How far away from spics and niggers could i get with $20,000?

how far away from spics and niggers could i get with $20,000?

Attached: 7FBC5020-E7A3-453A-AFFC-DE11D74D9DB2.gif (220x184, 8K)

>not investing the 20k into cocaine to help kill their communities

i dont care about means to an end. i dont care about any of it. i just want to leave.

>implying non-whites can afford coke


Move to one of the midwest states. Very small nig/spic population. And most of the native Americans keep to themselves.

I think he means that if you buy cocaine, the money will go to the cartels, and they continue to cut people's heads off.

>With a car you can go anywhere

nice state like wisconsin or oregon, or relocate to a good foreign country russia, poland, etc.

No far's never far enough....