When you called us Slavs inferior subhumans without any reason, we showed you our superhuman power and beat the shit out of you.

Next time you think of underestimating the whitest race on the planet that gave you Tesla, Curie and Dostoyevsky, remember this picture. We are able to humilliate ANYONE, even those who considered themselves "Aryan masterrace".

Now start making excuses if you like, but you know damn well that we are your daddies and that you're afraid of us.

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>We are able to humilliate ANYONE
considering that slavs just humiliate themselves and they are fucking nobodies.

Cool but communism is the shittiest system ever. Nazism is kinda cool tho.

>numbers advantage
>superhuman power

So are you going to starve a hundred million of your own people to humiliate everyone again? Or just lose another space race?

3 Russians died for every German.
Such superhumans.

Germans had numbers advantage when they almost reached moscow
They were outnumbered in the start of the invasion that they started
Stalin believed that germans arent utterly retarded to fight a war on 2 fronts, again
most of the soviet victims were civilian because of lesser creatures such as ukrainians, blyatic maggots and others in the ss
Soviets wiped out the aryian master race because it was their right and duty and revenge to do so
all that is left is this filth that will die out on its own
raping german women was an act of mercy and completely justified, because it doesnt compare to what the germans did along with their dogs to whom they gave out ubermensch plastic tokens so they feel better about themselves and follow orders

Gott, behutte uns von Pesten, Krieger und Kroaten
it's time germans remember what they wrote on their churches

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Shut the fuck up you stupid nigger

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chemi dzma

they won bigger they were in much bigger numbers.

In middle ages Slav was synonym for slave in most langages

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1) Who bashes slaves other than shills on here?
2) Us white nationalists include slaves as white, but we hate (((communism/USSR))) so get a fucking grip!

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The moon landing never happened you leaf nigger


How are things in Georgia buddy?

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>Cool but communism is the shittiest system ever. Nazism is kinda cool tho.


>3 Russians died for every German.

stop with this CNN-tier bullshit, ok?

LMFAO, sure thing Ivan.

I like Russian people, the ones I've met are very nice and top tier drinking buddies.


Balaklava, huh?

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btw, check out your sources, nigger
knowledge lvl eng/wikifaggia in history, lmao

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Everyone thinks you're a giant faggot

>talking about Soviet success as if it was its own
dude, your ancestors put money on the wrong horse

we put money on 2 sides

>pro-communist post
>HR flag
off to Jasenovac with you, serbshit gypsy


There's a reason why the word 'slave' comes from slav. Slavs were one of the most docile, unaggressive tribes in history - enslaved and abused by everyone including the byzantines, arabs and normans

the only true talent that slavs ever possessed was rapid breeding like rabbits, so naturally they could zergrush when needed, however only when commanded by non-Slavs

If it was communist Serbs they sent there it would have been something at least. This way...

Oh my god, slavs bragging about something. Well at least they were better than the Nordcucks.

said the semi-armenoid subhuman blacked half-caste arabokurd whose native shithole had to beg the Russian Empress to save his pathetic "nation" of watermelon sellers, whores and wine merchants


butthurt Vityok.


Russians still employing people to controls internet facts

But not to provide jobs....

Slavs prove they are white by pulling the "what did you just say about me you little bitch" move everytime someone who thinks Slavs are subhiman tries to fight them, shame they were subverted by Jews tho

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slav doesn't come from word for slave. In slavic it's Slaven/Sloven, root from Slava(glory) or slovo(letter). Slovo(letter) makes alot of sence simce we call germans Njemci/Nemci/Niemci meaning mutes in contrast to us slavs, men of letter/word. Slavs can speak and those who cannot are mute or germans

Slav, by itself comes from Slovo, of course.

But the word 'slave' in english is ultimately derived from Latin, and the fact that many slavs were, how shall we say... slaves

>a literal fucking low IQ mongrel armenoid
say what you want, if not for the Russians, you would have been ever more subhuman looking than armenians today

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Germanic master race dominates the world to this day.

You are that proud to be helping Turks you fucking anglo piece of shit?

Nazbol 4 life

Pretty Jewish but ok

Cool story bro

It's amusing when a russian chink is calling someone a mongoloid and accuses someone of low IQ
those slanted eyes must not be getting enough visual stimuli to properly process information

actually original is greek, and it actually ment Slav. But other stuff you said doesn't make sence, slavs aren't docile by nature, slavs don't breed as rabbits, slavs weren't enslaved by normans or arabs. Greeks did, but not in form as slavery is thought of now as negro chattel slaves but more as serfs, since slavs settled on byzantine land and were subjegated to feudalism like treatment like rest of europe. Turkic people did infact did alot of stuff to slavs("harvesting of the steppe" black sea slavery etc)

>we showed you our superhuman power
decimated by Germany in weeks, who would have prevailed if not for round the clock bombing by Bongs and Mutts and opening of the western front.

