Okay, I just finished this and holy shit, you Jow Forumstards were actually right. The jews are actually actively trying to destroy white's because at the moment there are more high IQ whites than jews and they want to make everyone a mixed race 90 IQ underclass. I feel like I'm in another world after reading this shit.
Okay, I just finished this and holy shit, you Jow Forumstards were actually right...
Other urls found in this thread:
I learned all that just by lurking the youtube comment section
What it doesn't tell you is that the Jewish problem is solved by gunning them down out of positions, not as individual Mossad shooters, but as a militia.
People are reading the Culture of Critique!
>not as individual Mossad shooters, but as a militia.
Let's be real, if there was a group of shooters, you'd just call them a team of mossad agents too. If you're not ready to accept Tarrant as one of us then you wouldn't accept a group of Tarrants either, you fucking cuck.
People are reading "Culture of Critique."
it took quite some time to figure it out but you can just look it up and it's always them, it's always some berg or stein or blat or a cohen. EVERY SINGLE TIME!!
>Let's be Rabbis
Just gas yourself already Mahmoud.
Hit a nerve? Fuck off pussy.
That book changed the way I view the world.
What's even more damning is that it was banned form amazon. You could literally make a book called "genocide all white people" and it wouldn't get banned from amazon. It's that old quote about the way to figure out who is in charge is who you aren't allowed to criticize.
>If you're not ready to accept Tarrant as one of us then you wouldn't accept a group of Tarrants either, you fucking cuck.
next level retarded. Tarrant is not /ourguy/ because the enemies have never been arabs. they have equally been fucked over through regime change wars and constant missile strikes by (((America))) onto their homes. Unless someone is ready to address the jewish question- and not say "a jew in their land is not my enemy" like a cuck- then all these psyop faggots are MOSSAD agents
Just FYI Ethan Cofnis has debunked every argument in this so-called "Book"
its not smart people taking IQ tests, dipshit.
Holy fuck youre dumb.
Copypaste these based debunkings and arguments
I'm sure it's "debunked" the same way contrapoints debunks 100% of genetics and evolution too huh?
>the enemies have never been arabs
Lmfao, why do you deny 1,400 years of muslim agression, why do you deny the pevalence of grooming gangs, rape, sexual assault, beheadings and terrorist attacks across europe? Neither kikes nor arab fucking shitskins are our friends. Both must leave european lands or fucking die.
Just FYI KMac has debunked every argument in Ethan Cofnis' so-called "debunking"
Now he can debunk Israeli war crimes.
>Because the Sandmonkeys are merely a tool used by a certain hand.
You really think they're just murdering, raping children and trying to replace us just because the kikes told them to? Fucking monumental retardation on display here, you've been mindfucked by psyops son.
Explain this to me
so has my rabbi, Yhitkak Rhabin
How can the Frankfurt School be real if our eyes aren't real?
I read his rebuttal and all it boiled down to was "but not all jews do this so you cant say it's the jews"
Welcome brother. They are actually the racist ones that started all of this shit.
Yeah because the history of muslim agression towards europe started in fucking 1948 didn't it? Stop fucking lying by omission you scumfuck piece of rat shit.
I swear even you brainlets are worse than sandniggers and kikes combined.
You're only beginning to realize how bad things really are.
>it's not on Amazon anymore
>it's trending at about 200% of its retail value
Oh I'm totally convinced now, I'll just ignore everything shitskin subhuman arabs do because well they were just simply "tricked" into fucking raping our kids. Fuck you, you stupid fucking cunt.
I don't think it would have been as impactful were it not for the first two books.
>Fellate Jews in two volume academic work
>best got
>Third book, referencing scholarly sources, cites jewish involvement in nearly every destructive facet of society
>jews help our enemies try to undermine europe
Imagine my fucking shock. BOTH OF THEM ARE OUR ENEMIES YOU RETARD.
Well put up or shut up you fucking imbecile, you do fucking better, make your fucking militia and do what you think is more effective. You wont though, because you're a fucking impotent COWARD.
