>be me >join lebbit r/china discord >filled with white piggus and propaganda sprouting sheep who have never stepped a foot in china >mods are white, border controllers are white, general atmosphere for the place is very anti-china despite it being a discord built around china >constant spam of the tianmensquare copypasta in the language learning section
This seems to be a general trend I'm witnessing, the more I interact with white people, the more nationalist I become. I didn't care for politics until the white devils decided to keep shoving it down my throat how badly china is governed and anything contrary to the western lifestyle must be wrong.
>people should be with their own as a general rule
I mean there should be exceptions allowed, but the fact that this isn't a cultural default in all nations is a problem.
Jackson Bell
this is what happened to german turks btw
Landon Rivera
>flag Fuck off back to China then
Aiden Hughes
Ching Chong Winnie the Pooh
Elijah Davis
why are white people so racist though. honest question :)
Jayden Harris
Because white people are good at making prosperous countries. Like ants to a dropped sandwich, the white countries get infested by the blacks, browns, and beiges. Then (((they))) cucked the leaders into accepting the infestation because the alternative is to be mean.
Anthony Johnson
Because their countries are being invaded by refugees and inmigrants As a nationalist you have to understand that
Henry Flores
they were racist long before they themselves allowed this to happen :) democracy everyone