WW2 was our civil war

>naturally they could zergrush when needed, however only when commanded by non-Slavs
is that how they beat the shit out of your entire "army" in a week?

>slavs aren't docile by nature

well, you south slavs aren't for sure

But East Slavs tend to have this complacent nature and dull conformism, when they will tolerate every injustice that their own state will inflict upon them. That's not patriotism, that's a fucking stockholm syndrome
and name any great russian leader except Ivan the terrible, peter the great (not that they were pureblood russians) and maybe vlad putin - who led this enormous mass of people to military success.
and I'm talking about military success, not education, not prosperity - those things never existed in East Slavic lands and its inhabitants never really wanted them anyway

compare IQ in Georgia and European Russia. Then check out whom David the Builder married you literal brown half kurdish quarter persian quarter armenian bastard
>and name any great russian leader except Ivan the terrible, peter the great (not that they were pureblood russians) and maybe vlad putin - who led this enormous mass of people to military success.
Oleg, Svyatoslav, Dmitry Donskoy... many such cases.

And neither Ivan the half grekoarmenoid, Peter the blackcockloving tatarshit or Vlad the Pension Fund Butcher waged military campaignes on their own. They had generals and officers, 99% of which were mainly East Slavic with occassional West European ancestry

>well, you south slavs aren't for sure
but word for slave comes from greek, and greeks had "slaves" of south slavic origin
>those things never existed in East Slavic lands
neither they did in kartvelian lands
>any great russian leader
Kutuzov, Nevski, Suvarov, Zhukov, Brusilov etc
I'm not saying that east slavs are sucessfull people, but they aren't as bad as you portray them. Slavs exist in permanent state of suffering in comtrast to anglos who have never suffered seriusly. Maybe that's reason why slavs by nature hate anglos. We hate them because they are pure contrast of us and envy them for their prosperity

>compare IQ in Georgia and European Russia
sources? methodology?

what I know for a fact is life-expectancy, AIDS-rates and alcoholism/abortion contrast between our countries. We're not great, but Russia is African tier.

>David the Builder married you literal brown half kurdish quarter persian quarter armenian bastard

half of Russia's old nobility is of Tatar-Mongolian descent lol. The other half were married into it.


alright, armenoids are dirty and hairy, but greeks - really? you slanted-eyed savages literally were taught by them how to read and write and how to build buildings with stone. High IQ master race, lol

>neither they did in kartvelian lands
but comparing a small, isolated ethnic and religious enclave surrounded by Turko-Iranian muslims to a very large ethnic massif right next to enlightened europe and with all the empty space for expansion is not entirely correct

It's like saying - yeah, but they had Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy. well, duuh. Russia had a huge population pool (75 million in mid 19th century, 60 million ethnic russians among these) and the question is not how come they came up with some geniuses, but why there were so few great geniuses of such significance from such a large population

>but they aren't as bad as you portray them
per capita, they certainly are. obviously, there are decent folks among them and I knew many myself

Hope you enjoyed communism, irrelevant country-kun.

Shut the fuck up mongrel

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>half of Russia's old nobility is of Tatar-Mongolian descent
Except it was purely East Slavic and sometimes Germanic/Scandinavian with less than 4 families having any connection to the horde whatsoever. And it's not like those families were subjected to take in gooks, Moscow FORCED gooks to convert and took them to the court as servants that can help Russians to understand the mood within the horde. Meanwhile YOUR MOST venerated hero literally took A FUCKING ARMENIAN to be his first wife and a NOGAI MONGOL gook to be his second. The very two thing each Georgoarmenoidokurd hates.
>but greeks - really?
greeks are araboarmenoids just like you lmao. And, no, Kirill and Methodius were not Greek just because they live on the territories of the Byzantine Empire.

And were Russians taught to read by them? Also a resounding no. They were reforming the alphabet from running to Cyrillic one

Today greekshits and you share 80 something Northern Africa tier IQ and shitskin looks. Congrants, Goga.

