Is pol smart enough to unify the world

is pol smart enough to make it happen?
here is the global federation the world needs, a war on degeneracy, the satanic one world government is coming, it needs to be beaten by a better one. and only america can make it happen, the kingdom of heaven is here. this is real watch it, it is the world government of the future. dont be an npc and not learn the info , God bless you all

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I'm okay with the Satanism, but they're obsessed with committing European genocide and mutilating genitalia. They want me to hate them.

this system demands the frontiers and boarders of all nations must be clearly fixed, watch the video

I skipped through watching a few minutes. I have disbelief of the suggested organization of world government you proposed. It's more public, more transparent, and more evil.

We might be. If we stop arguing with each other we could gain lots of power.

Jow Forums has spread to Facebook

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Jow Forums is unironically more inclusive and more accessible for discourse than the United Nations

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it is the exact opposite of evil. it is decentralized 3 branch government with global corporate law, so we can live with capitalism but not under monopolies. watch the whole thing and use your brain

No, but I am

I know the united nations is fucked, I am here because i believe the people here my be open minded and smart enough to understand this

bahai is for dumb faggots

>here is the global federation the world needs
No, thank you. We need individual nations living together in peace without an over-arching authority because, no matter how you cut it, that's just globalism.

it is actually against faggots

dont be a retard, we dont want a global emperor, but a global federation is exactly what we need, with out an international court to prevent war ithen war will never stop, unless we create a world government that is elected , it will continue to be run by unelected fuck wits

who cares, it's false doctrine and will lead to destruction like all other false doctrines

Elections are disgusting shams, anyway. What we need are nationalist monarchies who have vested economic interests in trading with other monarchies.

it isnt false doctrine, you have no idea what it even claims, that makes you a npc loser who doesnt investigate truth but blindly makes decisions with superstition.

so you would rather i just became king, and you are a slave, hahahahah you are a retard

Why would you be king? It'd be based on old blood and who deserves to be where according to birthright. Monarchy is based because everyone has their place in the world secured for life. Today's faux egalitarianism does nothing but rob everybody of who they are supposed to be.

>have disbelief of the suggested org
i have a peerage and blood lines, listed in debretts peerage. you i guess don't

My family's in Burke's so I guess we're even.

nepotism has to stop, meritocracy is the way of the future,


Meritocracy is a sham. It just means "hire dumb people based on how disadvantaged they can claim to be" while those with actual merit get left behind because intelligence is genetic.

you clearly didnt watch the video, that is not what it means at all, this system doesnt reward minorities in any way, equal opportunity not out come, if your smart your smart if your not, your not

Circumcision is a crime

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oh sweet puckerin suckerin dick tips whats the rundown on that pic?

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A possible timeline.

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I wouldnt say the world! ha

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