Should i take my prescribed antipsychotics and
trust the narrative that big pharma is a conspiracy
or should i self-medicate and test LSD for the first time?
Should i take my prescribed antipsychotics and
trust the narrative that big pharma is a conspiracy
or should i self-medicate and test LSD for the first time?
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if you're going to trip then don't take the kike pills for a month or so as they can interfere with the trip
Take your meds and stop being a fag.
im thinking this too. been off the meds for 1 month now and I get thoughts of suicide a lot now. As a matter of fact i know that if we had liberal gun laws in this country i'd been dead a long time ago, because im too scared to jump/hang myself.
LSD isn't some panacea
>I get thoughts of suicide a lot now
welcome to urf
Mixing LSD with anti-psychotics is not recommended. I guarantee you'll fuck up and fuck up hard.
Get off the jew drugs for a month then skip the LSD and go for straight DMT instead.
both are wrong lol
dont take this shit it fucks up your organs and can give you diabetes