Converting to Christianity

As a Turk who saw through the bullshit of Islam and doesn't want to be an atheist because that's fedora tier. Should I convert to Orthodox Christianity?

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what ever you do. stay in your own country

Absolutely. You are welcome to join.

greek orthodox is the closest.

I was thinking of that

There are two Greek Orthodox Churches that are canonical. One is the church of Greece and the other is the Patriarchate in Constantinople. I imagine the latter is geographically closer.

I spent some time researching common philosophies and religious texts, I found that Islam, Christianity, and judaeism are all quite similar. Hell, even Hindu says some same shit as ancient Jew profs.

Just look around for a bit before you decide, there's no Rush in choosing

Yeah, im only considering it for now

Why do you need an institution to tell you who or what God is? Can't you believe without having a collection of texts and books telling you exactly what to believe in?

>I spent some time researching common philosophies and religious texts, I found that Islam, Christianity, and judaeism are all quite similar.
then you did not spend any time researching anything and you are a liar.

you're one of those "shut up, boomer!" faggots, aren't you?

No become a Tengriist.

Isn't that the whole point?

no, not reallly. If you find a book or text convincing who am I to tell you what you should believe in. I was just wandering.

What exactly is the "bullshit" of islam you "saw through"? I'm intrigued

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Do you want to believe in God or an image of God made by men?

Turkey was originally a Christian empire and home to one of the oldest Christian Churches ever perverted by Islam (Hagia Sophia).

Tengri is larp as we only have a small drop of Turkic blood, we are mostly a mix of Greek/Persians and Anatolian tribes

In god but not with Islam

well, history books tell you what to believe about history.
that was my point.

Murtad monkey, who actually gets fooled into the autism of trinity?


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Islam is an absurd and puts Hebrew prophets as their own prophets and a lot of it's culture such as honour killings and the fact that the general community is full of low iq savages

congratulations! Ortho is based. The most important thing is the belief that Christ died for your sins and was raised back to life by The Father. Look up some Dr. Michael Heiser on YT. That guy does a better job of explaining the context of the bible better than anyone. He wont protect you from the uncomfortable parts of the bible either. best regards

shut up, brainlet.

You're just talking about Paganism, dude. You think Nature is God.

You would be welcome. Personally, becoming a believer strengthened me and made me a better person. But be warned, it is a difficult road, and you will fail often. Everybody does.

May God give you wisdom and strength!

You can be agnostic atheist, it is quite different and leads to human progress.
Don't just go from one Abrahamic religion to another.


You're not saveable.

Circumcision and cube worshipping

Islam is Semitic trash same as Christianity.

history books give you the winners perspective on an event. Often they can have facts in them as in numbers of people or the order in which events take place. That said, you shouldn't take them as absolute truth too.
then maybe you shouldn't replace one religion with another. look for God yourself.

read the bible and derive your own dogma from the lessons within
not a christcuck, but if Abraham made a covenant with the big J why can't you?

If you're joining for the social circle benefits avoid anything papacy related

Atheism-leaning-Agnosticism is FAGGOT SHIT. Be a goddamned Nordic Pagan.

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Based. Did you watch Christian Prince and David Wood on YouTube? Be sure to spread the good news among other Turks as much as you can and stay safe. DEUS VULT.

Rev 3.9 "Behold, Iwill causethoseofthe synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—I will make themcome and bow downat your feet, andmake themknow thatI have loved you"

If you dont offer human sacrifices you're not a real pagan.

Most Turks are Greeks anyway so you're really just returning to form.

If you happen to live in Istanbul/Izmir, contact the local churhc and tell them you would like to discuss with them what ever you want to learn/get elaborated on.
If not, you could try to look for Armenian churches near by.

I hope AKP fanatics find you and murder you on your way to school.

you're legit retarded and think in reverse.
pagans are just low iq asshats.
worshipping man made idols.
what a fucking lunatic thing to do.


Orthodoxes are cringe

I detest Christianity but Protestantism seems the best

Not enough lessons to be given though - in contrast with Olympus.

Wouldn't this basically just make you Greek? Regardless welcome brother.

>leads to human progress
all forms of atheism only lead to stagnation and then regression.
without the word you are nothing more than a golem.

You should very much convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. The best part is that people can be fucking normal and still live a good life according to God.

Seriously look into.

>Islam is an absurd and puts Hebrew prophets as their own prophets

What the fuck

What are you talking about

THIS is literally the same in every single Abrahamic religion EXCEPT Islam claims that there were tens of thousands of prophets. Whereas in Judaism it's only a few hundred. In Christianity it's the same plus Jesus

No you idiot Greeks were just a small minority in Anatolia. They didn't exist in any part of Anatolia.

