Danish election

Danish election is in 2 days, do you think that Rasmus Paludan will begin a trend of ethnically-based anti-immigrant parties rising up if he gains a strong standing within the political system?

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No he'll just be another 2%-er who Jow Forums loves for about 15 minutes before moving onto some other Fortnite-tier curiosity.

You scared ahmed?

ok retard, he's currently one of the only active politicians within the system talking about an ethnically-based fight to secure a peoples homeland, but yeah he's a "2%er".

he literally used the word normie in a polticial debate on national tv just 10 min ago

What's he polling at?

5th/6th out of 14 parties, but its only roughly 40% of the electorate participating in the polls so its anyones game really

He's Esau's Gambit, a kike makes a lot of noise and promises to save Denmark from the kikes who he laughs with on the Shabbat.

BASED kike!

It's so kikey to call everyone kike. We're on to you faggots.

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>meme flag
oy vey amirite?

t. achMAD

How are your surprise Chinese visitors? Have you shined their shoes yet?


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Literally 2%

He cant even stay on the front page on Jow Forums of all places. Pathetic.

>Rasmus Paludan
omg those digits. hes with us

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t. Ali

Paludan is a faggot retard, but he is miles better than any other politician.

And remember this, he is only the first step.

Election is in two days and no habbening atm, why would he make the front page today?

His quran burning two days ago in copenhagen had two active threads on pol and the stream over 5k viewers on the jewtube.

jeg håper du stemmer för sejr nu på onsdag, annars er du velkommen över sundet för lite sojabiffar och bösseorgie.

Jeg ser klima og uddannelse som storre problemer end indvandring, derfor nej. Men uanset hvad bliver vi jo aldrig så fucked som I er.

He was fucking based in that debate, SOMALI ALI SKAL HJEM

BASED kike who will save you from the other kikes at his Synagogue!

>Looks like a retard
>Sounds like a retard
>Speaks like a retard
>Does retarded shit
>Is a jew puppet
Shiiish, wonder who does he appeal to

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I dont trust any danish politicians, him included.
Might just vote for him to shake things up a bit though.


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>implying he's just Danish
scratch that cross on his passport and it reveals a star of david

The man has literal brain damage. 15% reduction in function. He's also a homosexual stalker

So who would you two bright brains suggest voting for?

Is that Boris Johnson?

is there an NS party in denmark?

Personally I am voting KD, but it's your choice. If you can't find anyone better to represent you than someone with literal brain damage, you should probably stay home, though.

Not a kike. How about that?

Any proof of that? Frankly i dont give a shit about danish politics, but i will definitely not vote for a kike.

>The man has literal brain damage. 15% reduction in function. He's also a homosexual stalker

i want your country to get more blacked.

Nordic resistance movement exist in denmark but I am not sure if they are a established party or not.

85% still puts him well above the average Danish politician

Stay away from Sverige Feministerne

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Kek, he is going to take a massive percentage at the polls.

maybe we will let him mount you before we deport you to your shitcountry.
>Jeg ser klima og uddannelse som storre problemer end indvandring
så du er dum? Danes make up 0.075% of the world so our impact and what we can do for the global climate is nill null nothing. As for education what more do you want? You got free university and paid attendance. Whats next?

Denne mand er korrekt.
Danmark har fuckall at gore med at "redde" klimaet. Jeg brækker mig over at skulle hore på klima cucks konstant der tror danmark alene kan redde verdenen, eller gore noget bedre end vi allerede gor..

He's literally Jewish, you can look it up.

The 15% percent he lost must be the ones that he used to hide his power level in the past.

Newspaper poll, who managed the evening's party leader debate best.


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>not voting riskjær to shake things up
that's just nature and as a natural fact we're all unequal, spirit makes us equal. I.e., his words deserve to be taken seriously, not dismissed on the grounds of some vague platonic notion of mental of physical health. Not that I'm voting for him as there's no fucking way he's ready to take responsibility of any kind.
I don't see how you can't be troubled by the cutbacks and generally decreased mobility in and quality of the education system, but the other part is largely true. We can do next to nothing against e.g. the ikey chinks or the war kikes in washington or the remaining kikes on a global scale. I'm for stuff like greener agriculture but that's out of concern for the water we drink etc., and I really don't see an argument against a slow, well-reasoned transition to greener energy, but the whole tabernacle has gone way out of hand.

Nice try, burgerboy. I cant find any evidence for that. You are welcome to prove me wrong. Link me anything.

How about a picture of his fat kike face?

I wasn't gonna vote for a jewlover but this changed my mind

>telling pollacks not to vote for SF
du sku' kær

How about that is not evidence for anything?

Sure, he is ugly as fuck, but i dont see any jewiness in his looks.

Try again.

the guy who screamed less and didn't act like a complete child -- riskjær. The girl from KD in particular seemed way out of her league, though. The way they keep focusing on his criminal past is disgusting. Like the danish state itself isn't a fucking criminal or otherwise morally questionable, and that's internationally.

It's actually kind of shitty that Paludan gained traction, because it means SK and NB might cancel each other out. And I'm not even sure who to vote for.

He's memeing on you, you dumb fucking redditor

Thank you for the laugh

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I was about to wish ill on ZA, but then I realized it's fucking ZA and it couldn't even get worse if you faggots tried

>BBC are the real racists
what a cuck, why did he say that?

Let's see...

He's a layer

He talks about that other countries need to accept a perker invasion

He has a pair of golden pants.

Jokes aside, will vote P

Well, the fuck do i know? I dont give a shit about any of the traitors in the Castle, Paludan included.

