European historians need some of your insight

Anons i was thinking about this but dont have enough history knowledge to answer my own question. has there ever been a time in our history when so many of our lands have been subverted and the demographics have shifted this much? have europeans ever been a minority anywhere besides rhodesia and SA and if so what happened? i know we will get past this i love you all my european brothers and sisters

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>doesnt know of the Volksdammerung

U wut mate?

Circa 400 ad. The hun moves in from the east. Germanics from Germania flee, begging Rome for it's protection. Titus and Varinus debate topic of saving "refugees". Diversity wins out. Barbarians are allowed into borders, even put to work in the Legions. Massive welfare state to support new immigrants collapses. Cant pay the bills. Unpiad "Roman" soldier, Odoacer takes his pay by force, sacks Rome, declares himself king. Begin one thousand year dark age.


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yeah but werent both groups white? i got no problem with all kinds of whites living together because were all whites, america and canada were good before the 1960's immigration acts which started flooding us with non white trash

Onto the grander picture of the events.

The Franks moved south west into Gaul. Killed all the celts who lived there, named their new kingdom "France".

Alemani from the alps went south into Cisalpine Gaul, they were called "Lombards" as that simply meant 'bearded ones' Claim entire region, name it Lombardia. Latins and Celts removed.

Visigoths head further south west into Iberia. They dont eradicate the existing population but become the ruling class, get removed from power few hundred years later by Moorish conquerers.

Vandals Go even further into Northern Africa. Dont last long before Arabs and Moors remove them.

Angals and Saxons get into boats, cross the channel, kill some stupid king named Arthur, name their new home Angalland (England). Remaining celts flee to Wales or Ireland.

No Romans were descendants of Phonecians, from Anatolia (Turkey) being a break off of the Etruscan colony.

White isnt a race user, it's a color.

Germanics, celts, latins, Helenic greeks all had white skin but were not the same people. They called them Barbarians for a reason.

yeah but for the modern world at least to me white means any light skinned ethnic european, your telling me about us fighting each other in our past. i want to know about our fights with other non whites. mainly do you think we will band together again and take back our lands from this multicultural nonsense

Pretty much all of Europe was conquered by Germanics. There are few true Latins left. Maybe some in Umbria. They marveled on the size of Germanics penis size, and ability to grow beards. They are two seperate races.

What you now call "white" is almost predominatly Germanic. Hence people not liking the irish, as they are celts. Another race of people with red hair and no souls.

>White isnt a race user, it's a color


We spent hundreds of years showing other races our superiority. They are dumb though, and forget shit fast. We are about to enter a new age of Imperialism, but this time, we wont forget them using our good nature against us.

then you have the wrong attidude the irish are our european brothers, im polish myself we all need to work together if we want to get through this century. we need to all come together and forget the conflict of our past against eachother

white is a race when people say it isnt i feel like they want to divide us, sounds like kikery. all different types of europeans are sub groups of white but we are all still white. just like different tribes in africa are all niggers

Anglo-Saxons dont need anyone's help DESU.

96% of modern inventions, from the refrigorator to nukes and B2 bombers is all us.

The rest of you are useless eaters who'd still be using pointy sticks if we werent so generous.

Until you start calling Hamites(children of Ham, a black dude) white.

Anyway you're being retarded. The white "race" warred against each other so much for a reason, they aren't one body of people nor will they ever be.

Being a leaf on Jow Forums you probably understand. A lot of autists often treat you with disrespect just by default.

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Yeah it is a form of kikery. Either that or the person is just really dumb. Alt hype did a pretty good video on it when sargon did his infamous what is white spiel.

Well part of europe was under muslim control for years during the middle ages all the way to the XVII century.

Well user first you need to define what whiteness is, you see is an ambiguous term that goes from everyone that can drink milk or have pink nipples to everyone with light skin to all people with mostly European blood.
I don't like the word personally I prefer the word European or European descendent

You are so simple minded.

There are even many types of blacks.

Nubians, from the horn of africa and the nile, are actually pretty fucking civilized. They used the wheel, built cities, and did shit. Cnturies of close ties with Egyptians made them a bit more advanced. Small frames, big foreheads.

Pygmy are the little fellas that cant even form a real language. Use grunts and clicks to relay simply basic thoughts. 5 foot would be a tall one, ya'd know if you saw one.

Then there are the Bantu. The big, hyper aggresive ones who went on a conquest spree and killed most of the pygmies. Most likely ate them. They started in west africa but spread over the entire continent. Then the world, when some idiots thought they'd make decent laborers. These are the niggers we all hate. Hyper-aggression makes them completely uncivilizable.

>Cnturies of close ties with Egyptians made them a bit more advanced.
Egypt started in the south and moved north.

And generalizing Africa like this while calling someone else simple minded is pretty hilarious.

>ya got the dumb ones, the smart and pretty ones, and the short ones

There's more variance of people in Africa than in the most of the rest of the world.

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yes i heard that africa has alot of diversity but keeping shit simple is the best way to think about things over complicating shit is not needed. all africans are different flavors of niggers i dont need to know their different types they are all niggers just like all light skinned ethnic europeans are white

This is a pretty good map

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That's just a method of making yourself more stupid, brother.

To survive, true freckled ginger reservations. Now.

im thinking in terms of our race moving forward im not ignoring the different types of africans im just saying it does not matter to me, its irrelevant to the survival of the white race to care about which nigger is a bantu and which is a pygmy or whatever

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The reason the white race is failing is because of ignorance like this.


Yeh I wouldnt expect much else from a race of slaves.

He did say he was Polish. They still call themselves "Slavs".

Also another people who would exist if we Anglos didnt protect them from the Teutons every hundred years or so.

A prime example of a tribalist brainlet.

what ignorance not dividing ourselves into little groups so we can get over run with immigration while we argue over who the real white people are


I loled.

Ignorance is why you're divided. You're so dumb you missed what I was saying there lmao.

96? What you smoking??

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Perfect. Now make them breed.