Oh shit pretty sure I bought mine from amazon but still haven’t read it cause Im a lazy cunt. When did it get banned?
Ah but it's totally ok when european nations do the same shit via colonialism though, naturally
For every action there is a reaction
Are your eyes so close together you can't read anymore? This isn't Jewish trickery. It's a fucking Jewish strategy that is as ancient as your fucking reading comprehension. They have the wherewithal to pressure Muslims to either defend themselves to death or invade the Jew's enemies. Are you going to use a bucket to salvage a sinking boat or are you going to plug the hole? Someone put this britbong out of his misery.
Camps’ll make em’ Lamps
Whatever faggot. Carry on sucking muslim cock all day, see where it gets you. You'll end up as a fucking eunuch paying jizya to the caliphate you utter fucking mong.
The difference child is that Europeans leave something of value behind where ethnics leave a wake of destruction.
Checked. They are
welcome to the club user
soon as I heard Amazon banned it. I read all banned books
Talmudic Jews were the main slave holders of the American South. All those plantations? All owned by Kikes. They never taught that in public school history class did they?
78% of slave owners were Jews. Another 10% were black. Only 12% were actually whites. OY VEYYY
Facts are anti Semitic goyim
There's something to be said about studying a subject deeply and doing some reading though.
You had to read this book to get redpilled? Lmao I realized Jews hated my race in college when I asked my Jewish friend to his face why Europe should be multicultural but Israel shouldn’t. He never answered and instead did that weird neurotic sweaty Jewish thing that they do when they’re called out.
Anyone with two brain cells at this point in history should be able to see that double standard and realize what’s going on
Source? I want to be able to defend the claim if I have to
Lol gassed
You are a fucking muslim, no doubt in my fucking mind. No other way you could possibly excuse what the fuck they're doing to us here in europe today, or what they've done over the last 1,400 years. I'll see kikes, niggers and arabs swinging from the fucking streetlamps in my lifetime. I promise.
Yeah that's right, kikes have been opening the gates for invaders since medieval times.
>for invaders
Yup. So BOTH groups are our enemies, BOTH need to fucking go or DIE.
>1 post by this ID
the kike hit and ran away. typical.
whites know their money, therefor power, is completely fake
kikes corrupt and fake everything, it's all they know
That's why they hate and fear the white human.
White-black racism is being pushed hard, while whitey is being ethnically cleansed. And we have a kike sock puppet as 2016 savior. A fucking billionaire wasn't enough, their fake money bought them everything... nothing will change until whitey wakes up from that scam and claims their gold back.
Yes this
cofnas didn't even address the main premise. His whole response is based on a strawman
>leave something of value behind
Then why were most colonies shitholes even pre-independance? Why bother even going independent if there was something in them worth preserving?
Nothing goes further to support the thesis of this book than the fact that it was banned on Amazon.
>noa doubt in mah mund
You won't get to see anything of the sort. Mahmoud and friends will rape and burn your cities while you shitpost for eternity on your fat ass watching ecelebs, while Jews send more to reinforce their desolation and dialing up the censorship against Islamuhphobia and antisemitism. Waste away wondering why you couldn't put a stop to it.
Good job showing your cards, you fucking subhuman shitskin retard.
Andrew Joyce, a TOO contributor, was banned from twitter for pointing out specific names in current day refugee activist organizations. No hate, no threats, nothing but giving their names. The Jewish involvement in shaping past and current immigration policy is not loony tin foil hat conspiracy theories, it's right there to see if one simply takes the time to look.
And they say Europeans are worth saving. Sooner or later Jews will have to issue loicenses for whites to congregate in fear of an actual uprising and not some concert sung by shitskins.
Aww, reality hurts, doesn't it?
How about you prove him wrong by getting off your fat ass and doing something.
what are you doing about it huh?
Shitskin muslims posing as white people, trying to get people to hate our warriors who cull their subhuman population from our lands. Not working boys. Not fucking working.
