95% of Americans have never been on a high speed train

>95% of Americans have never been on a high speed train

I wish I could blame there brown skin but even third world countries are starting to build them

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Why should we have these trains?

I'd much rather hop into one of these to go cross country.

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Americans fly.

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america wouldn't really benefit from them because of how everything is spaced apart, it's hard to understand unless you've been to america and you've been to somewhere with a decent rail system

I wish america had cool trains and better public transportation, but it's not really that viable or beneficial

So, what am I missing out on?

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i never been on a train

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We call ours 'airplanes'

>public transport
I've also never been on welfare. I guess either of those is something to be embarrassed by...?

We had it at one point. Got pushed out cuz the auto industry jews couldn't handle competition.

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This, USA is big enough that most people would rather just take a plane over a long distance or use the highways. The real question is why don't we have an Autobahn like system where you can go as fast as you want, some American roads are just straight lines for over a hundred miles.

>I pull statistics directly from my butthole to make threads.

Plane tickets are cheap, brother.

Honestly not much unless you’re on first class, they’re definitely more comfortable than planes but not nearly as fast. It’s a wash.

Because I drive a high speed truck.

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>Riding on trains instead of personal transportation


This, too. Took me 3 days of doing 70mph+ from sunrise to almost sunset to get from one end of the country to the other via car. America is big. The only real places rails have any practical use is in big cities for intra-city transport.

I have an hour long commute to work each day, I have 30 minutes to the nearest decent size grocery store(not counting small gas station restaraunt combos) and 45 minutes to the nearest city. But honestly I like being this remote.

My situation is a little extreme but keep in mind the majority of america doesn't live in a big city like new york or LA. Rails wouldn't make sense anywhere around here. Everyone has 1 or 2 cars at their disposal. Tires are cheap, gas is cheap, and a decent used car is relatively cheap.

Why bother? Do you Bongs know how big the US even is? California's train FROM LA to San Francisco is a pipe dream.

no but I've been on an airplane which is much faster and doesn't stop every 5 minutes to let on more niggers.

your whole country is the size of one of our states lol

We only have a few city regions close enough together to warrant high-speed transit like this. Almost all places are either close enough to drive, or far enough to take a plane. We're not going to spend billions on an advanced system that fills a role we don't need filled just because other countries can get their money's worth out of it.

How much of the world can fly across the continent, round trip, for less than one week's worth of wages?

or maybe something like this and do a little camping along the way

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That there is a portable house. I once crossed the country L.A. to Maryland while sleeping in my car showering at 24hr fitness homeless style.

because trains are for poor people

Ive only ever been on one trian, an old coal burner from the 1800's. I got to make it go choo choo. I miss being eight years old.

There are Ryanair tickets for $20 or something. But you get what you paid for. Think of it as a flying bus that will try to find any way to jew you.

>forgot to print boarding pass at home? that'll be 45 euros

>How much of the world can fly across the continent, round trip, for less than one week's worth of wages?

You mean less than one days wage? Do you?

We get our paychecks by the week often here.

the amount of people who've never been on a train is fucking weird to me

Trains are shit.

I'm so ashamed, I've never had to rely on public transport or welfare. My car gets me to work every day just fine.

is that way

There's no point, we'd have to tear down all our cities and rebuild them except DC, Boston, and NYC which obviously isn't going to happen

Flying in Europe is quite cheap, it's usually like $50-100

>america wouldn't really benefit from them because of how everything is spaced apart,

Menwhile china buils a highspeed train from beijing to shanghai

Trains are gay

you can take a train from NYC to LA if you want to, but it's not highspeed

You do realize high speed rail goes at 160 mph at minimum? It's faster than air travel unless your flight is longer than four hours.

This is the classic answer, but it's not completely true.
Finland, compared to the United States, has a lower population density in both urban areas and in the country overall. Yet Finland has robust intracity and intercity public transportation networks.
Why is this? The answer lies in the clientele of public transit. Certainly public transportation, no matter where, will be disproportionately used by those of lower incomes. However, in the case of Finland, lower incomes often means children coming home to/from school (how Finnish schoolchildren compare to Americans I am not certain, but they are probably calmer and less brown on average), as well as senior citizens. In America, lower income people are minorities on welfare who have no sense of manners and will gladly ruin your commute if you are a "choice rider" (the term utilized for people who rely on public transportation despite having a car at their disposal).
In short, since minorities, blacks and Hispanics in particular, have no respect for public goods and services (hence their abuse of welfare and other forms of assistance), they also lack any respect for decorum for the public good that is public transportation. The only way to make public transportation and all other public and government services properly functional is to remove minorities.

t. future urban planner

It's a big bus basically

This thread is about highspeed trains.

