Weed should be legalized

weed should be legalized

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>mmmmmnnmnm schizophrenia mmmmmmmm

if op wasn't already a schizo faggot.....

Weed makes you complacent.
Whatever your life situation is, no matter how terrible, weed makes things decent for a short while. This is why blacks and wageslaves LOVE getting stoned.
Wagies love working retail for 20+ years and using weed to cope. Working a shitty job and having no hobbies or goals becomes pretty comfy when you have 18%+thc weed sitting at home and a hash oil pen in your pocket to use in your car on breaks.
Take away the ability to get high, and what happens? Depression comes back, but why? Because it's an important emotion. It arrives when your life conditions are not aligning with what you know you are capable of experiencing.
It's an emotional escape route and should be banned and it's users jailed.
Drugs and alcohol are the reason wageslaves don't protest or demand better conditions anymore, why unions became a negative thing and not a positive for workers.
The entire workforce is stoned off their ass and it's keeping them from getting off their ass and doing something about this Zionist slavery matrix.

Not arguments against personal sovereignty.
Anyone else? You two can try again though

Well that's just, like, your opinion mann

Attached: bongcat1.jpg (300x258, 10K)

Also it sounds like you really miss weed. You should go get some and chill out.

>1 post by this id
>simple statement
>meme flag

yes this is slide thread bait and if you respond to it without sage you are a cancerous faggot

youre projecting on to weed, dont blame it for your complacency

Personal sovereignty is retarded.
Stop smoking weed.
Not only does it make you complacent, it affects the nervous system and rewires your REM sleep patterns.
This leads your brain to start adjusting to the high intake of THC by lowering your dopamine levels while sober.
There's also many testimonies from ex-smokers that weed inhibits your ability to reach epiphanies or states of bliss while sober, your reward system adjusts to the THC and stops giving you any sort of profound experiences unless you're stoned, and as your brain adjusts to THC those stoned experiences become less and less profound to the point of becoming mundane.
Stop using drugs, faggot.

Study that found weed reduces your brain's dopamine release and is actually addictive