Snoop Dogg is based

When will America apologize to black people?

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when they all leave

I'm sorry you're a nigger

When they swing from trees.

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When they stop being niggers, so never.

Digits dont lie.

I won't. Because fuck off.

6,000+ murders a year average,
10 accidently get shot by police, wow

Should be closer to 1000+

>says the millionaire unemployed nigger


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>Snoop Dogg
>Lifelong crip
>Killed multiple people, sold drugs, and pimped
>Gained massive popularity making songs bragging about his gangster lifestyle because other nigger identified with it.

Why are cops so mean to black people?

> Because they are still doing it to us
What? Arresting you? Yea we are.

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Double checked!


not all blacks are thugs. not all blacks are victims. this "together" herd mentality is a load of shit

Triple checked nao.

Blacks should be kissing the feet of every white person they see; being a nigger in the USA is exponentially better than being a cheetah chaser in africa

>Thank God my great-great grand daddy got on that boat!
Cassius Clay

q-quadruple check

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>blacks should be kissing the feet of every white person they see

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Blacks get what they deserve.

when did snoop do anything for blacks except run his mouth ?

there are no racist whitey's in africa

south africa

kek wills it

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>posts a 70 year old black and white photo
fake, gay, bluepilled, cringe


I dindu nuffin.

When Trudeau has an anchor baby in the states and raises him to beat the incumbent President Kushner, then Trudeau the third will go on an apology tour for all the past wrongs America has done.