Redpill me on Britain

Make British empire great again

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All the strong men were depopulated from back to back world wars so they no longer had the manpower to maintain their colonial empire.

This is a good thing, The English are skumbags and the cuckolding is righteous justice for what they did to the Germans twice.

But where is the Bermuda flag?

it is a shithole please get me out of here

british woman and british food
That's how a nation of great sailors was created

Have sex incels

Nah it's shit

Fucking left us for dead in the heart of africa

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I am not even angry they defeated us. I am angry that they lost their empire.

Congratulations Hans, you're the first German to tell a joke that's made me smile

Fuck the British empire.


Lol. the convulsive english desire to be superior to germany.

The English were dragged off the land and thrown in to factories (where children losing limbs was regular) and bred in to a slave caste (the population increased 10x), and where then used as fodder to protect the marketplace (mistakenly called an Empire) those factories created.

There is no hope here. I wish i wasnt born in this age. I wish hitler never had tried to conquer europe, and i wish churchill hadnt tried to stop him. I wish i could go back in time and assassinate tony blair.

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The flag is crypto jew. The royals and politicians are masonic tranks.


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Not according to my dictionary.

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Worked because they were the only ones with guns. Now their capital isnt white anymore. Thats all there is to know. It never pays off for the little folk to invade other countries. It works out for the elite who benefit from wars.

>1st top left picture, medshit

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It never was great in the first place, an over valuation of life/ Christian morality specifically was a dysgenic tenet that was spread around globally for example under it's prime. Which caused numerous problems for natives because of a lack of fitness regulation (homicide) that was side stepped because of the aforementioned things. They also enabled womens rights (populations death basically), economic slavery (banking,ect) and other shitty things in reference to their current state. Glad it died imo. Knowing all this.

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The (((British Empire))).

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>Part of the Empire
Dont think so Bucko

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everytime I see the red ensign, my heart begins to ache

>they defeated us.

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all the germans did was ruin the European empires, and for what? just so they get to be the number 1 white nation in Europe until we all get browned?

It was never great

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No you blinded bong. It's the British that have done the most they can to undermine Germany as a united state, ever since the German principalities coalesced into a single state.

All the Germans did was remove inbred royalty who dgaf about their supposed subjects and marched them into battle against heavy artillery to keep the population low since the industrial revolution.

>silly Britbongs actually held expensive turf instead of "protecting" it

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>they did to the Germans twice.
Now the burger has sympathy for europeans,

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the british empire generally didn't care who did what in mainland Europe so long as someone wasn't trying to become the hegemon of Europe or tried to fight them.
And all germany has done is go to war with other whites, barely have a colonial empire to expand white lands and was the reason the British and French empires collapsed because of the stuff that happened in ww2
and yes germans did cause ww1 because Austria is german and Austria invaded bosnia which was why the black hand gang assassinated arch duke franz Ferdinand

and the germans also caused ww1
brought europe into chaos with the protestant reformation
destroyed the roman empire
thanks huns for all of the good things you did but id rather you don't try to do those other stuff

WW1 was a fucking shitshow, Europe was never peaceful for any large period of time anyway. The Peace of Westphalia was literally the only thing holding the middle of europe together for a couple hundred years after the calvinists and lutherans ruined everything.

maybe then but the time during ww1 was about to reach a more modern age where people generally stopped fighting with militaries,

We've dealt with enough shitskins, niggers and curry munchers as a nation.

uses worldwide empire to push globalist homosex -Trump

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>Hitler tried to conquer Europe
Go back.

>George Washington would’ve wanted to MIGA
Fuck off, kike.

No it wasn’t, you fucking moron. War is natural and it will always be a thing so long as men exist.

Literally the only reason europe hasn't gone to war since is because it is by and large populated with the offspring of draft dodgers and deserters.

british empire was pretty jewy