Greeks were invaders who commited a cultural genocide.

there is something divine in nature but I don't think you can talk about paganism as a set belief system. In the beginning pagans were polytheists, different from the christians in rome. Now its all a larp. The term paganism is too vast and generic.

there were no Greeks in Anatolia.

brainlet subhuman

How has believing changed your life?
No I haven't seen anything yet but I will start watching.

i see.
you favor the armies of the world?
how foolish.

Read the scripture for yourself and pray to God. Also look up wordprophet on yt.

take a DNA test, see which ethnic your closest to. Then change your culture to theirs and follow their orthodox church.

islam is satanism.

He's literally retarded dude, he goes to say we have Hebrew prophets when Christians do too. Then he says he has a problem with the culture of Muslims, and has no real argument against the religion itself.

Uh huh. Protestants with their countless heresies, mega church tax havens, LGBT support, female ministers, and raves.

is that what they teach you at school?

Orthodoxy is just Greek version of Christianity. Byzantine subhumans literally invented an entire religion for political purposes.

Orthodoxy is also idolatry and Orthodoxes worship icons and idols. Plus all the Orthodox countries are shitholes for a good reason. Orthodoxy is shit midas.

If you had a brain i'd call you a brainlet.

He clearly has no idea what he's talking about. This is why I didn't even bother responding.

Islam doesn't need you anyways.

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this is how the world stays fucking retarded.
ethnicity is irrelevant to spirit.

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Haven't done one yet so I don't know what will really come out of it

Go watch any video of roaches reacting to their 23andme/ancestry tests, all are around ~50% Greek.


>greeks were small minority in anatolia
>greeks didnt exist in any part of anatolia
Brainlet roach cant even form two sentences without contradicting himself

>Orthodoxes worship icons and idols
you have no idea what christianity is about.
we're allowed to have art, but we don't worship man made things.

Shlomo, just stick to your cult religion, Judaism and always help your Mohel Rabbis hold down baby boys so the Rabbi can slurp on his bloodied cock.

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Fuck The Bible God even if He's real. How about that.

I don't have a problem with that, my enemies are there for me to use and abuse at my own leisure.

Fuck you faggot

I don't "worship the gods", faggot. I appease them at the most.

Paganism in general which BTW, is mostly trash. All your "wisdom" is faggot shit, there's only WINNING and LOSING.

Whatever, existence was a mistake it's all a fucking joke. It's all vanity in the context of a meaningless unfair competition, it probably all dies in the end.

I'm going to rape kill and eat you in the name of Loki because i'm bored, no hard feelings.

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No you imbecile they come up as West Asian and 23andme is shit

And as i mentioned before, there were no Greeks in Anatolia. Greeks were invaders who committed a cultural genocide towards natives of Anatolia.

>bows to a black cube
>doesn't think it's a satanic cult

didn't exist in significant numbers*

happier now you stupid faggot gyros cutter?

The greeks only occupied coastal cities. Most of anatolia was always turkish and kurdish. I love how greeks try to claim all of Anatolia as greek clay, fucking hilarious.

See the difference(?)
Agnostic atheism makes you really not give a shit, for /they/ are mentally limited to just one line of instructions to solving logical problems.

Despite your efforts they won't welcome you to their degenerate civilization which you madly admire brother

Yes brother, Christ loves you

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Kek, Turks who converted to Orthodoxy already exist. They are called Greeks.

And they are fucktards per excellence.

that'a not a thing.
the aryans existed in india around 5,000 bc.
learn some fucking history, dumbass.

This has nothing to do with Protestantism but with people.

Catholic pope also kisses Black feet and say gays can enter heaven.

actually they're called Gagauzes

>Agnostic atheism makes you really not give a shit
which is how humanity dies, therefore, satanic.

>swapping one desert religion for another
woah, that's so radical brah

wrong. 'prophet' in christianity just means someone the jews killed.

>he thinks greeks came after turks

Convert to Judaism. It's the best religion for your people.

No that's the G-d of Christians.

Nope, Gagausians are Pomaks who forcedly converted to Orthodox Bulgarians and then converted to Muslims again.

here you go OP:

The cube itself isn't black and the covering has been in different colours over the centuries :^)

Gagauzes are actually still Christian.

Turks are a mixed bunch, they are smack dab in the middle of the eastern and western world.

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The ancestral society of the Byzantine peoples? Oh yeah.

Youre literally a steppe monkey who invaded a greek anatolia. You have to go back and give anatolia back to the greeks whom it belongs

Most turks look swarthy and brown..

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> who commited a cultural genocide.
whom did they genocide?

Pleb tier thinking.
Read a book instead of watching dumb e-celebs on youtube.

>he thinks the space rock in the corner of the fucking thing isn't a black cube

>Should I convert from one desert religion to another desert religion?

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the rock is spherical

Well, let me rephrase that.
Makes you really focus on things that matter more than an unproven theory and its biologically regressive followers.
Scientific rules dictate we can't prove negatives.