The Rake commeth at 8pm EST this evening. It will be announced that your country which has been a disgrace to all that is human from the moment it was formed will officially cease to exist. You will all die soon at the hands of the Eternal jew and their nonwhite hordes. It will make international news. Good riddance to you demons
The Day of the Rake is Upon Us
Juan Long
Asher Nelson
Julian Lee
Gavin Hughes
Finally, it’s about time
Ayden Hernandez
Brody Gomez
Are you gonna blow something up OP? Are you a sandnigger terrorist?
William Murphy
>almost heaven
>West Virginia
>Blue Ridge Mountains
>Shanadoah River
>life is old there, older than the trees
>younger than the mountains, blowing like the breeze
Jace Jackson
Cool, got a source?
Joseph Cook
Thank god.
Please annex, please annex
Landon Brooks
I'm going to be so pissed off if this is just another faggy larp on 4crap.
4 hours to go till salvation boys!!! WOOOOOOO!!!