Russian Syrian war veteran killed by shitskins in Mowcow
How does this make you feel, Jow Forums?

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>survives combat on foreign soil
>killed by shitskin in homeland

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кaк пeчaльнo yвидeть cмepть eщe oднoгo плaмeни дyши мoeгo нapoдa

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This is fucking sad.
Only dumb Amerimutts will think its funny.


>poor lad probably did not carry a firearm in his homeland
;_; i feel for the lad, its just getting more and more tiresome to get by. If a criminal with an illegal gun decides to put someone to death, that one person is dead, the criminal lives, gets his 10 years for murder out in 8 and thats it, not a costly thing if you ask me

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no no
this is no good

Sad af

>Belyankin rushed to help the victims and first fired a warning shot from his rubber-bullet handgun in an attempt to disperse the crowd. The attackers, however, assaulted him instead. “He could not just move along in such a situation and not interfere,” Belyankin’s friend told the Russian media.

No mention of the attackers’ race. But if he had been armed with something more powerful than a nerf gun he’d be fine

i dont care about anything.

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Seems like a good dude. RIP brother.

Shit's depressing. I remember hearing about some guy that survived 4+ tours as special forces and did all this crazy shit, and was killed 6 months or so after he got home. T-boned by a drunk driver.
Out of all the things he went through *that* was how he goes out. A fucking car wreck.

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Why do the Russians use multicam what happened to the new emr camo?

sometimes i wonder how much of the bad stuff in our lifes is actually US inviting it. I mean what percentage of our deeds is for example inviting a miserable death or a pleasant and great death

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He was Spetsnaz.

No one thinks this is funny asshole


Special forces use whatever they want.

Anytime some bad shit happen in a country other than the US, the thread end up full of you guys making fun of them and overall just being shitposters posting memes. Lets hope you guys can prove me wrong and behave this time...

where does it say they were shitskins?

Everyone knows the GRU's rule. And if you don't, you could probably guess. If anyone wants I can share some info about those, who'll die. And yeah, all muslims. People here are just calling them apes, straight up.
>inb4 source
I'm in close ties to FSB.

Stop projecting nigger. Burgers love the troops, all troops.

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i dont care russians are niggers


Hope his KD was good enough to get him into heaven.

>other than the US
Are you stoned?


Story doesn't even mention shitskins.. for all we know it's a regular vodka fueled bar stabby fight. Or as like Russians like to call them, Friday nights.

That helmet is huge

Indifference. Not a Vodkanigger. Still, a Mud kills without suffering a thousand deaths of its peoples. Justice has not been served. Now, a thousand Muds must die to make this right. If you Vodkas are reading this, YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.
>Muds only understand fear
>Show them absolute fear

>Everyone knows the GRU's rule. And if you don't, you could probably guess. If anyone wants I can share some info about those, who'll die. And yeah, all muslims. People here are just calling them apes, straight up.
Do inform us plebs crypto-rus.

idk what to say so


>rubber bullet handgun
Why would you even carry this

>warning shot
The fuck is a warning shot? You draw a gun, you want someone dead. Rubber-bullet handgun? Fire two center mass ffs. It's not a fucken air-horn.

ahahahhahaha based russia XD based pootin XD

What about non troops?
How do you feel about citizen suffering fates similar to that?

So since this is Russia, it’s okay if the police just randomly kill 40-50 Muslims in the neighborhood?

I think it's funny.

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>tfw more russians and syrians have died for israel than americans

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It doesn't in RT article. But in Russian media it pretty openly said that it was armenians.
It already confirmed that pretty much everyone who was identified already fled to Armenia.

are Armenians considered shitskins?

There you go.
First retards to come to laugh at this shit are American flags...
Like fucking clockwork.

if you actually read the article is talks about him firing rubber bullets user.... ffs stop reading a headline and sperg replying fast as you can

How so?

Yes. They are not muslims, but on this difference prettymuch ends.

Killer's name Grigor Ogonyan (lmao)
Typical goat-fucker, his house is now being searched as well as the house of every other shit skin who was there. They'll end up in prison and will be executed there.

And, btw, I'm actually surprised at the reaction from our masses, especially on social media, as almost everyone focuses on race

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those smell like rats and by rats i mean kikes

She should have fucked him to preserve his genes for future posterity right there

>rubber bullets
>shot them in the legs
When the FUCK are they going to uncuck the ROE. Why do we always have to put up with this bullshit.
Shoot every sand nigger dead, jew and muslim.

Tpaвмaтикa, хyлe.

I think accidents like that are karma from a past life, not related to recent deeds. But 'the secret' people will say otherwise.

Not "for", "because of"

I’ve never understood why Russians ever bothered to tolerate shitskins and jews. You had a golden opportunity in the 90s to kill them all.

It sad, because as GRU officer he had every right to carry actual gun.

he was a faggot to jump into a fight, he was even bigger faggot to pull out traumatic pistol and shoot into air instead of into dudes attacking. He got exactly what he deserved.

who's done the majority of the killing and dying in this conflict? Syrians.
Is the Syrian Arab republic stronger or weaker as a result?

