Take a break from posting in bait threads and acting like a retard for a second and post your opinion here

Take a break from posting in bait threads and acting like a retard for a second and post your opinion here
With 1/5 of Americans living in a place with legal recreational cannabis and the recent decriminalization of mushrooms in Denver,
>what do you think about the current push to relax drug laws? Not even necessarily legalization.
> do you support legalizing certain drugs recreationally? Why or why not?
>what life experience, observations, info led you to these decisions?
>what do you think the best way society should deal with drug abuse? >inb4 kill them
I've personally never done anything other than alcohol but I have friends who've done other stuff. I've also noticed even some of my right-wing friends are very supportive of drug liberalization recently which I found surprising, some are similar to me where they haven't done them but dont think the government should be able to regulate what people consume anyway and others partaking themselves and advocating their use to a degree. Its seems amongst millenials and zoomers it's becoming less of a partisan issue as well as a very mainstream debate right now which is exactly why I want to hear your opinion.

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Honestly drugs and prostitution should just be legal. If someone wants to destroy their lives they should have every right to do so. Government intervention doesn’t always stop a person from doing such actions and tossing them in jail over it is just a waste of tax payers money.

kill niggers

>relax drug laws
for citizens yes, for non citizens the death penalty should be applied when it comes to trafficking (drug use idgaf)
pot should be legal and many pharmaceutical drugs should be illegal
I smoked weed every hour I could outside of work for like a decade until I quit last October
>what do you think society should do
forced labor and public lashings for many crimes

the biggest thing when it comes to the degeneracy of drugs is the culture behind them. LSD for example is a very powerful and potentially positive thing, but the culture and baggage attached to it totally poisons the well with the preconceived notions perpetuated by people who use drugs as a personality

The war on drugs was a mistake, you cannot refute this

I seriously do not care what you do to yourself, except for the fact that living around potheads is hell.

They smell, they act like retards, it's awful. I don't want to live anywhere near potheads. We should have weed colonies where all the potheads can go live together.

stoners are easy to control

>people who use drugs as a personality
This. This is what turned me off of drugs permanently at a young age. I probably drink once or twice a year now even. These people act like they're enlightened for putting this shit into their bodies.

They honestly need to be gassed.

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Am I white?

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Evaluate pot by taking a look at the trend line and context - it goes right along with everything else designed to destroy us from within. We are being set up for the kill.

my dick says yes

Those nipples definitely say no.

I cannot unironically wait for the civil war just so that I can go door to door putting a bullet between the eyes of every pot smoking nigger that I see - white, black or brown all pot smokers either get a rope or a bullet, take your pick nigger.

I'm a retard and occasionally watch Joe Rogans podcast and I find his personality surrounding psychedelics extremely cringey. It's like his sole thing and it's kinda obnoxious. I've seen other people like him all over the internet
I've also know people really into psychedelics but you'd never know unless you explicitly asked them. It's like how most people enjoy a beer every now and then but dont attach some greater spirituality to it.
Hopefully people will be less obnoxious as it becomes less fringe.

LSD is amazing. I wouldn't say it's made me enlightened but it's definitely ripped apart my ego and threw it in my face and helped me appreciate the world and life. I'd recommend everyone trip at least twice, first time you'll be freaking out and have no idea what's going on, the next time you'll understand it a lot better.


Anything that mother nature or God put on this earth should not be regulated by other people.
When it becomes abusive use, you need to look at the core of that problem. Helping someone short term is not as useful as being able to solve the same problem a million times over

what kind of jew sorcery is this?

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yeah the best way I know to describe LSD is that your mind is like a coil of rope and LSD twists and unwinds it
it's not for everyone but for some it can be a pretty interesting experience

gonna need to see pics of your butthole to tell

You should be able to kill yourself if you want to. It would make my life easier.

I love weed but the thought of smoking government weed makes me sick. Probably how the indians felt with real tobacco and the average modern cigarette with all the chemicals they put in it to keep you addicted. I wish there was a happy medium, like make it legal to possess but illegal to sell in shops. Just let hippies grow it in farms.

Many natural poisons that can kill. Should they be legal to ingest or give to others to ingest?

wanna see my dick?

