Woman hides, needs FIVE guards at last remaining abortion clinic in Kentucky


This is the reality for women here. There's only one place left to get an abortion in our entire state.

And you wonder why we hate Trump. Fuck yourselves.

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Other urls found in this thread:


why would you be ashamed for doing something you think is good?

Stop murdering babies then love.

Good, they should be afraid, very afraid.

Sucks when you're on the receiving end.

People get upset when mothers kill their children, it's just gonna happen.

>booo we h8 uyo
nobody cares & Trump will win 2020 in landslide

stop killling your children you fat whore

Have you tried not being a slut?

womp womp

why wont their church sponsor the baby? is this what tithes are for?

>be a whore
>murder your own offspring
>the two greatest "rights" women struggle for in order to not have to admit they've fucked up their life
The absolute state of modern women

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If abortion is okay, why is she ashamed and hiding her head? Shouldn't she stride brazenly through the crowd, staring down the protestors, and glowing with wyman power?
If she is not murdering her innocent child, why is she fazed? Imagine if she was going to work and they were shouting 'get back in the kitchen' she would proudly show her face and tell them to fuck off.
If you feel shame amd guilt and revulsion, you should probably reconsider your life choices

>mother suffers hurty words
>baby suffers death

pro lifers aren't violent so this crap about needing guards is fake and gay spin/disinformation designed to victimize the baby murderers.

>only one in the state
>everyone here hates him
doubt it

>There's only one place left to get an abortion in our entire state
So leave.
No one will miss you.

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There’s a number of church organizations that will help, fatass

Stop being slutty whores who don't use birth control, problem solved, faggots.

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Baby murderers like her should be executed by the state.

>And you wonder why we hate Trump. Fuck yourselves.
You know why I hate people like you? Because you notice what effects and bothers you EXCLUSIVELY, that and the lies. I could understand cases of rape, the health of child or mother...even the whole first trimester, oops i fucked up bullshit. When NY passes a law allowing what is virtually infanticide, AND THEN LIT UP THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING to gloat/brag whatever, that's when I ceased caring. Now i don't care. Women's health issues my ass.

As someone who's only here because my mother at the last moment couldn't go through with it I'd have to say, fuck you.

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Isn't that an open carry state and why aren't those dropped with a headshot who come closer than an ellbow lenght?
Stand your ground shit

It's funny because she was probably white

Niggresses will just have jamal punch them in the belly until miscarriage.

>abloo abloo women need protection to legally commit murder

I thought the LEFT loved protesters in the streets ????

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Was she white?

Americans truly are ghouls. That poor fucking woman doesn't deserve this.

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one post by this id why even bother

Too bad for you fucking sluts. Lib faggots treat Trump supporters worse so now you get a taste.
You only have yourself to blame for the escalation.

>what's a little infanticide between friends?

unacceptable post

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We fucking hate you too. Move to Canada if you don't like it. This is what you people get for pushing late term and partial birth abortion. Kys

>Abortion isnt murder
>covers her face because shes ashamed
Ok honey.

>signed a law banning all abortions after six weeks
Is that what is considered the pro-life stance? How is that not reasonable to pro-choice supporters?

Just like when other murderers make public appearances.

Because she's a piece of shit. youtube.com/watch?v=-9eMIexNNo4

Kys roasted, instead of just your own children

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Because if you are full with meds or other reasons you don't know until its too late. 12 weeks would be reasonable, six is way to short

Infant Murderers gather to Slaughter unborn Infants for Greed.

This. I just don't care anymore. Fuck you people, if all abortion was criminalized tomorrow I would not care, because I hate you.

Fuck you baby killer!

Then fuck off to some liberal paradise. You can have all the spics and abortion you want there.

>implying a majority of women are getting pregnant on birth control mishaps

*does a backflip over your head*
*grabs your arm and twists it behind your back before you can react*
Well, well, it would seem we've found ourselves in a most precarious position...havent we?
Here's what's going to happen. You're going to apologize for that comment. I dont tolerate that garbage in my threads. Then, you're going to leave this website and never come back, got it?
*twists your arm further up, eliciting an involuntary gasp of pain from your lips*
Hurry up, kid, I dont have all day.

>And you wonder why we hate Trump. Fuck yourselves.
>I’m the devil I kill babies
Trump saved unborn babies lives
Keep your legs together #Sexstrike


it was probably the politician that fucked her?

>it’s not considered evil to not want unborn children to be killed
Just end it, send a fucking planetoid our way and end this fucking ride.


lmao move to another state then u daft POS, why don't you move out of the country. oh wait u won't because ur all talk u stupid faggot lord

Hey, some of us like killing small children

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>If you feel shame amd guilt and revulsion, you should probably reconsider your life choices
So, you're all open and candid white nationalists, then? Care to share your social media profiles, where you vocally support Nazi ideology under your real legal name?