What I do no understand is why no actual gun?

he was from GRU


Carry a proper knife if you can't carry a proper firearm.

Best to avoid helping people, as even if you "win", police and courts will usually fuck you over anyway.

Anarcho-Tyranny in action.

The next time I spill a drink I’ll know who needed it. RIP.

You are still to blame for all the bullshit going on in that region.

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Good question, actually. Probably no license for something serious, only a smoothbore? So, he can't really carry a shotgun around, i.e. a traumatic pistol was his best bet?

>knife to the heart
>Attacked by "a group" near a "cafe"
>Tried to hel a fellow slav overran by said group of "non Slavic " origin


The tragedy of whites.

Fucking Putinshit with his open border with muh post Soviet brotherhood civnat insanity

Literally the same MO as in the west
>Hang out in cafes in working time in a herd
>Knife natives in cold blood when muh honor fefees hurt
>Rape white women

What have whites become...

Read the article, he shot them in the legs instead of in the fucking mouth like he should have.

stabbed to death. people really underestimate the power of knives to kill, they're never used in films.

Because the conflict is Syrian civil war. How exactly did they die for Israel when the groups that they are fighting against are being funded by Israel?

>t. bong
show that flag and take responsibility for creating the state of israel pham

Nothing in this article says they were shitskins.
That being said, he tried to intervene and save some people being stomped, so he died a man, and not a coward.

Better than dying a wrinkled old coward in an old-age home, puking pablum, with shit dribbling down your leg.
I only wish the gun he had was loaded with lead bullets, instead of rubber.

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If it was a random civilian nothing would happen. But killing a G.U. (GRU) guy who fought in Syria is very serious trouble. G.U. will avenge him for sure.

You're full of shit, memeflaggot. Shitskins deserve death for daring to raising their filthy paws against a white man.

Putin can’t clean out Russia now without becoming the next Literally Hitler. They had an opportunity in the 90s tho, when they could have chalked it all up to “bandits.”

Who knows. Maybe to not explain to some mall security why he have an actual gun.

where does it say muslim?

It's either no Guns at all or full on America every Redneck can own one, how about normal people with no mental issues and with a license are allowed to carry?

RT is cuckednon Russian matters

Hanging out in all male groups in daytime at ethnic "cafes" when the got natives are at work and carrying knifes and murdering people on the street...

Typical kebabnigger MO

Yeah guess their race

they died for israel the moment they took up arms against their own people and destroyed their own country

With the USA gone, Israel would die off without their funding. This would then eliminate the problems with have in the middle east. Prove me wrong faggot. Pro tip: You can't.

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It said in Russian media. Here we no so sensitive about mentioning nationality/religion as US.

nigger, I watched it on the "ЧП": 3 июня 2019 гoдa news!

RT is subtly anti-Russian if you pay close attention.

Rednecks have no mental issues, and most states require a license to carry, although I disagree with this, myself.

This is very sad not fortunate to only have trauma pistol against many men but also seem strange to me former soldier have not owns a real pistol

>Nothing in the article says

Bohoo faggot
Read between the lines
When the race is omitted it's clear who did it.

Even Russia is cucked in that regard.

Gotta avoid riling up the natives and keep muh multicultural peace at all costs

They seriously believe that censoring the truth is ultimate good and it saves lives by preserving the "ethnic peace"
White rage is deadly and ((they)) know it

To those that don't understand, you can shoot someone else in Russia with non-lethal and not get sent to prison if its breaking up a fight or something. If you shoot a real gun you get in massive shit and go to prison unless you are part of the mob then things get muddy in court, like it was someone else's gun, someone else shot, he was just pointing with a finger, everyone else was drunk and saw it wrong, etc.

Would rather live and explain then die no?

He had guts, that's obvious. He jumped in against a much larger number of people, to save others.
I feel bad about this, but am impressed by his bravery.

without the USA, china and russia are free to start shit as they please and europe has no manpower to match
so, if anything, removing the USA from the equation would cause MORE shit to happen in the middle east

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"they ran back to Armenia"
>dead in a ditch some place

Israel won every major conflict against the Arab league without a $30 billion deal with the US and the arabs of the region have only gotten more and more unorganized since then. There will be no drive to the ocean, the tick is dug in

“Better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.”


Slavs aren't human, so who cares.

lol at thinking that.
Americans are just paranoid because they see Russia doing business with Iran and Syria so they start reeeeing. China? They will be the same creepy worker bees living for money they always were with or without the US. They are an artificial threat made up by the zog in order to help the average american cope with his tax dollars going to the military industrial complex.

>Israel won

>meme flag

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Russia and the USA were bros before the (((Bolsheviks))). Same with USA and Japan. Even USA and Germany.
The jews always separate us from our friends.

As I said, it not avoided in Russian media.
At first it was openly said that it was "natives from the Caucasus" but now it known that it was armenians.

>China? They will be the same creepy worker bees living for money they always were with or without the US.
except they're already encroaching on africa and india WITH the US around

They are using western military equipment. All their victory were back with US money. Russia would stop Israel's expansion because they give no fucks. Problem is, right now Russia can't because you cucks would step in. So Israel is free to wreck havoc.