Minnesota man could win stand your ground case against aggressive Muslim

I feel like this hasn't been brought to anyone's attention and I think it is a nice case of "be careful what you wish for".

What Happened?
Muhhamed Rahim, an Iraqi immigrant, wiped his car out in the snowy roads.
Alexander Weiss pulls over on the side of the road to help them.
Muhhamed reverses his car and hits Weiss's car.
Muhhamed and another passenger confront weiss in the street.
Weiss is allegedly shoved and feels intimidated so he pulls out his glock.
Muhhamed allegedly tells him "its not a real gun", spits at him, and dares weiss to shoot him.
Weiss then cocks the glock and shoots him in the chest, killing him.
Weiss was charged for 2nd degree murder but the jury is deadlocked on the decision and the case is up in the air at this point as it was declared a mistrial and Weiss is ,at the moment, released on bail. Also the review hearing of the case will be on June 6th.

What do you guys think about this case? What would you do if you were Weiss?

Testimonies: startribune.com/rochester-man-charged-in-shooting-death-of-teen-who-dared-him-to-shoot/469757373/

Last report: kimt.com/content/news/Whats-next-for-Alexander-Weiss-murder-case-509706041.html

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NEVER EVER help someone who isn't white


While a lot of Jews have that surname, it's traditionally German.

Achmed had it coming here.

He asked him to do it.

>Muhhamed allegedly tells him "its not a real gun", spits at him, and dares weiss to shoot him.
>Weiss then cocks the glock and shoots him in the chest, killing him.

Unless there's more to this, he chimped out, plain and simple. Can't just gun down somebody for insulting you, that's not the way stand your ground and self defense work. You have to be in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm.

“What are you going to do, shoot me?” says man shot by gun.

That's why the jury is deadlocked. There are 3 different accounts to this situation from a passerby, Weiss, and passengers in Muhammad's car. That's why I say "allegedly".

Also, real minnesotans don't get mad at other people for crimes they commit. This is just an Iraqi who doesn't mix well with our "minnesota nice" culture.

>helping shitskins
this is what you get
a giant legal mess

If he would've shot when he was shoved not after all that shit the case wouldn't be this mess

if you behave that way when a cop draws on you you'll get popped too. moohammad escalated the situation and got what he deserved.

>assuming the jew media is telling the whole story
the jury wouldnt have hung if that was the case.

Not totally kiked

Spitting on someone is an attack. Self defense

The passerby's story seems to align more with the muzzies, though. They indicated nobody was close to Weiss at the time he aimed and shot the gun, nobody was charging him, etc.

What I don't get is why the Muslims were so damn aggressive just because some guy stopped to help. Were they trying to avoid the cops because some of the passengers were illegal or something?

MN here we need Stand your Ground NOW!

Based and minnesotanice pilled. Edina resident here. Very comfy

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It's not a potentially deadly attack, though.

I had the report in which it detailed Weiss's full story but I can't find it anymore. It's literally buried.

Anyone daring you to shoot them with a gun pointed at them is reason enough. Shit isn’t the movies.

>Asks to get shot
>Gets shot
Why does the government have to interfere between two consenting adults?

That and the name Alexander is very rarely Jewish. I mean it happens, but it's super rare because he is the villain of Maccabees.

They were aggressive after Rahim reversed his car into Weiss's(which was on the side of the road because he wanted to help them). Still doesn't justify being really aggressive and threatening towards him.

I'm starting to like India posters more and more.

Iraqis shouldn't be in the U.S., good riddance.

I mean the guy did give him consent to shoot him so...

Sandnigger spit? It could have camel spider eggs in it or some shit

amerimutt average IQ is also liking India so much you are getting closer and closer to that as well.

>shooting muslims dead
>jury locked
Something is off

Im in the area in which this case happened. It's nice knowing there are other minnesotans on here since we are such a blue state.

You're not going to convince a jury in most places to say not guilty for killing someone who just spit on you. However, out of principal, this whiteoid is not guilty. Deus Vult.

what would happen if cop pulls his gun on you and you tell that cop that's a toy gun, dare to shoot and then spit at him/her?

Finngolians fear the burger/poo alliance

pic related

There is certainly more to the story, there are several missing chunks, from when his car was hit, and the actual escalation.

Its the most interesting case no one knows about at the moment. I'm sure we are inb4 a huge media backlash if weiss wins.

You know how Blacks let off other Blacks no matter how guilty they are if they attack Whites?

We should probably do the same. Is it happening already?


>fuck me, forgot pic

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Based poo.

good advice



If it was Weiss's account in which he was allegedly pushed, spat on, and refusing to be detained then it was justified.

if a muslim spits on you, you should be able to kill them

dont worry finland bro ill save a street just for you

Its probably going to be some bullshit where the government keeps retrying him until they get a conviction.

>shoots unarmed man
fry him.
why are whites such irate chimps though?

RIP Muhammad Rahim bro

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It's Minnesota dude. I'm surprised that shithole is even giving him a fair shake instead of cutting his head off

I had no idea the singer from The Cure was Iraqi.

Also dog filter is not halal.

if that's the faggot then I praise jew Weiss for ridding the world of such faggotry.. muzzies can go back to muzzieland and be such faggots

this. fuck these shitskin and somalinigger invaders. hope he walks.

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>what I don't get is why was the sand nigger violent
>how could this poor innocent refugee be violent?!
Just shut the fuck up boomer and go to your home on Facebook

Why kind of moron calls a bluff on a gun in America?

this poor Iraqi is DEAD because he had to come to this Christian shithole after this fucking IMPERIALIST government ruined his home

It's important to understand a countries culture before deciding to live there.

this, but unironically.