>how Finnish schoolchildren compare to Americans I am not certain, but they are probably calmer and less brown on average

White people in London who can afford to do so don't take public transportation bong. Why is that?

yeah they are also INCREDIBLY expensive

Long train journeys are so comfy, I pity people who haven't experienced an overnight train journey with their friends

Trains suck.

we have quite fast ones

you always exit close, but never where you need to be

thats fine with a plane... but a train? it sucks

>wtf I love being stuffed in a bus on rails for hours on end now

London to Paris is 17 minutes by train and is how pretty much every businessman travels now.

I can fly from Dublin to Athens for €50. American airlines are stupidly expensive.

I pity people who cant even use kitchen utensils without government approval

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>99% of British people have never fired a gun.

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>17 minutes

It takes 2 hours.

>Speed limit: 60-80 mph max

That's shorter than the length of a flight from NY to LA, though.
They are comfy for some people, but for most they're just long periods of being in a confined area.

To pass through the channel it takes 17 minutes*

Id rather take the higher speed airplane. Thanks anyways.

You're right, but it's a comfy two hours of getting sloshed

That's still less than half the speed their trains can do

Their countries are the size of New Hampshire though

High speed trains are for situations where it's quicker than an airplane. London to Paris is a good one. You avoid the check-in, the security, all the queuing.

You literally just arrive, get on the train, and get off drunk the other side. Or you can take your car. It saves about an hour plus on the plane.


>We have quite fast ones

Who is we? If you meant the US, no we dont

we dont need high speed trains when we can go buy this and go try to kill ourselves instead of putting around on kiddie bikes begging for l a license

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Much more room than planes

You guys do understand that we have states bigger than some European countries, right?
Just making sure we are on the same page here.

>why don't taxpayers fund national public transit in a country where every city is hundreds of miles apart?

gee I wonder, muhammed

Fuck off and die.

One thing about American life is the terrible public transport desu.

fuckin kek

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>getting triggered by an ok

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It would allow you to live in further out suburbs away from darkies and still have a lucrative city job.

Apparently burgers can't into public transport.
>it's not like I want to ride a train running at 300km/h
>hur other people
Butthurt reaction of people that have no clue about functioning public transport.
Germany's public transport sucks dick too but it doesn't have to be that way, nipland is fucking flawless when it comes to trains.

Sad little mong.

Kek, what a bitch

Why bother when you can drive your pickup truck anywhere you want instead of being some pleb stuffed in a train with a bunch of people all ignoring each other

Nazi scumbag.

Are you bored, my little island monkey?

It wouldn't make sense for most people except businessmen who travel across the country.

The real problem with our transportation is airplane security i.e. the TSA, you used to be able to just show up to the airport and hop on a plane no questions asked, it's not like they actually stop terrorism so we should still be able to do that.

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>1. Connect close by cities to each other, and in the process including nearby suburbs so people can commute without waiting 4 hours in traffic every single day

>2. Repeat 1

It's worked in Japan, China, and almost every single country in Europe.

sounds like the problem is that our cities are full of niggers

in europe i was able to walk across entire cities at night while wasted back to where i was staying without any problems

granted i'm a large male but i'd still get mugged at gunpoint by niggers if i did that in my hometown

england nigger

people in america have cars. freedom on wheels, we dont need trains

You should start with short(ish) distances connecting two cities which have high traffic between them. That's how Japan started their HSR during the 1960s and 1970s. The revenue and ridership numbers then support expanding the system at each of the endpoints and so on and so forth until you have a nation spanning system.

Also people who need to commute from suburbs could really use a high speed high capacity option because traffic congestion is horrible in US cities at almost all times except weekends.

my high speed train was stopped because some guy decided to kys

not saying you should kys, there seems to be some weird people browsing

This is kind of moot because what we really need to do is fix our roads and bridges first.

this sucks

>bloated government projects for consumption by nonwhites
Flag checks out.

> palmiers, google, wtf

I'm isis, be aware and afraid

>Faster than air travel
I assume this statistic has security checkpoints baked into it because iirc bullet trains too at 216mph while Boeing 747 have a cruising speed of around 500mph

>trusting a government employee with your safety at 200mph

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Why do you want people to travel so far when they can have a fulfilling life without needing such method of transportation.

American merchants after WW2 disassembled the American trainsystem and that only freight trains use it.

USA used to have the most advanced train system in the 40's it's how you always see in WW2 movies at Trainstations, it was absoloutely destroyed though after WW2 by the Merchants/companies

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nothing is comfier than an old sleeper train ala resident evil zero

Same, brazilbro

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America has the most extensive passenger rail network in the entire world and has more miles of high speed rail lines than the UK.


the fast ones


the normal ones are similar just that they don't have a resturant onboard since they're going from City to City and all the trains/wagons vary that they use.