You can legally buy lethal poisons in stores and online. If you injest it knowing the risk the government just calls you an idiot, if you non-consentually give it to someone else that's a whole different crime and is besides the point he is making

yeah I definitely would not recommend it for certain types of people because they wouldn't be able to handle tearing down their ego and being completely defenseless facing everything. but those of us that have tripped and been through it once or twice having "survived" that experience have all turned out for the better afterwards.

I live in Salem MA, and we have one of the few spots in MA where you can go in and buy weed like it's the Apple Store. The weed is good and the pen cartridges are wicked strong. It's all also pretty over priced but it's Taxachusetts. I don't smoke anymore since I'm 30 but overall the legalization is just another way for the town and state pols to make more money. If they were smart they'd use the extra revenue to pay ICE to go street to street door knocking and asking for papers from the hordes of illegal Dominicans selling deadly fentanyl as heroin. Unfortunately this is libtarded MA and they allow the drug dealing spics to turn a nice little city (minus the faggy witch bullshit) into a shithole.
>tldr I grew out of weed and all my friends who smoke it are low achievers working near minimum wage jobs without upward mobility.
Also, I use Veterans healthcare and the VA are assholes about weed.
>pic is me and my boy burning some weed I found in an abandoned Mosque in Helmand Province 2011.

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Give Darwin's Law a chance. The law of nature will do it's thing and I'm not going to be a church-lady about it. Don't give a fuck.

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yeah I would not recommend anyone from Jow Forums use LSD, to be honest
but if you are reading this and gonna use it just remember "set and setting" as in mindset and setting; be in a good place mentally and in a good place literally
the 2nd time I tripped I was with this hot ass girl who basically used her body to pressure me into tripping with her and it did not end well

if I could buy dexedrine at walgreens
my house would be cleaner
and I'd probably leave it more often

It's about time that tyrants recognized that your body doesn't belong to the state. Enforcement action against someone voluntarily consuming drugs the gubmint doesn't like is slavery.

The only drugs that should be subject to legislation are drugs that could be reasonably considered quasi-chemical weapons like Carfent.

that weed looks like horse feed

>Helmand 3011
26th MEU BLT?

of course. you will be going into the first trip fighting demons and probably won’t get much out of it. if you choose to face it again you’ll be a little prepared and might learn something along the way


The high THC cannabis that is sold today is extreme. A high % of people can have very negative psychological effects including schizophrenia

Dude weed lmao is not as harmless to individuals and society like (((they))) claim.

>>what do you think about the current push to relax drug laws? Not even necessarily legalization.
It's fine as long as we have states that keep them illegal. Give the people the option to either live in a state that has it legalized or go to a state that keeps it illegal. That way all the degenerates move out of the good areas and all the drug crimes go with them.
>> do you support legalizing certain drugs recreationally? Why or why not?
All drugs yes. Only in certain states though. Legalization in cetain states would segregate the druggies from the people that have no interest in them. It would also serve to destroy the illegal drug industry in dry states for the most part.
>>what life experience, observations, info led you to these decisions?
I am a Gen X'er. I tried some drugs as a teenager, from pot, to opiates/pills. Tried coke on a couple occasions but nothing major. I don't party much anymore, maybe drink once every few months. I do believe people should be able to put whatever they want into their bodies as long as you aren't pregnant, then you should consider your baby.
>>what do you think the best way society should deal with drug abuse? >inb4 kill them
The same I have been saying from the start- make certain states all drugs are legal and others keep the drug laws. That way the people that want to do the drugs enough will move to states with like minded people. Segregation.

Last time I checked its not pot thats destroying society, its the opioids we were told were safe

Yeah he is right. You are being obtuse.

see a doctor

Its no more atypical than people who define themselves as a sexuality or the like.
I think most of them are moral people, who have had the message scrambled on what it means to be a moral person.

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I'm all for it being legal in a segregated society.

Yup, good times.

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fuck niggers and jews and poos and beaners and chinks and arabs

this is the lowest IQ shit I've read in a minute
first off, if drugs are legal in certain states and illegal in others, the states where they're legal won't have as many drug crimes; and the states where they remain illegal will still have drug crimes as there will still be drug users
second, the states that don't allow drugs will be at an economic disadvantage as the surrounding states that have legalized drugs pull money from the economies of states that remain illegal
>legalize all drugs
imagine being this degenerate

>what do you think about the current push to relax drug laws? Not even necessarily legalization.

