What is a bigger threat to white men than Jews are, and why is it white women?

What is a bigger threat to white men than Jews are, and why is it white women?

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Wait... is she condemning south africa right now???

the biggest threat to white men is white men not standing up for white men.


I was unfairly treated by Mexicans and lost a job I had for years because of it. No white people or Mexican people cared or would openly acknowledge it for what it was. Now I have no sympathy for POCs whatsoever.

This is how you get Hitler elected. And white women are absolute trash, wow.

>all of this is happening in nearly every european country and american state

shut up u dumb fuck
>twitter user representing a demographic
up your arse

100k likes for such a retarded statement, it really says it all

No, you don't understand. There are DOZENS of people like this on twitter, more than enough to serve as a representative for all white women ever.

you realize the same pool of 400-500k sjw social rejects pedal this shit on this social media website perpetually
lurk more

cuz women is a mans woe, and will continue to act like a woe to huMANity until they gain self realisation.

Back to retarditt with you shill faggot.

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We already are dumb hole.

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They look stinky

>Try and post thread to drive wedge between white men and women for the 400th time this week
>Posts tweet trying to make white women look bad
>Posts tweet of a JEW

You shills are sllipping. Next time at least photoshop a real white womans picture into the tweet. One look at that picture and the Judaism jumps off the screen.

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White women don't mind waiting hours in line to enter a shit club or to protest asking for more ''refugees''
But if you tell them to dress nicely or do house work they go insane

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Because women keep everything from being fucked up unless they're heavily assaulted with propaganda and indoctrination, so they're targeted.

Also, if men aren't in charge and not controlled by lust, then everything becomes phony bourgeois bullshit with only power over others and mindless hedonism and whatever bullshit ideology needed to provide this in mind. White women used to be the best at keeping things from being fucked up, this took decades of heavy abuse.

Which also happens on this board.

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>literal who
they'll be the first to go don't worry and stop being a faggot OP

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*looks south africa*
So whites can be victims of racism!

Hang that stinky cunt by the neck until dead.

This is why you go MGTOW. Reminder: whites didn't commit suicide, they were murdered by white women.


Stop treating children like adults.

She should visit SA.
She won't be coming back.

>until I say victims of racism are victims of racism, they are not victims of racism.

That's super convenient. Maybe I'll use that line one of these days.

Is this a legitimate white girl though? Not a random kike faking or....

She did say her Dad is dead, losing a male guidance fucks with women.

White women needs to be remembered like the traitors and inhuman scum they are.

Shut up. Tens of thousands of man hating tweets by she creatures, have hundreds of thousands of likes and retweets.

Damn straight. Inhuman she beasts. I suggest we write down all white she creatures names who support leftists policies, so we have something to tell our grand kids when they ask why we didn't care about their society.

Samis were and are treated that way in nordic countries and Russia. So white people can be victims of racism.

>brown people can't succeed without strong white people doing it for them.
what a bunch of self righteous egotistical racist cunts.

I think I feel victim of a psyop as I get irrationally angry whenever I see a white woman.

>Shot, attacked, killed, stabbed, abused

Does this woman even know the black on white crime statistics?


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How many threads do you need on this memeflag. Reeks of desperation

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why you shills so fucking stupid?
>both memeflags ass well
gee what a surprise jew shills trying to put white men against white women

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All of these things will happen soon if we do not fight back.

No they aren't.

I was discriminated against for being a white man before this dumb bitch was bleeding and now she's gonna tell me how it is?

>1 post
Mossad pls

Look at the voting patterns of white women. These are the radicals but they still give you an insight into what many of them do believe and support.

>brown eyes
>dyed hair
Why do so many mexiniggers pretend to be white and then thrash real whites


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It's already happening.

Why this bitch doesnt just go to africa alonethen?

>brown hair and eyes
Why are mexicans pretending to be white and then thrashing real whites.... wtf...

Most women with white skin color are not like this. But if they are active on Twitter, there's a 95% chance they're human garbage. Just like most people on Twitter.
