Earlier today I started a thread to ask how much nationalism is allowed in the catholic chruch under dogma...

Earlier today I started a thread to ask how much nationalism is allowed in the catholic chruch under dogma. This will not concern any direct bible quotes because those are generally disputable, or they are are taken out of context. For that reason I will only be quoting the catechism and a papal encyclical named "Mater et Magestra".
My conclusion after reading most of the thread was that it is entirely legitimate to have a strong nationalist, even ethno-nationalist position(though the ethno nationalism is optional to the person).
First, immigration because that is the primary issue to this discussion. Section 2241 of the Catechism states that any nation has the right to refuse immigrants or refugees if they present a danger to the common good of the country.
Second, in paragraph 56 and 57 of the catechism it is stated that God created the nations(a.k.a separate peoples who are designated to live in separate places), and only pride of thinking one is above God allows people to try to destroy nations.
Third, in the papal encyclical "Mater et Magestra" in paragraph 181 it is stated that a country has the right to enact policies that protect the ethnic identity of the people who live in those countries. "It is quite legitimate for nations to treat those differences as a sacred inheritance and guard them at all costs."

In summary, Nationalism is required under the Catholic Catechism. Whether you with it to be of an ethnic or racial variety is up to you, but either way it is allowed. Don't allow some faggot bishop or some misquoted bible verse tell you otherwise. This is DOCTRINAL.

Attached: a christian life.png (678x678, 231K)


>laymen get to interpret catechisms
That's not how you works you larping retard.

Thank you, God bless

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's
Jesus was pro Roman as fuck

Side note, I just found this second half of section 28 of the catechism that says this:
From one ancestor (God) made all nations to inhabit the whole earth,
and he allotted the times of their existence and the boundaries of the
places where they would live, so that they would search for God and
perhaps grope for him and find him - though indeed he is not far from
each one of us. For "in him we live and move and have our being."

Are you becoming a priest?

No, But I am catholic, and I want my beliefs to be based in what is considered divinely protected in the faith. I'm also tired of fags running around telling me I'm not allowed to a nationalist because of my religion.

Why do you ask?


Attached: REMINDER; Christianity-promoters are Jews - with text.png (562x181, 45K)

why are larpagans and athecucks such brainlets, incapable of interpreting any biblical verse?
in Mark 12:17 he's saying 2 things, and none of them is "muh caesar"

first, he's saying there are two worlds, one is our earthly, every day world, where we live and have our material things and property. That's the "caesar world". On the other hand, in contrast, we have "God's World", which is spiritual and heavenly, and is in another level that we can't comprehend. The Lord is God of both worlds, but they are separated. This differentiation is clear when you see other bible verses such as Colossians 3:2, Matthew 16:26 or 2 Peter 3:10-13. Thus, we should always give God what is due to Him
the second thing is that we should render Unto caesar the things that are Caesar's... but NOTHING more. We must NOT give authorities things that aren't theirs.

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Fuck off kike

nuff said

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I'm a nothern anglo mutt. Brit, irish, and german to be precise.

hang urself jidf

If this worries you, just take a look at the history of Europe. That would imply a lot of good Catholics were not real or proper Catholics.

My country was literally founded as a crusading kingdom. We have this general, who is a Catholic saint, that basically ensured our country kept on existing, in a war against Castille. The guy prayed on the battlefield during battle to inspire his soldiers, and it actually worked.

Ask these people directly if they think most Catholics during a time when Europe was actually Christian were not true Catholics. If they say yes, they will sound ridiculous.

Is that the same catechism that says this?
>To the Jews "belong the sonship, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises; to them belong the patriarchs, and of their race, according to the flesh, is the Christ",328 "for the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable."

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The jews are all dead, except those who chose life in Jesus


Nope, whoever they are is still around.
>“For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.”
Malachi 3:6

Yes they do still exist as Christians.

Fair enough.

Holy shit, That was the fastest, most peaceful resolution on Jow Forums I've ever seen. I'm proud of you anons.

I really don’t care what your religion is, as long as you are a white nationalist. We need unity.

Not white nationalist exactly, but close enough to it that we'd get along fine.

The Catholic teaching on the rights of Nation is sensible as ever, a theme throughout all Catholic teaching is an all pervading common sense.

>a theme throughout all Catholic teaching is an all pervading common sense.
That’s because of influences from Augustine and Aquinas. They put reals before both feels and scripture.

Both Augustine's and Aquinas's works are full of references to scripture, though it clear that their exegesis of said scripture is informed by sound philosophy.