A step in the right direction and the government can even benefit by putting a small tax on them. Emphasis on small don't tax them too much like cigarettes or people will start buying from cartels again.

> do you support legalizing certain drugs recreationally? Why or why not?

What I put in my body should be nobody's buisness but my own unless it hurts family members then it's time for an intervention. Nobody should care if I'm out in the woods taking a journey of self-discovery on mushrooms.

>what life experience, observations, info led you to these decisions?

I've been like that all my life so I don't even know. I just know that they're not OMG POISON like most people make them out to be.

>what do you think the best way society should deal with drug abuse?

In extreme cases like psychosis from PCP or heroin addiction? Hospitalization. Prison would just make them worse.

no shit. I was with VMM-266 while we were out there.

Small world. Pisses me off that we were there essentially guarding poppy.

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Jews aren't even trying anymore

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>taking a break from bait and acting like a retard
Phew, we were close to an actual discussion there

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Isnt this another meaningless bait thread?
Was a drug addict for years. Definitely harmful to society. Even weed isnt good, no addiction is good.
But people are weak. They need a crutch. In a libertarian/republic society you let people make their bad choices, just treat foreign smugglers and pharmaceuticals as attackers to avoid our current situation, and let the evolutionary dead ends rot.
In a fascist society, crush that shit hard, but remember the common people are not superior, by definition, and you have to give them something. As white people, it will be alcohol. Thats our traditional narcotic.
Also, psychedelic drugs should be allowed for priests/philosophers and stimulants prescribed by the state and unavailable to civilians.

fuck niggers and jews and poos and beaners and chinks and arabs and LEAFS

yeah pretty much. weird that that base is gone now except for bastion, and not even a year after that deployment it was infiltrated and they killed some flight crew and blew up 8 av-8b’s

Ive heard it described as a deep brain massage. Lets you work the knots out, but hurts like hell if your not expecting it.

It'll be okay after a brief period of normalization. The weak minded; characterized by an inability to chill while functioning at a high... I mean really high level will be weeded out by killer bands of out of work mestizo and negro gangs.

The Alfa-stoners will simply turn a blind eye to all the arts and crafts types making rope with so many hemp stalks going to waste

>asks Jow Forums to take a break from shitposting and tell you how they really feel

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Which base? I remember Leatherneck was the big one, then Fob Price, Cop oullete. I forgot alot, been drinking myself to death for a few years.

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Cannabis and alcohol and be useful and fun but take a real toll on the brain.

Psychedelics are absolutely useful to some but should not be available recreationally to those under 25 imo. Ideally instead of "recreational use", we'd have a hellenistic cultural renaissance that provides an opportunity to partake, embedded in a controlled and socially significant ritual.

Plus theres always the risk of the deep unknown--the outer dimensions. You never know what's out there.

I would argue that right now, the damage from addiction is not being mitigated correctly, and prohibition is not working for most drugs.

Having been a sufferer of addiction, I imagine you have some insight into how easily addiction can be fostered, and how difficult getting clean is

>Isnt this another meaningless bait thread?
No I'm genuinely interested in where the users of Jow Forums stand politically on this issue. I'm enjoying seeing the answers in this thread including yours.

I'm an alcoholic but I get mad at sanctuary city policies that look bleeding heart on paper but have a human toll when the fentanyl deaths add up

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I just got out of a locked ward this morning, and most of the guys in there for dope will die within the year from it. They get a few grand in welfare money every month, and the government also gives them methadone or suboxone which is more addictive.

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This. Not to mention you can tax the newly legal businesses so they would add to society instead of only subtracting like they do now

my first instinct is just to say that i really don't care what changes or how.
drug legalization is just so far down my list of priorities when it comes to policies i think needs to be changed.
in a vacuum i suppose i support legalization of pot, hallucinogens, coke, molly, etc...
but they're so easy to get anyway, and i've never been concerned about getting in trouble for doing them, so i don't care. (And it's not like im an active druggie)
granted i'm a college student, so im sure the stakes and law enforcement will go up when i'm not in a free for all in the middle of the woods anymore.

Agreed. Sadly few politicians are willing to expend real political capital to experiment with a method that has a cruel or technocratic appearance to it. They just use the issues to get a few photo ops and back pats.

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Based bloomer OP actually facilitating political dialogue rather than posting in blacked threads or about dog dicks.

