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Part and parcel.

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Have sex incels

half his height

I like how is virtually signalling video has nothing to do with anything specific Trump has said or done lately, it's just random shit


yes lads! Have white babies!

One hell of a condo though.

what does that even mean? Obviously the weak fear the strong but what is the context?

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He's in danger of being overshadowed by a pot-plant

I agree, she's still just a woman.
Nothing to be scared of.

lol thats city hall

I don’t “fear” bitchy “stronk womyn,” I just don’t like them.

pick one


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i wont let ugly white boi touch me little pink dick incel lol.

Islam erodes culture, as an ex Muslim I hate it

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Muslims really get off on raping stronk Western woemyn.

Gas all Jews

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I don't fear any woman. I just don't like any of them that aren't submissive and womanly. I don't want to date a man, why would I want to date a woman who acts like a man?

why does he support child rape then?

So do have sex or don't?

Show me them pale ass cankles, bitch.

Very modern for City Hall, not what I would've expected.

only weak men insult men for votes

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How come strong women just mean ugly as a feminists who don't shower and obnoxious thots that want to feel validated for fucking twenty cocks? My woman is strong but not in the way feminists think they're strong. Acting like an abrasive asshole and shaving your head isn't strength fuck off foreigner

So now I can talk back, and say "no" to them asking mentoring or whatever.. I'm not afraid to say that I don't believe whamen..

Flag checks out

Yo bitch! You don't like pink dicks, huh? How about some fine Alabama black snake?

*gets stabbed*
Part & Parcel™

ps. thanks Khan.

Lol a bet that placard is only the size of a postage stamp. Fucking imp bastard.

Strong woman profoundly hate weak men. Fixed it for ya.

Most white men arent gay lmao

>checks flag
>ah, just as I would have thought

the only time a woman is stronger than a man is if youre weak in general

African American obesity rates are sky rocketing

Go to work, victim of Islam.

Who hurt you?


KHAN IS A MUSLIM, thus it is his duty to make Britain an islamic state. Get rid of him, he shouldn't have political power. Same goes for that cunt in the United States.

The purpose of migration is to start jihad and the purpose of jihad is to install Sharia. Under the Sharia, the other religions are subjected to taxes, domination and humiliation. After enough time, everyone will become a Muslim.

Today in the West, we see the beginning of the annihilation of our civilization due to the deference we pay to Islamic migration and Sharia and we refuse to see the true nature and goals of Islam—complete domination of all aspects of our society.

Islam is more about how to deal with others i.e. politics than how to be a better muslim yourself. Our western way of thinking it as a religion does not apply, in Islam they don't separate religion from everything else, the faith is all encompassing, it governs all parts of life. Do not underestimate it. The whole thing is about how to make everyone Muslim.

Quran 2:193 "Fight them [Kafir] until there is no more discord and the religion of Allah reigns absolute, but if they submit, then only fight those who do wrong"

There are 4 kinds of Jihad: of the Sword, Pen (writing), Speech and Money: they pay monthly for converting and wearing the Hijab, this is a part of implementing the Sharia - anything to establish a foothold.
It has happened 100% of the cases that once Islam gets a hold, if they are not driven out with war, the nation becomes completely Islamic.

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Come on guys at this point it shouldnt even be a surprise to you. If there's a UK flag you're talking to either a brown or white guy

Don't you have an hourly wife beating to attend to?

When you read the Quran the Sira and the hadith, something becomes very clear: the doctrine of Islam is far more concerned with the unbeliever than they are the believer.

The proper name for the unbeliever is "kafir"

Kafir is "Worse than All creation"

Majority of Islamic doctrine is devoted to the kafir, to what is the nature of the kafir and how they're to be treated.
64% of the Quran is devoted not how to be a Muslim, but who the kafir is and how they're to be treated and in every case the kafir is treated very badly:
the kafir can be tortured raped, enslaved, deceived and murdered - there's nothing good about being a kafir in the Quran.

A kafir is completely outside the religion of Islam can take no part in, it is even excluded from it in every way.
So therefore the part of Islam that deals with the kafir is political in nature, it is not religious in nature, hence political Islam can be defined as the Islamic doctrine of the kafir
It is not just about religion the bulk of Islamic doctrine is about politics not religion.

