Ive always been left leaning and will likely continue to be, maily because of the economic and social policies held by the republican party as well as my views on the government but as time goes on i fear for my country. There is an evident jewish infulence on media and television and it seems that minorities are pushing for more than equality. I feel like very few people share my views. what do you guys think?
Ive always been left leaning and will likely continue to be...
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Stop being a cuck.
Thanks for the insight, retard
Economic policies do not stand on their own. They arise out of the societies in which they are implemented. In order to have a successful economic system with nice perks like social safety nets, universal healthcare, etc., you generally need social cohesion, which is something that is a lot easier to build when you have cohesion along other lines, particularly ethnic cohesion.
The US is a fractious mess now, and it will probably only get worse from there. That makes it EASIER for oligarchs and other such entities to control things from the top via the exploitation of natural fracture points within society.
I know how you feel, but your not alone
That projection. Sage
>will likely continue to be
oh, my sweet summer child
Tim don't you have podcasts to make?
your whole country doesnt need to be lasagna
You don't even realize that your "left leaning" position is the reason for what you're complaining about. You fear for your country yet you also do nothing to help it improve. Stop being a cuck.
>but as time goes on i fear for my country. There is an evident jewish infulence on media and television and it seems that minorities are pushing for more than equality.
Welcome user, now come to the dark side.
We don't have real politics, we just have communism and capitalism. Communism/Anarcho-Communism to get rid of all of the good people and nature and anything holy in the way, and capitalism to make sure cheats are in power.
All demonic non-people people are happy for the inclusivity and work together with the subverters... and the subverters are..........
>as well as my views on the government
So you're pro welfare state? Or what are you even trying to argue? Corporations get people elected and pass laws; trying to expand government oversight just leads to laws that benefit corporations at the expense of small businesses.
One of the reasons Trump got bad press coverage while running for president was that he wanted to reduce 'arts funding' which was essentially politicians giving money to networks for positive coverage. The Hillary campaign tried to capitalized on this by establishing coordinated attacks with all of the networks leading to many groups using the same wording in headlines "we need to make Trump's speech sound like it was dark and scary" leading to things like this pic
>There is an evident jewish infulence on media and television and it seems that minorities are pushing for more than equality. I feel like very few people share my views. what do you guys think?
You're me about 4 years ago. Here's a quick run down:
1. There is a definite jewish influence in the media, working expressly for toward the interests of Jewish people. To them, all gentiles are tools at best, and enemies at worst.
2. The jewish influence is not only in the media, but in banking, academia, and every level of government. Again, all working, both individually and in concert, exclusively for the benefits of the jewish people.
3. Because the government has been so heavily subverted in this way, there is functionally no real difference between our Republican and Democratic parties. Both of them are either run by jews like Chuck Schumer, or gentiles beholden to jews like John Bolton or Nancy Pelosi.
4. Ever wonder why our political process, especially in the last 3-4 years, no matter how much it "works" never gets anything of note done? Why simple, common sense things like proper enforcement of our border policies, or massive amounts of crime in inner cities are discussed endlessly, while no action is ever taken? It's because of point 3. The US government no longer works to serve America or its citizens, but Israel and Jews.
5. Minorities are definitely pushing for more than equality. Anybody who tells you differently is lying because it serves their interests, or a useful idiot that one of those liars convinced with specious rhetoric.
6. The rhetoric mentioned in point 5 is bolshevik and/or communist in origin. People will argue semantically that it isn't really, they may even insult you and your knowledge of history. Regardless, the proof is clear in similar, or exactly the same rhetoric being espoused in countries like South Africa, Maoist China, and the USSR.
7. Bolshevism and the rhetoric it uses were invented and used mainly by jews.
So where do you lie politically? The only reason i really tend to side with the left is because i think the right benefits corporations too much
dude just be leftyfash you faggot nigger
I see the benefit in corporations but i dont think that they should be given too much power and i also see a benefit in arts funding because many arts organizations work to help the communities that they are a part of
Quit clowning on me
Don't forget
You're hear forever
Here. Fucking damnit
Im already retarded and depressed from years of doing drugs while i was still developing so having a shittier view on the world probably wont change much
But depressed drug guy is an accepted archetype. Drugs are ordered l often a way of coping with the status quo. Getting redpilled is discouraged
I guess your right. I'll probably continue on keeping my politics a secret from my friends. Luckily for me one of my closest friends is a nazi so i wont be alone
Fuck i cant believe ive been redpilled. I Guess ive been on here for too long
OP need to read The Future of Capitalism, facing the new anxieties. The author is a radical centrist and talks exactly about the point you have doubts about. He talks about the Utilitarian and Rawlsian ideologies of the left and how it's destroying more than building something with the idea of rights without oughts.
There are some things I don't think you understand.
The system was set up to pacify the masses while it created an aristocracy without a king.
The Bill of Rights was set up to restrict the Government, not the exploiters, so that the government could both never really take control of the aristocracy, nor could they ever really oppress the people to the point that they revolted.
At the same time the Constitution gives the impression of being for fairness when it has no teeth whatsoever to do anything about the aristocracy.
This works.
The people can't see the scam because they are stupid, and the aristocracy, while under no central control, still tries to keep things both good enough that the alternative of revolt is a hardship the people won't choose, while keeping things bad enough that the people will never gain any real power to do anything except cultural and social bullshit.
People have their TV and their Social Security disability so things don't get too bad, and can protest all they want because that is tiring and teaches them that revolt is a hardship, but they are never allowed to get any real power over their economics, because all those "Rights" end at the doorway of your work.
tl;dr: the System is set up to keep people from power while it fools them into thinking they have power so they will watch TV all day.
