First Man in 2018

>First Man in 2018
>Apollo 11 by CNN films in 2019
>now this

Am I the only fucking one that thinks this is sketchy? What is up with all the moon shit all the sudden?

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didn't nasa announce they wanna go to the moon 2024 and not come back or some shit

People like the moon so what? Take your meds schizo

Its just because it's been 50 years since Apollo 11 and NASA are getting antsy. They probably need to plan some crazy shit before their budget tanks even more.

Got to reinforce all the NASA lies. Nigger tier effort on the original footage

You're as dumb as a box of moon rocks.

>Am I the only fucking one that thinks this is sketchy?
It's the END. in your ID I mean


Boeing is building the Space Launch System for NASA. It's running over budget because it is new tech. To get more money for it, they need to get people excited about space.

They could just take back a lot of government Gibs from burdensome darkies but that might trigger a rebellion, so they have to get creative. The problem with all the Government Money Dependents is they get paid to have more children. This creates a cycle where there will always be too many mouths to feed and such people will demand no more progress until we get more government money. Some cuck at the top caves and gives them more money. The cycle repeats.

The Monarchies and Empires of the past knew very well why you don't just give in to every demand of the poor. The Post World War II generations are a special kind of stupid though. Space travel ain't cheap, boys. Neither is paying for the lower classes to breed relentlessly. Starve the darkies. This world has no easy choices.

>stuff is happening I don't understand because I isolate myself from reality
>clearly this is all connected to some greater conspiracy and the most complicated possible answer is the best

schizophrenia is truly a marvel

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>What is up with all the moon shit all the sudden?

NASA needs to do something before SpaceX go to Mars in 2024 or they will look utterly fucking retarded

I came to post this lol

None of it is going to happen. Musk is a fraud. It's just another way for a few corporations to steal taxpayer money.

>amerifat conspiracies

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this is the correct non-meme answer

Soibois are spacefags and have been trained to spend money like a woman.

50th anniversary.

NASA's had a lunar return plan on the backburner since 2004, but constant Congressional meddling and King Nigger's outreach agenda fucked a lot of it up.

Under Trump it's actually gotten pretty reasonably back on schedule. NASA is on track for an unmanned lunar flyby next year with their new capsule (though their are discussions of using a commercial LV if the SLS isn't ready by then), and aiming for a manned mission within five years with the intent of establishing a permanent research outpost on the surface and an orbital station (dubbed 'Gateway') which will serve as a staging point for future manned missions to Mars and other deep space destinations.

>steal taxpayer money
>from Israel and welfare
fucking lmao. he's creating competition for NASA, something it hasn't had since the collapse of the soviet union, which is absolutely imperative for aeronautical advancement. If your definition of a "fraud"is somebody like Elon Musk based on the fact that he receives subsidies like so many other industries in America then you are fucking retarded. Are farm subsidies a fraud? Because those are the only reason your milk is not as expensive as Canada's, you retarded faggot.

I keep hearing this "Elon Musk is actually retarded and not a genius" from you bitter ignorant underachieving low class mutts. Literally what the fuck have you accomplished with your bundles of virtue, you whinging nigger?

This asinine rhetoric screams of envy

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>Absolute fag
What else do you believe in "depression"?

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>What is up with all the moon shit all the sudden?
moon base in 5 years

>constant Congressional meddling and King Nigger's outreach agenda fucked a lot of it up.
don't forget Bush led IC blowing up and ending the shuttle program so they could build retard spy data centers instead

you need a big bus to get the big gear up there, good luck getting a similar team together now

everyone said fuck this and did other shit, you will never get that team back together and nobody else knows how it works

What is up?
More and more people are waking up to the fake space programs / existence of outer space itself. So they have to pump out their garbage space missions and promises of space exploration on the double to keep the masses in their perpetual space fantasy.

>What is up with all the moon shit all the sudden?
they're going to fake it with better technology this time

Shuttle program was a massive boondoggle. It was built decades ago with the idea of being used as a workhorse for developing infrastructure in low orbit, but public and political interest in space in the 80s and 90s plummeted and we spent the better part of 20 years building the ISS because the government couldn't be fucking bothered to give it real funding and support. The shuttle was supposed to make space travel 'routine', instead all it managed to do was keep manned spaceflight in limbo for three decades.

Phasing the shuttle program out should have started earlier, but it took another shuttle accident to finally get people to act.

capital is looking for a home. tech firms have been geeked on cash and need to do something with it. it's a dog and pony show for potential equity and/or bond investors. if they do something viable, great. probably just the sign of the times though.

Too many normies started looking up youtube videos on the moon landing being faked.

They cannot have one of thier most successful psyops fall to pieces because of random internet shitposters

gotta keep the big lie going

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