Go on. None of you are ASHAMED, are you?

Stay mad bitch

Social media? I dont have that. I live in the middle of the country, far from anywhere.
I assure you, being late for church is abbigger faux pas than being pro white and pro american amongst my peers

Good. She should be shamed, the whore. I don't want her name, I just want her to remember this moment. And wonder why the people who did this to her did this.

I used to be a volunteer clinic escort. It's an unpleasant job. Sometimes people just come in for birth control, not pregnant, never been pregnant, and those fundies just chimp the fuck out. It's unreal. One of them followed me home once.

keep your legs closed....WHORE

Hi user, this is Kevin Poulsen from The Daily Beast. Mind if we use your comment in our next article?

oh no, that sucks

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That said, this flag is my ideology and go ahead and ask pol if Im socially 'in' around here. Im only here because these poor socialist children are the only ones who dare call out the jews.
But I dont hide my power level irl or here, and I dont hide my beliefs.

Asking dumb questions user, please use critical thinking and if it’s rhetorical your pretty edgy to say that

Good. Abortion is basically murder

Nice try. False moral equivalency. First, you're assuming that it's wrong to be a white nationalist. The only thing that makes it wrong is the cabal of social media personalities who say so. Besides, there's no risk to having an abortion. You won't lose your job over it. You'll get hardly any pushback at all. Second, we have a right to protest whatever the fuck we want. She wasn't injured. Her name wasn't released. She keeps her anonymity, the dissenters keep their right to dissent. We do not have that right. We would be booted off of any platform without freedom of speech. Twitter, Facebook, etc. And it would be public.



I want to move to Kentucky. I want to own guns and make some friends who'll teach me how to hunt. Most of the world is going to shit but Kentucky seems to be going the other way

Yeah, but you have to use the direct quote "chimp the fuck out".

Well, it turned out she was actually a pretty hot chick and she followed me home for some dick.

If you said that to my face and not online, I would tare you apart with my bear hands.

Kentucky overwhelmingly wants to get rid of that shit and overwhelmingly voted Trump.


Hey sweetie ever think you should nurture and care for a baby instead of killing it?

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That’s hilarious

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My sides

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We just recently approved concealed carry without the need of license. Starts real soon.

Shut up euro fag yes she does

>1 post by this jew

The solution is raise the children to not have sex unless they want a family, that it is far more important to do something good or right than just freedom alone. Freedom alone is in the dark, thus paradoxical to the concept of freedom.

How can you be free if you have no lamp, let alone oil?

six weeks is enough to realize you missed your period and become concerned about it, fucking kys

Then take some fucking responsibility for yourself and stop killing children because you refuse that responsibility. Disgusting and selfish.

>we hate trump

You hate being called out on your bullshit. Most abortions aren't the result of rape. It's a walk of shame for a reason. I hate baby killers.

See how that works?

Wow, that's officially based beyond belief! I had an ambition to go to Australia but I can't rightly move to a land that's almost as bad as the UK.

Damn. I really needed this today. Thots being patrolled is a real pick-me-up.

Some of you burgers are alright


Actually I've read this post and it's more based

She deserves what she will get, and that is the fires of hell.

*shoves you to the ground*
*tears well up*
*cheeks turn red*

leave me the FUCK ALONE

signs are too tame, there should be at least one calling her a stupid whore

McConnell is going to get 65% of the vote next year, and Beshear is going to get btfo'd. When that happens, Ginsburg will die, and Roe v Wade will be gone, and Bevin will be deciding whether our state keeps abortion? How does this make you feel?

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They don’t feel shamed or guilty, they are oppressed and attacked. This woman is murdering her child and everyone knows it. Her shame and guilt are from doing something wrong, not the result of be persecuted for telling the truth.

it's funny how these cunts don't listen to men who don't want to be fathers and then demand child support, at the same time don't listen to men who do want to be fathers and get an abortion. Law is unjust and unfair towards men.

But getting an abortion is very woke user. You should be PROUD of being a worthless whore. Now being white though, that's a whole other story.

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Liberals should have left well enough alone. This is what happens when you freaks go too far, the backlash is real and these states aren't fucking around. Should have never been legal in the first place but, here we are.

We live in a matriarchal society now user. Feminists will screech about the patriarchy all day, but all laws favor women. This is the first thing they've "lost" in a long time, but these cunts need reigned in and this just might save a few souls down the road to boot.

God bless your mom, toothpaste bro.

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>This is the reality for women here. There's only one place left to get an abortion in our entire state.
Aaaaand that's a GOOD thing.
Afaok men have never had any bodily autonomy rights at all, ever. So why should women have some ? Right : they don't deserve them either.

Also: why should murder EVER be a right ?
Why then shouldn't dociety be allowed to abort women who murder children ?!
Riddle me THAT!

Yes she does. We're in this situation because too many people have said, "it's fine" or "I don't care" for too long.