Quran has over 90 verses where it says: every Muslim is to live their life as Mohammed lived his life; they are to speak
as Mohammed and act as Mohammed - he is the perfect human being the divine human prototype.

How much of Mohammad's life is devoted to his description of his wars with the kafir:
81% in his biography(Sira) is devoted to wars and damage to the kafirs.
37% of the traditions(Hadith) are devoted to the kafir.

The Quran, aforementioned 64% devoted to the kafir.

The trilogy combined: ~61% devoted to the kafir.


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Meanwhile in Japan...

Only dark skinned people are allowed to say that. When it's a white person, he's a racist.

Those burqa ladies are sexier to me in all honesty

Islam is like a fire, you have to constantly feed it. And it'll burn everything if you let it.

Although it is a political ideology, when you start viewing Islam an organism, and its practitioners as its cells and observe its behavior, it becomes clear what it is:
It's like that a parasitic life-form from The Thing, assimilating everyone's biomass to its own - it needs a host organism to infect and to convert.
It's an invasive species.
>An invasive species is a species that is not native to a specific location (an introduced species), and that has a tendency to spread to a degree believed to cause damage to the environment, human economy or human health.

To be muslim, is to spread Islam, this is why muslim politician shouldn't exist in the west, they don't represent the muslim population in the country, they just represent muslim population, their task is to make the nation muslim. And muslims have a duty to vote more muslims to promote more Islam.

The outcome is inevitable, unless they are driven out. It's like letting some other nation have their politicians make decision in your nation..

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Get out of here
(both Jow Forums and Britain)

This is why your kind shits in the streets you fucking designated street shitter!


I'm staying on pol forever, once you get blackpilled there's no going back. I'm leaving England after I get my degree but before I'll leave I'll redpill whoever I can

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Is it hard to type with so many cocks in your mouth?

I mean, that objectively makes sense. If you're a man and you're afraid of a women physically or emotionally then you are pretty weak.

I mean his sign literally says that women are inherently weak

It can also be a dog whistle for the muslim population: western men are weak.

Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Everyone should bombard him with messages on social media calling him a manlet. Write letters to his office calling him a manlet. Call him a manlet if you see him in public. He'll never learn and he'll probably end up ackbaring.

have kids

You want them primed and ready to blow?

blank template

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part and parcel is our biggest strength

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I agree. He should step down and allow a strong black woman to take office.

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"weak men" is literally the same toxic masculinity feminists claim to be against. It's literally "man up" in different words.
Basically, fuck kikes and fuck this dude.

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Youre doing gods work user

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He's not wrong though

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>have sex incel
>you’re not allowed to touch me!

We do not fear "strong women" we fear what they might do when given power. It is basically like giving a kid a loaded gun to play with.

Maybe if muslims shared their women we'd all have a better time of it.

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Checked. Women hate weak men but try their hardest to turn you into one.

I bet I could break this little guys face in one punch, just completely demolish it into a mushy paste. Talk about weak faggot, fight me.

Who would win in a fight between Sadiq khan and Warwick Davis?

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It's true though. Strong women are good, they breed strong sons and daughters. Only cucks wouldn't want that.

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Isn't shaming men for being weak toxic masculinity?


He's still butthurt because the Queen told him there weren't any seats high enough for him at the banquet.

Just like OP's still butthurt from his lover last night.

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Take your meds, schizo.

based Kraut

>arguing with holes

true, storng men tell every btich to go make a sandwhich

>how to

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what a cuck, go play with strong women, I go MGTOW

woops, sorry fellow Britbong

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Doesn't this technically imply that "feminist" men are weak because they comply with the feminist doctrine out of fear of not receiving attention from such women?

Only weak women need laws to help them get a job.

You’re pretty good.

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>Today in the West, we see the beginning of the annihilation of our civilization due to the deference we pay to Islamic migration and Sharia and we refuse to see the true nature and goals of Islam—complete domination of all aspects of our society.
>Islam is more about how to deal with others i.e. politics than how to be a better muslim yourself. Our western way of thinking it as a religion does not apply, in Islam they don't separate religion from everything else, the faith is all encompassing, it governs all parts of life. Do not underestimate it. The whole thing is about how to make everyone Muslim.

correct. white peoples biggest flaw is their big hearts. anyone with half a brain see's its a jihadi, maybe moreso for me because i can see with an outside lense.

So that's why he had bikini posters taken down in the underground

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