HYPOTHETICAL: Return to the Blade

In the Autumn of 2017, the Great State of Texas legalized the open-carry of swords and other large, bladed weapons, including knives, daggers, spears, bardiches, and so on.

A cursory googling of "sword related deaths in Texas" yields no results, save for 1 single incident in the year 2012.

I understand the imperative of preserving firearm rights and the second amendment; however, were guns to actually be illegalized the world over, including military and police application, what kind of a future can you see.

Please remember this question is purely hypothetical, so suspend your disbelief for a time and dream with me.

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We really need to start locking you retards up.

Feel like you're the dual-wielding type. These might be right up your alley ;)

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lmao you pathetic racist, you really think that carrying a sword around like some kind of larpy faggot is going to secure you an ethnostate for yourself and your own "people"? fucking pathetic

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The idea is "what if" not "we should," you illiterate nigger. For example, what if you kill yourself? Like today?

It's legal to open carry a sword in California and I've been thinking about doing it for a while, since I'm a nobleman and directly descendant from real knights.

Would still probably get the cops called on me tho.

Everybody laughs at a guy walking up to them with a sword until their jawbone comes spinning off.

Real talk, all these gun motherfuckers are going to be out of bullets from shooting each other (and birds) after the first month of collapse. After the second month, all the gun motherfuckers who stockpiled insane amounts of bullets will be out too.

Blades don't need reloading.

What if I invent a sword with a hollow blade filled with smaller cylindrical swords, full of combustible material that would hurtle at high speeds towards my opponent when said material was sparked by a third trigger-and-firing-mechanism shaped sword?

Protip: wear a cape, or a cloak, or at least a fancy medieval hat. This will make it much easier to avoid suspicion when open carrying medieval weapons in public.

I'm not sure if in places where open-carry guns were legal, laws concerning projectiles would still be in place. E.g. ballistic knives, and bow/arrows are not probably okay to open carry.