DHS Flying Illegal Aliens to U.S. Cities, Releasing Them into Communities

What the fuck is Trump's problem?


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yeah em we lost him awhile back if you didnt notice

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why the DHS always do the opposite of security

What cities are they being released to? Trump did say he would release immigrants to sanctuary cities

(((Department of Homeland Security)))
This is the same government that will tell you we are a nation of immigrants...homeland?

He's releasing them into democratic cities. If you're forced to put em somewhere other than a gas chamber that's the next best place.

based, miga, Trump is so redpilled, wwg1wga brother

>they're tied to any given area
You seem pretty dumb tbqh

>He's releasing them into democratic cities.

>heh trust us its a really plan. the guys who designed fast and furious came up with this one.


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Answer the question, where are they being released to?

trust in Q
trust in Obama's guy
wew user

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They get bused and flown to red areas. Time for red county anons to take action. These people cannot feel welcome.

how the hell am i supposed to know

assorted bus depots they can travel anywhere with a visa

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Eat my ass, faggot


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Hey look it's Africans, too

Africans now claiming asylum and guess what? Donnie flies them all over. Oh an 90% never show up for their hearing. They're never leaving


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Maybe that’s because the media is just pissed off that dem cities are being forced to honor their promise of taking care of muhh immigrants

Good, shows blue states what they really are.

El pask is the cancer that will ruin what’s left of Texas. I should know since I live there

Ad hominem

I was calling this for some time.
Jow Forums didn't listen

>Not trusting the plan
>Not trusting Trump
>Not trusting Sessions
>Not trusting Q
>Not trusting us

This is what happens when you do not trust the plan. Have faith in the God Emperor of the Universe and he will reveal his plan to you.

Trust the plan. Trust Trump. Trust Sessions. Trust Q. Trust us. WWG1WGA.

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oh ho ho

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Well have some more low iq brown fun courtesy of the trump administration!

>Everthing that someone else does is Trump's fault
>a dog took a shit in my garden, fuckinh drmpf

>someone else
Trump signed the Omnibus that caused the reinstatement of catch and release due to housing limitations, and then he signed the budget with the "sponsor" and "potential sponsor" of a minor language. You can get fucked.

You don’t understand. I don’t understand. We all don’t truly understand his plan. Trust the plan and everything will be okay.

trump is the dog

Is this the new "thanks obama"?

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