Styx's Biden Analysis Analprobe BTFO'd

Would someone please inform this 10.5 Retard Clanker that the Dems have a proportional delegate-allocation primaries and that nobody is going to be 'knocking anyone out'.

Both Biden AND Bernie and a few other socialist shit-fuck SJW candidates will be simultaneously earning delegates from each state --- even a few MSM outlets have figured this out realizing the DNC Primaries weren't designed to have more than 3 candidates.

Simple basic math can demonstrate that there won't be a possibility of any one Dem candidate clinching the nomination with this many people running -- meaning nobody is going to achieve the 50% threshold.

The Superdelegate rules were also changed, they don't get a say this time around until after the first round at the DNC Convention.

Fuck man.

How could this cunt be usually smart AF and almost clairvoyant about political predictions and yet NOT understand the difference between how the Dems award delegates and how the Repubs do (winner-take-all per state)?

His whole analysis about the Dem primary has been BTFO for months now.

Can anyone get to him and give him a quick run-down?

That's about all, peace out.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-03 Styxhexenhammer666.png (889x566, 702K)

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Styx is not as intelligent as he thinks he is.

clanked n spanked

If you dont like styx go argue with him in his comments.

This thread is for people that want to suck their own dicks. Fuck Off.

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Styx is meant for background noise not actual insightful commentary.

self-suck is the ultimate Red Pill Skill

screencapped your post, i'll make a thread for you the night one dem candidate clinches the nomination with that many people running. you're underestimating how lemmings behave when the herd begins to move. but styx is pretty clueless. please, no more venezuela videos.

>$0.5 has been added to your account

The Dem primaries require a candidate to earn 50% of the delegates at the polls (Superdelegates don't count this time, rules were changed.)

You really think with 20+ muther fuckers running one of them will cross the 50% threshold? Dem Primaries don't care who wins the most delegates, what they count is how reaches the 50% threshold.

Ain't gonna happen man.

The candidate will be selected at the convention through several rounds of voting -- I suspect the plan for Biden's candidacy the entire time was for him to just cock block and then 'for the best of the party' drop out during the convention making way for 'fresh faces'.

Screencap this too.

Biden is going to knock Bernie, Cameltoe, Butt, Swallowwell and all the rest out and than he is going to knock out the cheeto in cheif and become President 2020. Screen cap this.

Attached: bidenmemes.png (500x634, 125K)

RetardFag here....can someone please the basics of how these points are collected and added up as they go from state to state, then finish up with the delegates?

It's the media, OP. The winner and runner up will get all the media attention, which is all the matters for follow up state primaries. So what'll happen is Biden and Bernie will get similar numbers of delegates and everyone else will get shafted in media coverage, creating a virtuous cycle for B&B and a vicious cycle for everyone else, except either Warren or Harris for having vaginas.

3/4 of the field will drop out after super tuesday.

fuck off with your eceleb shit

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This, I listen in the shower every morning, it's great.

I fucking hate how almost all right wing youtubers just reiterate whatever Jow Forums is talking about or make the same god damn video over and over again. They have no fucking originality.

Each state gets a certain number of delegates. They have their election. Delegates are awarded based on the voting results of the primary election for that state. Candidates collect delegates as each state holds its primary election.

Political nerds will pretend that delegate numbers matter for future elections, but this is wrong. Whoever won the last state will get the media hype that amounts to free advertising for the next state election. The first four states are Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada. So the winner of Iowa gets a boost in New Hampshire, and that winner gets a boost in South Carolina, and so on.

Styx's point is that by Nevada, the media will only be paying attention to AT MOST four candidates: Biden, Bernie, Warren, and Harris. Biden is most likely to win each of the elections, and Bernie is expected to place second in all of them but he has a good shot at first in New Hampshire, which could drag out the primary elections if he does. Either Warren or Harris will consolidate the sexist female supremacist vote and start getting all that media attention, so they'll be mentioned throughout the elections regardless just for having vaginas.

Attached: GHWB is dead.jpg (343x147, 22K)

The extras will probably drop out

most candidates are polling below 2% and won't get enough of the vote in a lot of states to receive delegates. They'll drop out as soon as it's good for their political career to do so. Also once they stop being invited to debates (the third debate requires 1. Having 130,000 donors AND 2. Polling above 2% in FOUR major polls in one month) they will be able to get far less attention to the point where continuing their campaign won't provide any benefit.
No, Biden won't literally 'knock anyone out' but he can poach their supporters and get them into a position where it's better for their future career to concede and endorse him.
If the nomination is contested, it will probably not be more than three main ways, with a few (very few) delegates supporting other candidates.
You assume that because there are 24 candidates, the votes will be split 24 ways somewhat evenly. But hardly any Dem is thrilled to go out and vote for Hickenlooper, Inslee, Delaney, Ryan, Gabbard, Gillibrand, Williamson, Messam (he shouldn't even count), Swalwell... most of them will drop out after they come in 15th place or so in Iowa. Those people are going to get maybe 2% total between them all in Iowa and NH. People who don't get top six in either won't even be taken seriously anymore. I'm not saying that the convention won't be contested, I'm just saying your logic is very flawed.

This is the guy that unironically thinks Texas can't ever go blue.
I mean I wont lie he definitely has some good takes on stuff but on some things (especially demographics) he's retarded.

Attached: Styx Texas Blue.jpg (1080x804, 258K)

Thank you very much!!

Who listens to this faggot seriously

He’s right that Mexicans in Texas are mostly conservative but he’s not factoring in that conservative Mexicans still vote for Democrats.


Where’s the proofs?

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Yes but this discounts the math. If no-single candidate earns 50% of the delegates it goes to the convention floor --- and that shit will be a blood bath.

Also of note, the CA primary has been moved up to Super Tuesday, which all but ensures most wont have dropped out by then (esp. Harris who is expected to do well in CA)

If Biden (or whoever) "wins" but gains less than the 50% delegate available at the polls, it becomes a contested convention.

After Super Tuesday the math will speak for itself because there won't be enough delegates left in the remaining contests to mathematically put someone over the top with 50% of the possible total delegates.

The math just becomes clearer by Super Tuesday.

The DNC Primary system can't handle more than a few candidates or the math won't allow a winner to prevail.

It's not majority rule, the "winner" isn't who gets the most votes, it's who goes over than 50% threshold -- which is mathematicaly essentially impossible unless all but 3 candidates drop out before Super Tuesday.

they're all leeches trying to kike money off us

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Reddit tl;dr version:

It's not about who wins the most delegates, it's who wins 50% of them.

Aint gonna happen with 20 people running, it's just won't. At best the front-runner will end up with 30-something%.

Imma be laughing the whole time too.

does he have a job

Agree, many will drop out -- but not before California which has been moved up to Super Tuesday (it used to be next-to-last)

The odds of a contested convention are a sure thing unless the rules get changed to allow 'the winner with most delegates' to be the nominee.

I seriously can't stop laughing at how the DNC has fucked themselves into a corner on this one.

There's plenty of other sources who've also figured it out.

The CA move to Super Tuesday ( ONE MONTH AFTER IOWA) was a major fuck-up, it makes it less likely people will drop out early.

You're welcome you FUCKING LEAF.

Seriously please get your communist under control, they inspire violence on our side of the fence.

>and that shit will be a blood bath.
Which only favors Trump, not ANY of the Democratic nominee candidates. It literally doesn't matter in the long run, only for gamblers who were betting on who would get the nomination (smart money is Biden, of course).