For some reason I ignored the JQ for a long time. Doing a little research is all it takes to see it's always the god damn Jews. You guys were indeed right.
Lol boomer
What a horrible misuse of the boomer meme, you stick out like a sore thumb, kike.
>this is all i got
I honestly expected it. You'll be here to shitpost tomorrow, and the next day, and the following week. You don't have friends, you don't have a company of men, or soldiers in this generation. All we witness is some Mossad shooter that translates to Zogmutts crying out to invade some muslim shithole nation so they eventually seek refuge in europe.
We need to act
>More high IQ whites
Not according to Jordan Peterson
>Three standard deviations advantage for the general population puts an individual at 99.9%. That’s .001 of the population, so .001 X 200,000,000 (using your figures) = 200,000 “white gentiles” with an IQ of 145 or more.
>Two standard deviations advantage for the Jewish population (with an estimated mean IQ of 115) means an IQ above 97.7% of the Jewish population. That’s .023 of the population, so .023 X 6.000,000 = 138,000
But jordan peterson is a jewish shill and you are right that book is amazing.
Lol you’re the one defending some mossad trainee killing muzzies while you suck jew dick.
>All we witness is some Mossad shooter that translates to Zogmutts crying out to invade some muslim shithole nation
Nah fuck that, just remove them from the TRUE holy land of the white man known as Europe. They can fucking kill eachother and fuck their family members as much as they like outside of europe, they're more than welcome to create a hell on earth for eachother, don't give a fuck.
>while you suck jew dick.
Yeah I guess me being okay with the indescriminate killing of kikes all across europe is "sucking jew dick" lmfao. Off yourself you fucking subhuman shitskin arab FAGGOT.
to be fair, while Tarrant was fundamentally right about browns replacing whites, i think he did goof up by merely trying to address a symptom of the replacement (muzzies) rather than the cause (kikes). I read and understand the reasoning he puts for in his manifesto but i don't think his prognosis of causing lots of muslims to retaliate with church attacks and subsequent white radicalization is working out, although perhaps that remains to be seen. all we really saw was the sri lankan bombing, and that was mostly browns killing browns. he was dead-on about new zealand cucking out completely as a response to his move. as long as jews have so much influence over the anglosphere, cuckoldry from whites is the only predictable response.
>.10€ has been deposited into your account.
>i think he did goof up by merely trying to address a symptom of the replacement (muzzies) rather than the cause (kikes)
Pic related. If you assassinated some high profile subversive media kike/politician in europe I'm sure Tarrant would be quite pleased.
well even according to jordan peterson the are more whites with genius tier iqs than jews so I don't know why you say that. Not to mention the 115 figure is cherry picked from a study with a ridiculous sample size. If you take all of the literature on jewish iq into account the average figure is 107.5 for ashkenazi jews in the US.
fuck i still have to finish it
been reading up on the word of tarrant and earnest
will have to go back to it
and the average nonhispanic white iq is 102. So there is a difference but it isn't astronomical. People like jordan peterson *have to* cherry pick and inflate numbers to try and negate the argument jews practice nepotism/ethnocentrism. And even then choosing the upper estimates can't fully explain jewish overrepresentation in things like the media and college acceptances etc.
It's nepotism. They preach diversity but stay together like a tribe.
Thanks, good stuff
Christcore reading
>the everlasting man
>meditations on the tarot
>mere christianity
Any more?
Kudos to you. I regard that book as unreadable.
I want every user here to write a 20-page compare-and-contrast paper on The Culture of Critique and The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. Due 22 June (in honor of Operation Barbarossa).
Blaise Pascal - Pensées, Mind on Fire, etc.
B.A.R.P. (Based and RedPilled)
Thanks, I have read pascal and forgot to add him
jews are rapidly breeding themselves out of existence. The problem will solve itself if whites can band together and work as a team, but whites always want to fight amongst themselves (eg. antifa vs alt-right, germans vs brits vs french, etc)
you ignored it because you were programed to do it by them. Once you break that conditioning you will never believe or not believe without research. It's beautiful.