Denmark was sold and bought before any of us was born, this election wont change shit anyway.

right wing is a mess, good riddance. What I'm afraid of is Enhedslisten (pic related, fuck hiromoot) hitting it big out of nowhere because climate, or maybe B with Ostergaard, the guy seems to appeal to a lot of people suddenly for no good reason.

and here we go. Fuck hiromoot.

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Så smut dog tilbage til Jow Forumsdenmark, din perker.

Næh, de bannede mig i forgårs for at tale om Somaliere og deres mentalt retarderede IQ.

Men du kan jo sutte min pik?

Institut for Militærpsykologi: Delkonklusion 3. De sessionssogende i ET-gruppen(”nydanskere”) har tilsyneladende væsentlig ringere intellektuelle forudsætninger end DK-gruppen, således som intellektuelle forudsætninger bliver
målt ved BPP.

stem egoistisk og udelukkende ud fra dine egne interesser, stol ikke på deres lofter, kig kun på det, som de har stået for hidtil, og nyd dit formentlig forste valg, du barn.

Fucking based digits. The new reich begins with the Danes!

Blessed. He will definitely make it

Hvad er din pointe, andet end at vores militær siger at perkere er dumme? Hvilket jeg da er helt enig i.

Bestemt ikke mit forste valg. Det var over en dekade siden. Dog ser jeg stadig ingen på Borgen der er værd at lytte til, ud fra mine interesser.

du vælger det mindste onde, ellers kommer du til at vente hele livet på det perfekte valg. Eller stemmer blankt, men så stemmer du måske på mette frederiksen. Eller måske endda lokke.

At det er urimeligt at blive bannet, for noget der er evidens for og grundigt undersogt, ovenikobet på et temmelig stort datagrundlag, såmænd...Men sådan er det vel på Jow Forumsdenmark

yes goy, accept (((refugees)))

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Det ender nok med Paludan. Efter at have boet på Island i et halvt års tid, er det fandme klamt at komme tilbage til alle de invandrere. Har måske set 5 muslimer deroppe i den tid. Fucking bliss.

Desværre ja. Var også det jeg provede at forklare dem. Mods derinde er nogle faggots.


Mohammed is scared.

Been looking for this one. Reminder to not buy Danish pork.

KEK. Its a signal. Paludan will landslide.


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He is not a jew lover. He says good things about jews so people wont be able to call him a nazi

det her.

rasmus paludan lurker på pol hver dag og han gor ikke meget for at skjule det

We need daily threads about him till election day. Will you guys help me, cucks?



Det må ha´ været koldt og de har gemt sig væk... De er stort set alle steder på kloden.

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ville stadigvæk stemme på én med en mere sammenhængende okonomisk politik, hvis jeg hadede perkere. Eller social politik, eller sammenhængende politik i det hele taget.
Paludans citater er storre kunst end selv Paludan-Moller. Er der nogen, der så debatten og husker der, hvor Vermund (tror jeg) sporger, om små born skal sendes hjem? Og hvor det lyder "ja" med det samme fra Paludan? Og da han sagde hottentotter på åben skærm?
Men Lokke var også god i aftes -- "lettere retarderet". Eller Uffes "brune borgere". Grinern debat, men ik fordi jeg ligefrem blev klogere.

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First Hitler came from the south of Germany... Now he will come from the north...

Vilket parti ska man rösta på om man är dansk medborgare?

Speak in english, faggots. I dont speak arab

Why do shitskins go there anyway ?
Haven't they heard of Canada or France ?

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He was whooped by his fellow faggot Soren Pape Poulsen during the debate.

Fat, ugly fuck just kept drinking water all the damn time.

And he sounded like a fucking fool.

Host asks him how they'll want to prevent young people from starting to smoke.

The fat fucks answer is this: "We will have to make people love themselves and love Denmark more. Once they do that, they will stop smoking"

Piece of shit.

Sandt, jeg ved de er deroppe. Korte forbi den moske hver dag.

Men rendte de rundt og spillede smarte? Åbnede vandpibe caféer og spyttede efter folk på gaden? Nej. De holdt sig for dem selv, præcis som det burde være. De ved de vil "forsvinde" i vildmarken hvis de prover på noget dumt deroppe. Og sådan burde det også være her.

Man skal jo starte et sted. Hvis han så bare stod for at læmpe på våbenloven, så ville jeg være ganske tilfreds.

Tommorrow he is planning to go to the same place he went to where cars got burned, the same place that got so fucked up that he received enough support to get him on the ballot

Er du bange Ali

this is all true but one thing that struck me was the amount of fellatio the civilian military known as the danish police force, those dumb fucking bastards -- and to thunderous applause. They should be tolerated and acknowledged because they'll put you to jail otherwise, but respected? Those dumb niggers? Please.

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fellatio given to*
but you get the point.

Hvem i alverden ville blive bange for det fede dyr, som var på nippet til at skride, som han gjorde sidst?

Hvem kan tag en hvalros seriost, som begynder at tale om fædrelandskærlighed, når de taler om fucking forbyggelse af rygning?

Så nej, ikke bange. Underholdt.

Makes sense from a nationalist point of view. Dont smoke if you want to be healthy and do good for your country.

Obviously that goes over most peoples heads, since they dont care about denmark as a nation.

Det skal nok gå Ali. Geden venter på dig hjemme i dit lorte land

If you love yourself, you won't smoke. He is right.

De "almindelige" muslimer måske, så bare noget for et stykke tid siden deroppefra, hvor politiet måtte bruge tåregas (sagde de, sikkert peberspay), fordi nogle flygtninge var utilfredse med at de skulle blive boende et par km fra centrum

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