Why is Trump so openly hated in Britain?

Why can’t Brits accept that Trump was democratically elected, very much unlike the next UK Prime Minister who will be voted into power by just 0.2% of Brits.

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According to who? MSM?

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Brits also hated an anorexicn Indian and a fat dutchman.
Oh wait, the correct word is "feared."

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The funny part is the royal family in Britain ancestors were german.

no buts there yank, we wuz pirates n shiet, navigatin dem low waters with battleships like bausses


That’s a myth, they are all Angloed... Melania has more German blood in her veins.

I mean the BBC hates him, I honestly have no idea what actual Brits think or why I should care.

>Why is Trump so openly hated in Britain?


People outside of London don't give a fuck about what Londoners think.

That's why Brexit has won 2 out of 2 elections.

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Because the role of the British at this point is to play good cop in counterpart to the US as bad cop.

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based and fireship pilled

nobody cares about the jewish puppet outside London

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It's not your father's BBC. From the small amount I consume, it's roughly on par NPR, except less of a one-trick pony so that you might as easily get some quality content as a lethal dose of bluepills.

I don’t even like Trump anymore because of the off the handle Israel shit, failure on the border and bump stock ban but let’s be honest he’s still too much of a man for the Brits. Remember every man with a spin left that island before 1776, that’s why we love freedom and they love pretending airguns aren’t toys and allowing knife bins to be a thing.

How come he was welcomed in open arms in Japan but not here?

>democratically elected

Not really. Like his Republican predecessor, he actually had fewer votes.

The Brits are all effeminate cucks. The Irish are even worse.

He's a symbol of Brexit and upsetting the Bilderberg / CFR / Trilateral style apple cart. He hasn't really done much of anything that Japan isn't on board with other than shaking things up with North Korea in a disconcerting fashion that ultimately played out reasonably well so far for all sides.

>open arms in Japan

That didn't happen. He pretty much sunk that with his positive comments about North Korea and his weird request to move the USS John McCain out of sight.

They were courteous, but he's pretty much a pariah wherever he goes.

India is openly saying they're going to ignore him and make a deal with whoever comes next. I imagine most countries are quietly adopting the same strategy.

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>How come he was welcomed in open arms in Japan but not here?

I can explain this in one picture

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There's an organised minority of very loud Trump-hating wankers.
Most Brits like him a lot.

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Such bad trolling. Even NPR openly admitted the USS McCain stunt was too strange to use as a plot point.

>that didnt happen
Is that what CNN told you?
Look how he gets cheered by the crowd, not a single boo

>every man with a spine ran away


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burgers didn't really think through the 'all the brave people ran away' meme did they?

Basically the guardian and a few Labour knobs kicking up a stink. Most people here think he's great. We love people who don't give a fuck

Because he's an uncouth and uncivilised pathological liar?

I don't understand the unironic worship of Trump. You can elect who you want, but don't fucking piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. This guy comments on every fucking country on earth and gets upset some SJWs that already dislike go attention whore.

Thin skinned and dense fat fucks

Because they scripted it that way