Prohibition has been a source social dis-cohesion for 100 fucking years.

How much tax money does it take to keep a pot head in jail? I don't wanna pay it. They're non violent wastrels. For that matter, jailing drug sellers.is a waste. Take their money, confiscate and fine. If controlling drugs is difficult, then take every opportunity to exp!oit the sellers and users for revenue.

Economic crime deserves an economic penalty.
Its not a perfect philosophy, but like you suggested, why waste money feeding, clothing and educating a pot head when he could be out mastering the art of coffee pouring?

That sounds great, until you realize that many of the illegal alien ones have exported hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy land and ranches back home, or laundered/hidden the money.

Weed is barely a drug. Having said that, this country is so fucking full of fat people that maybe legalizing "the munchies" is a terrible idea.

Not sure you're human.

Eleusinian Mysteries

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What this guy said The most beneficial option for the taxpayers is to legalize it, tax it, and let Capitalism do its thing. Less crime, less money wasted on keeping dumbasses in prison, and more revenue to use on non-stupid shit while fucking over the spics in the cartels.

I would argue that alcohol has done more damage to our species as a whole than anything else in history.

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They will turn of into zombies even more. Just long enough for Greater Israel plan to succeed, which is called PNAC now. They attacked us on 9/11, killed JFK, attacked the U.S.S. Liberty. Dick Cheney was one of the few PNAC members that wasn't Jew of Israeli citizen. He is also responsible. Its in the redacted pages of the House and Senate report on 9/11. Force your Congress to read those pages and they will become guilty of treason when it all unravels. That is why they WONT read it. They know. We are going to fuck Iran up now. Its just to prevent them from building a pipeline. All in Israels interests. Trump is owned by Israel and Congress is owned by AIPAC. You need to keep your eye on the ball

ah yes, good old remittances "Ay mang, i'm juss hear 4 werk mang, i saving up money and I'm going to perchas a million acres bag in mehico in fie jears mang"

Dude I dont know where you live, but in my city Western Union is 100% used for illegals to send their dope money home. They send 10k a week home sometimes and then turn around and buy Malta Goya with foodstamps.

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rhode island, IDK what goes on in western union, but every mexican i've done under-the-table-labor with has the same story about buying a nice vacation home back home... Kind of a nice fantasy if u imagine it. "i'm just here for the greenbacks mang" In a way I kind of admire it, because it's only like 400 a week they're making, but fuck drug dealing scum who earn 8k a week destroying nations to which they don't even belong.

No man in authority should judge others without at least one vision quest.

I'm seeing a lot of convenience stores everywhere carrying CBD products and I think its a step in the right direction. I find they help some with relaxation, but not as good as with mood as a real THC product does.

The opiate crisis in the 2000's could have been avoided by having a legal market for weed. Medical weed saves lives.

Encourage sobriety over usage. Don't tread on people for choosing to smoke, but try and help them to enjoy sobriety. Personally I find that driving (sports car) is much more fun when I've been sober for several days straight because of the clarity of mind and full function of my motor skills.

Is this for a college class assignment?

Boomer take but I’m ambivalent. I don’t think anyone should be put in a cage for using or selling drugs but at the same time our society is so devoid of any meaning that decriminalizing hard drugs might be the final push that sends us over the edge.

It’s... it’s horrible

Glad you asked. As a Cali resident and graduate of higher education i used to be heavily attracted to marijuana. I would work long hard days at the clinic (former RN now MD3Y) just to come home isolate myself and enjoy a long drag of the forbidden fruit.
Ever since it became legalized ive been less inclined to partake. It feels so much less special. You walk into what seems like an apple store and leave having been taxed and charged extra for a special carry bag. Its just no longer special. I find myself sober way more often now that its legal.
I never thought this would be the case.
I thought legalization would turn the whole county into a hot box session.. But its not. Its fucking lame now. Its not special. Its just another copy/paste mass produced experience that i find undeserving of my heavily limited leisure time.
Legalization is great I guess. Drug dealers are less violent. Growers are more regulated and product quality testing is across the board.
I dont know. Maybe Ill head back and buy another weed pen but its just lost its appeal.

I used to think it was special and a privilege to have.. Now its an antisocial loser activity that you over paid for.

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This shithole of a spiritually dead society will never allow or understand mass use of entheogens. Maybe a psychedlic ecofacist one would.