Looks like a fag. Not surprised.

You have to be a complete moron to gamble your life on shooting someone in such an iffy situation. I don't agree with a lot of the toxic masculinity shit but this is actually a good example. It was a dumb move. If he didn't have his gun on him the situation would've resolved itself by walking away, waiting for the cops to file the (civil) collision report and adding that the guy (criminally) pushed and spit on him. Instead his primitive brain reached for his comfort tool and now he might spend the bulk of his life in prison.

his eyebrows are (or were) shaped better than mine and I’m a girl

>murder is just part of our culture
>but brown people are violent and aggressive

So, jew or college retard?

asam ai lakum my sand nigga

>flee violence between dunecoon factions in your home country
>blame Americans for the violence
>go to America for some reason
>chimp out
>be shot by an American

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this 1000 times.

The thing is Rahim's father worked for the U.S government while they lived in Iraq. However, I guess his son was never disciplined enough?

Adult man who wouldn't have helped that guy in the first place. One look at him and I'd drive on by.

It was an insurance scam, to reverse into him to make it like like Weiss rear ended him and caused him to go off the road. But the shakedown went bad.typical sandnigger behavior.

Great case. Let weiss go arm him and give him a license to kill more durka allah towelhead sand niggers

a laikum salam

fuck, what a horrible world leftism has created

Oh fuck that. I bet every goddamn iraqi says that, and they always had a saying, never trust a terp.

Statistically, immigrants are kind of tame for fear of deportation. At least in America, where deportation is actually on the table for legal violations, as opposed to Europe where you can potentially stay in a country after raping a kid.

Why the FUCK are middle eastern towel heads and African apes so freaking attracted to my state? No really. You'd think they'd be deterred by the snow, ice, and generally being frozen half the year, but they keep on coming. I'm tired of this shit, I'm moving states in a year or two.

With a fag like that, Imams should be paying white guys attorneys fees.

To be honest, they aren't all aggressive, but I have seen a lot of them "chimp out" as you say and this just fell right into the stereotype. Also, yes, this country has a culture of violence and its not gonna stop anytime soon.

immigrant clearly escalated the situation and was unable to control himself as most criminals aren't.

If it wasn't this man he tried to fight it would have been somebody else. animalism has no place in society.

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>People are to dumb to have the ability to defend themselves

You should move to Canada people actually belive that here

>It was an insurance scam, to reverse into him to make it like like Weiss rear ended him and caused him to go off the road.

This, it's also why they got aggressive with him immediately afterward, they were playing the part of people that had just been rear ended out of nowhere.

>raping a kid.
1. Sexual emergency
2. I don’t know the Swedish word for “no”
3. I need to rid myself of AIDS by rubbing the AIDS out into the virgin swede boys rectum in the public pool.
Don’t be an islamophobic bigot.

This is why>>> "Abdulwahhab Kareem, father of Muhammed Rahim, the slain 17-year-old, said Tuesday that he can’t understand how his family found tragedy in what he called the safest city in the world. They left their war-torn home in 2012 due to threats that shadowed them because of their work for the U.S. government, he said."

Self defense from invasion is the way I’s sees it

that girl in the photo admitted to taking Xanax recreationally the night before. not even sure why they bother with some of these people in court cases.

The main witness changed their story from what they told the cop at the time and then at cross-examination. You won't get 'beyond a reasonable doubt' with that sort of ambiguity.

Fuck Minnesota's overwhelming liberalism
t. Minnesotan

>but I have seen a lot of them "chimp out" as you say and this just fell right into the stereotype
wow the level of stormfag denial here is unreal.
this faggot murdered someone and fucked up his life forever because he had a nigger moment in traffic.

there was only one chimpout here and it wasn't the Iraqi kid.
this is why you faggos shoot up schools.
you have poor impulse control and decision making skills.

Kids in home country never say no. Why would Swedish kids be any different?

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I don't believe it was a scam, the kid is 17 and I can understand how bad the roads get here. It is hard to get out of a snowy ditch so it is understandable that the speed in which he exited the ditch may have caused the collision.

If anyone spits at you, you should be encouraged to kill the nigger

You'll stay in Canada forever and I will never so much as visit a Canadian website.

Wow, what a niggerfaggot

Yeah, Mondale wasn’t a good look

More like they had to flee because his son was a massive faggot

>someone stops to help you
>chimp out at him

Yeah real understandable.

A goatfucking immigrant spitting on a US citizen should be punishable by death. Oh well.

Based. I can see this shit happening in my head. Muhhamed probably genuinely made a mistake and backed into the guy's car. But then he went full shitskin mentality, got out of his car, and said "Nah man I didn't do that." or "My bad breh. Quit lookin at me like that." This is how all low-tier people operate in situations like this.

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>Americans actually believe it's ok to shoot someone for a shove and a spit

I'm so glad i don't live in US, what a shithole

I literally gave the benefit of the doubt by saying "allegedly" in the post. It was not right for TWO people to aggressively confront Weiss. In hindsight, I bet Weiss would have gotten into his car to avoid all of this. Weiss gives his time to charity and was a nice Minnesotan man based on record with only one ticket as his only offense ever done. This was a calm man who didn't want to be the next victim and you play it off as if the only reason he did it was because we is white. You should check yourself 215237571 because you are just as bad as the "stormfags".

You’re implying it’s a human leaf dummy