

Women only got the right to vote because of egalitarianism

True. But first we need to take sex off a pedastel. As soon as we do that we take the entirety or the woman's bargaining chip away.

no its linked to jews... women and shitskins are their tools

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Men need to abandon secularism and return to God.

You can apply this anywhere. Some men are just born fucked up.

White serial killers are a bit of a chicken or the egg scenario. Did he become a serial killer because of his single mother, or because his father was part psycho? You can't expect a part psycho man to be able to keep a marriage together.

Other types of degeneracy were pushed heavily by men in the 60's. They enabled women to be whores because they wanted easier access to sex. They enabled societal wide drug use because they just wanted to get high. They enabled "free love" because they wanted to fuck little kids and other men.

Perhaps. However the biggest social proponents of these things seemed to be woman, with men only becoming allies to get laid it seemed, or weak men at the very least.

But you make a fair point with the serial killer reference

Yes but it's still a criminal thing to do. A clear attack on the West by using female protective insticts for the weak and egging them to become narcissistic whores without fear of retribution.

No, you're just an ugly loser
Kill yourself op

My investment in gas stock went up by six million percent after reading this

no, to kikes you fucking jew

>which came first the chicken or the egg
Holy shit you dont say, pretty sure some of the Jews out there are men.

Thanks man. Love you too. No home.

Egalitarianism obviously came first

I didnt think on that angle but surely if they're so wasily corruptible there must be something wrong with them generally?

But thanks based reb bro.

Men were at the forefront in all of these movements in the 60's. Mainly Jews. A few women were just made convenient mouth pieces.

No it’s because of kikes who subverted the weakest link in our societies aka women with feminism

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So they were at the very least complicit? And most degenerates on the ground seemed to be women or at least made out that way. Im not saying Jews arent the driving force of this.

What i am saying is that there is something wrong with the woman biologically that makes her a convenient sixth column.

This wasnt the story of a jew snake oil salesmen rolling into town and peddling his filth with men buying it first and women coming around.

This is the story of a jew coming in, paying women to be spokeswoman, having hordes of other women join them and then men moving towards it in en masse in search of puss.

Kikes are responsible for the philosophy of egalitarianism

I didn't say it didnt you dense mutherfucker pretty sure I mentioned egalitarianism and Jews in the same sentence ffs

Oops meant for

i have been always repeating that women are much worse than jews or homosexuals

The vast majority of people, men and women, are easily herded little lambs. The amount of men that individually induce change in society are in the sub 2 or 1%

>And most degenerates on the ground seemed to be women or at least made out that way
What are you talking about? Plenty of male degenerates in the 60's to go around. The entirety of Hollywood was degenerate (still is)

Nearly everyone bought the snake oil in the 60's. Certain types of degeneracy (like drug use), were more common among men than women.

It’s been a year since I’ve dated and I’m an above average fit-looking dude but it seems like all girls want these days is someone that can buy them whatever they want. And if we say no we’re a misogynist. Women seem like a no-win situation so that’s why I watch hentai alone in my room. I’m totally happy with my life and don’t think about scuicide everyday because I’m expendable as shit at all.

Women and jews.

Hence why you need to ruthlessly beat and torture the former into slavery and submission and exterminate the latter.

Pic related is required reading for all Jow Forumsacks.

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No , they are limited and must be controlled , apart from that that's how the propagation of the species works, the kikes are to blame for all this shit.

women are degenerated because of jews

everything is degenerated because of these fucking fiat banking kikes

>Is all the Degeneracy in the World linked to Women?

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Weak men are the result of Degenerate women.

Degenerate women are the result of kind men.

I get the feeling that old Jewish women are actually running the world.

Do you feel in charge?

Well it all started when they got the right to vote and where encouraged to seek work outside the home. Or to put it in the words of based Tertullian:

>“You are the Devil’s gateway; you are the unsealer of that tree; you are the first foresaker of the divine law; you are the one who persuaded him whom the Devil was not brave enough to approach; you so lightly crushed the image of God, the man Adam.”

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>f kind men.
I think you mean tolerant men