Why haven’t you given your life to Jesus?

Why haven’t you given your life to Jesus?

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Because I have a choice. It is my life. Not yours.

Because I dont follow kikes

I'd rather not trust the resolution of my problems to a being that violates the laws this universe.
I find that channeling belief into oneself is a much better route to find a solution.

>Because I dont follow kikes
Ha. You need to learn what a kike is first dumb ass. A kike is a Jew who doesn't follow Christ.
Can't be Christ. Because Christ is Christ.

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I have.

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why does this spam keep getting replied too


I read the bible and both god and jesus are huge dicks, with next to no redeeming qualities. Why the fuck would I waste my time to worship this faggot?

The bible is able to better tell about "talent" in an individual better than any "science" ever has. What is "talent" why is every individual capable of being "more talented" than others in all areas of activity. FE: Sports, cooking, strategist (always being the one on top always outsmarting your opponent, but that is where your "talent" lies, as a strategist). Science never thuroughly explained why some are born with the ability to be "the best sword fencer in the world" or "the best pool player" the "best F1 racer". That level of talent, never explained. Why were they given them, why is science so quiet on the subject? Its never properly explained, even in detail its minor and dull. As if a large chapter of the explanation is truly missing, not even man can explain it. I realize constantly challenging knowledge of emotions, constantly thinking of the beginning every day really drives me to the light every time. Perhaps you all come to different conclusions, I don't know. But every time I glance into that mental sphere I realize, this world is too precise..as if it was fine crafted. The yin and yang between different species. Birds, reptiles, amphibians, yet people are so much different. Why is that? Why is only 1 species on this entire planet like this? The Bible is the only thing that truly explained it at a baseline.

Youre a fucking kike too