You guys are not actually racists, right?
You guys are not actually racists, right?
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fuck you nigger
I am.
Hating animals isn't racist.
no not really, I just hate Jews.
kill niggers
Why would you hate someone just for their color of skin? Seems dumb to me.
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Why would you hate yourself monkey friend, don't be like that, as long as you keep on your swampy jungle we are fine with you
Kill yourself niggerkike.
Eeeh, kinda maybe yes?
There are no whites on /pol
Except for me
There ar a lot of reasons to hate niggers,spics, and sandnigger likes beyond skin coloration. Who fucking cares about the color?
What makes you think that we're racist you fucking kike
I judge people on the content of their character and the results are generally the same as what racism would accomplish. Impossible and unwise to ignore. Shitty people come in all shades, know. Everyone knows.
Me either niggers arent a race they are animals
no it's satire, most of Jow Forums is commie-lite
They are. Huwhite poweerrr!
They are a bunch of pussy ass Incel bitches with nothing to do but work for Patreon Drumph!
depends on who the enemy is
since this is a shit thread anyway, can somebody tell what is happening in america this past couple weeks? There has been a serious influx of aggressively retarded american posters on here recently, it's unprecedented levels of muttery and good goying
tell me these are shills or VPNs and there isn't some brain eating amoeba spreading that I need to worry about
racist is a made up word invented by a Communist Jew. It is natural to prefer to be with your own race but that does not mean I hate africans or mestizos.
It's 50/50 at this point. Most posters are kids whom have yet to form their own thoughts.
School let out for summer. Sorry.
And what if i am?
We are actually trying to preserve the human races, Europe/White America feeds Africa. If we die or our IQs are lowered cause of niggers then all will be death.
We make this, out of love for all human races, the more evolved ones, and the less evolved ones
I hate everybody, but I hate blacks and Asians more than anyone.
Race is very important, you haven't been told the truth in school.
It's really bad this year. Even us leafs are frowning at the quality of posts
because they really are all the same.
The definition of racist has expanded to include me and I've grown comfortable with that fact.
I am.
no but I think everyone should be proud nationalists wanting to improve their country
Xenophobia is an intrinsic human quality. Racism is natural and healthy for society.
You got a problem with it?
>hur dur race is just skin color
Why are meme flaggots such nigger faggots?
Being pro-white isn't racism
Perhaps it isn't just because of skin colour? I mean who knows....
I love niggers m8, the jigaboos are just fine by me
Jow Forums is satire
this board is pro Jewish and pro Israel
Not really, but I don't believe all races are equal in any way.
racists are gay niggers with kike moms
My nation is dominantly WHITE.
All non white shit skins need to go BACK to where they came from.
No Muhammeds or Juan's here.
Racism is racial discrimination. Discrimination is the distinction between things. So everyone who ever existed was and is a racist.
To an extent. I don't like black ghetto "culture" but anyone who can escape from it is pretty based in my opinion. Act like an animal and I'll treat you like one. Act like a civilized human being and I'll treat you with respect.
You seem dumb to me.
Racist as fuck , boiiiii
>Be me
>Have some presentation to make to some 15 fillipinos
>Walk in the classroom
>"What's up niggers?
>Be me
>Walk past a muslim one time in our town square
>Spit in front of his feet
>He looks at me shocked
>I just keep walking
Not trying to brag but try to keep up homos
nah, Jow Forums is satire
Yes, now fuck off nigger
How dare you?!!! Of course we are you nigger loving kike blowing chink fucking son of a bitch!
>this board is pro Jewish and pro Israel
THIS is satire
Absolutely not! There is only one race!
>the fact that niggers and other subhumans are still around just proves that 'the missing link' isn't really missing, it's just not acknowledged.
>#ackkknowledge niggers now!
wtf I love kikes, niggers, spics, sandniggers and all other shitskins now
Define racist
Why is it that southern euros mostly sound as complete cucks and have a constant boner for being accepted as huwhites?
What a retarded question.
hi mossad sloppy job!
Yep. But this world is imperfect so I won't do anything about it. That's why I like Jow Forums. Because I can at least complain
Black people are more athletic than asians
That is by definition a racists statement, and yet is a fact.
I just don't want to take the risk of becoming a minority due to crazy immigration polities, and inevitably in favor of ethnic groups with such disproportionate crime/rape/acid attacks statistics with absolutely no tolerance/peacefulness, any desire to contribute or respect for local values.
Facts are racists, and yet id never advocate for violence.
If everyone is equal in competence, then please do turn your shithole country into the utopia europe is now, it's not the white manĀ“s burden to fix your shit.
Nothing I say here is serious.
Or is it?
I'm more sexist, but in a good way
niggerism trancscends race, creed, gender and class
but the term has a root for a reason...
also fuck kikes and other sand people
fuck jannies
fuck spics
fuck chinks
fuck commies and fuck traitors
Yea, because I'm not denying reality.
you nigger
based italy giving us an epic swastika
So you rather they invade the US and reduce even more the white rate? what I'm saying is for him to simple stay in his jungle and no one will do any harm to him, how that fuck that is shilling
everyone's a little racist
when your dumb face="YOUR NOT RACIST RIGHT^