where's dat superior race now, you fool?
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Nothing personal, kid
Didn't expect CroCop to lose.
They are athletically superior
"a snicker a day keeps the niggers away™ "
It's what's inside that counts, AJ was the superior athlete but got beat by a short fat man, because he was fighting for his kids and securing their future with 5 million dollars
He was promptly submitted after this. Fedor shrugged that shit off like nothing. Randleman was a pretty good wrestler, but prime Fedor was a freak of nature. Shit bait
The top fighters of UFC are not black. They are not represented in the UFC like they are in the NFL.
at least show a webm of a nigger actually winning, you smelly paki. fedor fucked him up right after that.
Hmmm i prefer to see this,,, nothing personal negro
Anthony, go to bed
Jon Jones is literally the strongest in UFC right now, retard
poor negroes, what happened? you all got cucked over an overweight mexican. you can't even bring the racism card
Its not about winning you gypsie, its about performance, and Randleman executed the perfect slam that would be remembered in MMA history. Fedor won by luck and his puny submission will not be remembered.
I hate Joshua, and hopefully he gets shot dead in a driveby. His entire career is manufactured and rigged...and that includes losing this fight on purpose to further avoid Wilder, who would DESTROY him within 2 rounds. Eddie Hearn is a conman that admitted he is guiding Joshuas career to avoid Wilder.
Jon Jones roids
>Its not about winning
>If you kill your enemies they win.
Coping this much. I guess it's true that at some point you start inbreeding on your shitty island hence your drop in IQ.
UK blacks aren't built like our blacks, they don't come from da struggle...
Don't laugh yet, user. He's going to be a billionaire
Another nigger getting RICED!
Oh No no no! How can niggers compete with us asian men?
is that shit legal?
You mean most white fighters, like Brock Lesnar
You sure about that?
>Fedor won by luck
Yes ;)
Another black man submitting to a strong asian man.
Castizo masterrace bitches. Also Anthony Joshua was a fraud and a paper champion. Glad he got put down.
what happened to the black men? i thought they were the superior genes
Anthony lost so bad hes now come to Jow Forums to post his cope.
I thought black bois were good fighters
Any webms of of this fight?
Man ive been called a dumb beaner by so many blacks since Joshua lost. Mining nigger salt on social media has never been easier. They really cant stand that a Mexican American stole that fake ass champions belts.
Based Pablo showing Tyrone who's boss
Only american blacks are good fighters, the caucasian race (nords, meds, armenoids, celts, semites, etc) is the strongest race.
The fights on YouTube. It's worth watching the whole thing. The webms really dont do it justice.
You can't change the fact that black fighters are better
Oh man the negro cope is sad. Face it, la Raza is better than your shit ass ape people.
Hot. I'd pay for this treatment
Fedor won that fight.
Name a single wars niggers have won by themselves.
>banned twice for roiding
wonder why he is so strong
He's a bong nigger. That butterbeaner could probably beat Wilder too.
Gypsy King shuts them all up.
Fedor won that fight lulz
Randleman was juiced to the gills too
how convenient the only webm seeing a negro winning is when he is not limited to just fists
lol are you serious? do blacks and hispanics really not get along?
He's not the strongest, he's the best fighter.
gypsy 2-time king?
you'd be surprised
You can tell he doesnt want to actually hit them. Its women, the moment you hit them it's off to jail.
this is silly
you can find images, GIFs, videos of anyone of any race beating anyone of any other race up and claim they are superior
what we need is data.
Which race wins more fights on average?
LMAO keep denying wetback
Mighty Mouse is one of the best UFC fighters of all time.
Are you blind? You can see him throwing kicks and punches, the average white can't fight
That's why they always have to gang up in street fights; right?
Here's how it always goes
>group of biggers surrounds white guy
>White guy fights one nigger gains the upper hand
>other 5 niggers all attack at once as soon as their friend starts losing
Yeah such great fighters
That was a pretty good fight desu. Shame everybody has to make it about race when blacks beat whites all the time and vice versa
No he didn't. All he did was grab at them he literally never tried that
>black fighters are better
Mestizo boxers are dumb and really tough, and it works sometimes. But your best boxer (Canelo) is white and fights technical, and even gets some hate for not fighting like a dumb Mexican.
I even watched it again just to be sure. He does one shove, that's literally all. Lol
Of course they are, they're violent by nature
That's not why they're better, they're better at any sport that requires explosive strength, as people with West African ancestry have more fast twitch muscle fibers.
What was that white boi?
Niggers always btfo if captain save a ho is too busy to intervene
nigger cope lmao
that dude isnt white dipshit
doesn't roll off the tongue as well
Nah your right and wrong, If blacks have more explosive strength then why are most Worlds strongest men White?
>Gypsy King shuts them all up.
This. It's a shame Fury is a headcase because if he gave boxing his full focus he could be one of the greatest.
he's thinking of the niggers we bred for farm work. your average african nigger is a scrawny stick boy
So why don't they excel at oly lifting?
God I hate niggers so much.
The lowest form of life on this planet,
Without dignity, honor, or industriousness.
The American nigger is a plague on the planet.
regardless of race.big muscles doesn't correlate to being able to fight.
Is not about winnin n sheit. It's about losing while lookin good n sheit.
doesn't hurt. start those push ups
In combat sports, and most sports for that matter, big muscles are generally a hindrance. Joshua looks more like a bodybuilder than an athlete. No wonder he gassed so fast.
Butthurt Jamal
>his puny submission will not be remembered
And yet there were like 5 anons here to remember that all shut you the fuck down.
Cope harder
Nobody gets along, user. Populations naturally fucking hate each other. You can handle a minority, and befriend individuals, but when numbers even out shit gets mean.
Picks a guy on so many fucking PED's he popped his heart at ye olde age of 44 as an example of a "superior race"
Dude looks 20 years older than he did in his last fight. Got that Kimbo Slice look going on.
thats fine, but he isnt white
hah the famous nigger glass jaw
Kind of funny actually
Isnt that the cunt that blinded based Yuki Nakai?
>we wuz polynesians n shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
>literally the strongest in UFC right now, retard
stupid nigga
>when you accidentally hit the taunt button