is it possible that blacks werent allowed in restaurants because they were always skipping on the bill or doing other fucked up shit like being loud and leaving a mess? like i find it pretty hard to believe blacks were model citizens 70 years ago and were prevented from entering certain establishments simply because 'muh color uh muh skin'. are there any writings about blacks behaving badly 70 years ago or has that all been scrubbed?
Is it possible that blacks werent allowed in restaurants because they were always skipping on the bill or doing other...
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What if I told you black schools and white schools and fountains were serviced on the same schedule but black fountains just broke down more because they trashed them?
>is it possible that blacks werent allowed in restaurants because they were always skipping on the bill or doing other fucked up shit like being loud and leaving a mess?
it had more to do with hygiene.
they never washed.
Because everyone hates niggers
Effort blacks are kino. Back then we had more efforts cuz they had nuclear families in many such cases.
In 70 years they will say black people were being shot over skittles and never mentain he had robber tools in his backpack and was walking behind homes.
Just like now they say blacks were linched for no reason in the 1920s for taking pretty white women on dates, (not for raping, of no)
yea, judging by how blacks behave today it's very easy to see how businesses wouldnt want them around. like how different could their behavior have been back then compared to now? im guessing not very different.
>Just like now they say blacks were linched for no reason in the 1920s for taking pretty white women on dates, (not for raping, of no)
I must say i have doubts alot with this part, because i know women;
It's most likely that in reality it was women falsely accusing black men of rape, after they betrayed their husbands to ride some cock, and now they didnt wanna loose the husband-atm.
It's aaaaallll the same story - all women, all the same, all the time.
Women never change - whores are whores, witches should be burnt, false accusers publicly ececuted.
no that is the dumbest and laziest excuse for segregation i think i've ever heard