What would you have done in this situation?
What would you have done in this situation?
Other urls found in this thread:
have a juice box. grape, i would guess
Shout it’s happening!! Ron Paul style
Choked bush to death in front of the kids and then shot myself
I would not change a thing
Leave the building in case another plane was heading there. Maybe pick up a phone and act like a president
inb4 all of the fed shills come in talking about holograms and high energy weapons
Israel literally did 9/11. There was a mossad agent living next door to EVERY cell of hijackers scattered throughout the US.
All of this was revealed through FOIA requests.
Watch "War Is Always by Deception" by Ryan Dawson on youtube. He lays it all out. Nothing but facts.
Israel did or was at least involved in 9/11 to get the US involved in the middle east.