Oh look its this thread again

>When you called us Slavs inferior subhumans without any reason, we showed you our superhuman power and beat the shit out of you.
I'm sorry, did you ever read about lend&lease? or the K/D ratio on the Eastern Front? Sit down, doggies.

that image is a meme like the iwo jima shit. theres no place to even secure the flag hes just holding it up uncomfotably like a retard.

>Slavs exist in permanent state of suffering in comtrast to anglos who have never suffered seriusly.
Civil Wars, Norman invasions, Viking raids, Roman occupation, the extermination of the Highland clan system, Victorian industrial child labour.... those things must have been great for the Anglo-Celtic races
>isolated ethnic and religious enclave
>isolated ethnic enclave
in your dreams lazo-kartvelo-irano-armeniano-nogai-arabo-gypsy-megrelo mutts

>but why there were so few great geniuses of such
there were many geniuses, but they would just spend life plowing the land or dying in battle. Way east slavic land were ruled is biggest reason it failed followed by geography. Expansion of Russia helped to deal with geographic issues(reason why Russia had to expand so much is to overcome geography) but rulership of land remained bad and is still bad. And 20th century was such a mess for east slavs they won't recover from it for another 200 years

All those hose things have centuries between them. No Slavic land had more than a few decades of breathing space.

Slavs are niggers.

>Civil Wars, Norman invasions, Viking raids, Roman occupation, the extermination of the Highland clan system, Victorian industrial child labour....
bad yes, but nothing compared to stuff slavs survived
>roman occupation
you serious? Should I mention war of 2 Batos and other roman illyrian wars? Those weren't croat conflicts so I won't and neither roman occupation of britain was related to anglos. You amd we weren't people back then

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k/d ratio on the eastern front was exactly the same as the western, 2:1 for axis

>there were many geniuses, but they would just spend life plowing the land or dying in battle

and here is the key to the East Slavic problem. The people aren't retarded clearly, but kept retarded by upper echelons (1-2%), who get all the opportunity to 'become geniuses'

the other 90+% are to remain bydlo - die in wars, get killed in freak accidents, live miserably in little sunlight they get in Russia and drink vodka or boyarishnik to numb that pain they've no idea how to fix.

First, some of those things were centuries-old proccesses of suffering. Second, both England and Scotland were at war with somebody for most of their histories
>but nothing compared to stuff slavs survived
Just a single event - the extermination of the Highland clan culture was about literal and COMPLETE physical extermination of ethno-linguistic culture. Name me a single Slavic ethnicity that endured it. Key word: complete
>You amd we weren't people back then
Yes, Brythonic and Kajkavian speaking tribes appeared out of nowhere

At least 1:3 for Russian subhumans

there probably exist universe were Russia modernized in 19th century and didn't suffered as much as it did in 20th. Imagine world where 300+ million east slavs live like decent human beings. That country would be in that world uncontested superpower
I was speaking of anglos not celts
>Kajkavian speaking tribes appeared out of nowhere
what those drinkers of sour wine have to do with anything
K-D rations in favor of germany on eastern front comes from faulty moves of STAVKA command, incopetent officers due to purges and getting encircled by wehrmacht due to them. In combat those "subhumans" were more than equal to germans

>americans think they won the western front or that it was even remotely relevant
sorry jose

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>I was speaking of anglos not celts
Anglo-Celtic race is a combined romantic expression to describe the natives of the British Isles (Northern Englanders, Middle Englanders, South Englander, Lowland Scots, Highland Scots, Scots-Irish, Irishmen, Welshmen etc). Most ethnic groups here remain more than 95% unchanged since the ancient times
>what those drinkers of sour wine have to do with anything
And what Catholic Dinaro-Serbshits (Stokavians) have to do with actual Croats or Slavs?
>universe were Russia modernized in 19th century and didn't suffered as much as it did in 20th. Imagine world where 300+ million east slavs live like decent human beings. That country would be in that world uncontested superpower
probably true. But that superpower would have had to make a Final Solution for the Inorodci Question eventually

>That country would be in that world uncontested superpower

and their former colonies (like us) would be naturally attracted to stay in their orbit, instead of becoming enemies with them.
Us, Ukrainians and Baltics don't hate Russia because it's full of Russians or there is some inherent evil in it, but because it's shit, low quality life, disregard for human individuality and selective law and order that suits the powers that be, not justice

>I'm sorry, did you ever read about lend&lease?
USSR won the Battle of Moscow and Battle of Stalingrad before lend-lease supplies really started flowing in. About 4% and 11% of all lend-lease supplies shipped to USSR were delivered in 1941 and 1942. By that time Werhmacht was completely depleted offensively.