>always been left leaning and will likely continue to be
oh no its retarded
Ill look into it
Yeah youre right but what can i do about it besides recognize it and hate it without the power to do anything
Do it bro. It's insights are pretty based.
>it seems that minorities are pushing for more than equality.
The west was never going to accept the class struggle version of Marxism, hard work was a valued and people liked their possessions well that is a different proposition, guilt loaded Marxism. Swing the proletariat with victim groups and creating racial victim groups and creating the false battle between the oppressed and the oppressors and no longer the battle between workers and owners of the means of production. Here's a neat video explaining how everything turned into shit ever so slowly.
>the left is because i think the right benefits corporations too much
The modern left claims to support regular people over big business, but they're just as corporate as anybody else. Amazon, Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc are all run by leftists and headquartered in Democrat-run states where they are given massive tax breaks. Plus the corporations, like the government, are all either run by jews or their puppets.Not to mention Hillary Clinton being the "big bank" candidate last election, and millions of other examples that are virtually public knowledge, but that nobody talks about because it's so fucking commonplace.
>So where do you lie politically?
I'm not sure I've read enough about Nazism or fascism to call myself one. I also dislike labels because they make it really easy for people to ascribe a bunch of extraneous shit to your motives and either demonize or dismiss you (a favorite tactic of guess who?). I'll tell you what I want/believe, and you can draw your own conclusions:
>I want to preserve the fundamental values America was founded on as stated in the Constitution. The rights to free speech, weapon ownership, and due process of law are necessary for the functioning of a proper society.
>I want the streets to be safe, clean, and well maintained
>I believe the only people qualified to be in government are American citizens primarily with no other ties or loyalties to foreign counties.
>I believe our borders and immigration policy should be more like that of Japan's in terms of stricture. Illegal immigration is completely unacceptable, and legal immigrants need to know and respect their place as guests, or be swiftly sent back whence they came. They are not citizens, and do not have the rights of citizens.
>Violent crime is to be immediately and severely punished. No excuses or apologia about systemic discrimination for murderers, robbers, rapists, or drug dealers.
>i also see a benefit in arts funding because many arts organizations work to help the communities that they are a part of
In that same post I told you the 'arts funding' is a sham that politicians use to bribe networks... and you still support it. They're bribe payments
Ok OP, here's what you do to really test the political waters and find your heart truly lies.
I'm talking full goatse here. Don't half ass this. Use your whole ass and spread your asshole. Hold it like this for a little while and let it breathe in air as you do too, and use this time to contemplate yourself and your position in your country and in the world at large. While your quivering anus is exposed to the air, possibly for the first time, it will send tingles through your body that stimulate your thought process and allow you to delve deeper into your meditation. Yogafags call this the "Third Eye Revelation"
Then, it's time for a test of courage and strength. You will need to photograph your wide spread asshole. Stare into this photo and think deeply on what you learned from the exercise. Then, post it. That's right. Upload the picture of your beautiful, unique, awe inspiring Third Eye onto any and all social media platforms you might use, and with it a few words about your new found political stances. Your manifesto, if you will. This is a test of your own courage for obvious reasons (it takes a lot to expose yourself so vulnerably to the world) and also a test of those you surround yourself with (can they handle being exposed to your inner workings, both physical and mental in such away?)
So go ahead and spread your asshole on the internet, and then get back to us with your feelings on politics.
Survive. The only real solution is to build our own nation from the ground-up. Communities of our guys, businesses ran by our guys, manufacturing, and industry owned and operated by our guys, and most of all: lots and lots of white children, made by our guys and girls, educated at home, far from any means of indoctrination. By doing this from the ground up with the most uncompromising, most radical of our men, we ensure complete adoption of our ideas by our children. This establishes a social pressure that will maintain cohesive communities.
You'll stop being left wing soon enough. All it takes for someone to convert is to read a few statistics. Then it's all over.
Shit man, i never expected this post to change my opinions so drastically. I still dont support the right completely but now im starting to reject the left too. I might look into national anarchism
>Shit man, i never expected this post to change my opinions so drastically
Neither did I, but I'm glad I could help.
>I still dont support the right completely but now im starting to reject the left too
The "Third Position" between left and right is basically fascism as I understand. Makes sense right? Most choices in life aren't binaries, but complex, multi-layered, things that we boil down into two easily understandable decisions. We don't need to be strictly left or right. In fact, the idea that we have to be, or that we need to support ridiculous shit that we don't want like trans-rights, open borders immigration, or even war with Iran because it's the only way to identify with the politicians that we supposedly share a side/party with, is another jewish trick. A popular term for it is the Kosher Sandwich, and it works like this:
1.Both sides of any major argument are jews (Example: Democrats and Republicans).
2. One side will make a crazy claim (Example: Open Borders Immigration)
3. The other side plays right back and demands a counter claim (BUILD THE WALL)
4. The dialectic follows the talking points that the heads of both sides determine. Specious and fallacious arguments dominate the 24 hour news cycle. Reasonable points, questions, and practical solutions are drowned out, dismissed, or in some cases played up as "conspiracy theories". (Example: Nobody can definitively say how many illegals are in the country, but it's at least 12+ million. Nobody entertains the idea of finding and deporting most or even any of them because that's "racism" or "nazism"
5. Eventually a "compromise" is reached that sounds good on its surface, but ultimately changes very little. ("We need lots and lots of immigration for all these new jobs... But it has to be legal".)
6. ?????
7. Profit... For the jews. Because they were on both sides, and the "problem" is likely one they made up, the "compromise" is a situation that ultimately benefits the Tribe.
I think you've taken the first step into a larger world. Keep following that rabbit hole.
Best posts ITT
Economic leftism is a trick the rich use to sick the poor on the middle class.
Are you from muncie Indiana op?