Yeah let's leave NATO and go to war with the UK. Those fags have a monarch and we need to fist her. Fist her good boys.

Attached: uk-protest-trump-baby-1480.jpg (968x645, 77K)

>shit, low quality life, disregard for human individuality and selective law and order that suits the powers that be
That's literallly what every single Caucasus hachik country is like to this very day. Name me any other country than Georgia and Armenia that venerates Vor v Zakone "culture"and banditism. Even Chechens are less criminal than your kind.

God fucking DAMMIT fucking posted in this cucked snow nigger thread

>Us, Ukrainians and Baltics don't hate Russia because it's full of Russians or there is some inherent evil in it, but because it's shit, low quality life, disregard for human individuality and selective law and order that suits the powers that be, not justice

except georgia and ukraine are both 10x poorer and shittier than russia to the point where millions of you churkas and hohols are emigrating there

you see, you combined anglos and celts into single group, and you separate us by dialect. Weird logic but ok, also I'm čakavian masterrace, aka realest(does that word even exist?) Croats.
we had good conversation. I'm glad. I really wish for Russia to prosper finally
>even on western front most allied deaths were slavs
such is a fate of a slav...

t. croach

The Soviet Union would never of won without the lend lease and Hitler having a 2nd front. It's agreed in by even Russian historians.

>Georgia and Armenia that venerates Vor v Zakone "culture"and banditism
we literally don't have any of them. It's a criminal offense to participate in that subculture and our youth doesn't even know about them. get your facts straight, man... your watching way too much RT

all those vory are in Russia today, where many of them are in good terms with the government and bureaucracy

>georgia and ukraine are both 10x poorer and shittier than russia


I've never seen any Georgian as poor as folks in documentaries about those poverty-stricken, alcohol fueled derevnyas that lie between Moscow and petersburg.

Slav here, people like OP are the reason everyone thinks we are all drunk commie shits

>remotely relevant
It was , slavtrash, also lend lease.
>posting numbers provided by cccp where 2/3 out of 30 millions deads are civilians
Lmao. Look by the battles, dumb slav or «книгa пaмяти» almost 18 millions recorded soldier deaths

That's absolute BS. By the time ang*os landed in Normandy war was already decided.

And I'm sure that land lease was useful, but it was in no way a determining factor. Military History Visualized or TIK , not sure which one or both did a great video about it.

Serbphardic detected.

Says the one that never made it to the moon #ok

>It's a criminal offense to participate in that subculture
Lost it. Do tells us all about the "rule of the law" in ex-USSR nation and namely in shitskin Kavkaz

because life's unironically better here than in the icy lawless shithole that you blonde gooks inhabit

no wonder the scum of our nation thrives better in your lands

>white European Russian identity
no such thing, they're self-identified mongoloids

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1. Proof of that pls, i wanna see a clear fucking photo of that carving. 2. Are you defending protestants now you fucking cuck faggot? 3. I would get a DNA test my dude, the results might suprise you, you are probably a "fellow Serb" without even knowing it.
4. Hitler did call Serbs "subservient creatures" though (check his speeches).

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So you pretty much admit that Georgia have imported criminals in Russia, that they have Georgian descent.

>Georgian calls any other place lawless
Ex-USSR in general is pretty lawless mind the Baltic states and Belarus, however churkistan and kavkaz have always dominated the ethnocriminal charts
dat core armenoid face on the left


Good one boris,it only took what, 20 million of you charging machine guns to get rid of 4 million jerrys

I don't believe any white is subhuman. Yes, we have some whites that are bad, but we have them in every country, not just one group. Slavs are white, our brothers and sisters. Together we will remove poopoo skins from our countries and create the safe, glorious white countries we deserve to raise a happy family in.

there's nothing to admit. those are facts

they were the product of Russian and Jewish invented blatnoy-culture and an alternative to the repressive communist system.

Not a big fan of our ex-ex-president, but he really did the unthinkable and uprooted them with a swift stroke. that was the best thing he ever did, as well as police reforms.

Say what you want, there is still some bureaucratic corruption and there are things to fix, but law and order is certainly not in the worst shape, especially compared to other ex-USSR states
and gopniks and vory are gone and probably never going to be big here anymore, because the younger generation doesn't remember them and don't respect them, which is the most important

Imagine being that fucking cucked. Those "men" woke up that day and said, "yes, I think I'll fly a shitty little balloon, yes right-o that'll be the end of Trump"

hrvat je tat

who won the war?