Thanks I fucking hate LGBT now

In the past 24 I got banned from a discord server for claiming I believe "trans girls" arent real girls when asked for, and when I took it to a related subreddit to show how ridiculous LGBT folk are, I and likeminded posters got downvoted into oblivion.

How the fuck am I supposed to be tolerant to LGBT and especially trans people now exactly? If anything I fucking hate them now and fully understand people who did before me.

I never really had hate for trans people etc, I did hate the brainwashers and those who force it onto kids and do weird shit in public, but now that I'm eyewitness to what they really are, things are different.
"why were you on plebbit and discord you faggot" it was a game grumps related shitcord and game grumps related reddit, I use both platforms for such interests.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Kill trannies

The tranny problem solves itself

They're like shit, the more you poke, the more they stink. YOu should just leave LGBT alone, once they can't scream muh oppresion they will unravel because they are all bitter self hating degenerates. Of course, you shouldn't accept them and should try to redpill any sane person on them, but arguing with them is giving them space and exposure.

pls fuck my boipussy >.

Why the fuck were you on discord and leddit in the first place ?

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wtf is game grumps?

There are more reasons to sympathise with the national socialists than just disliking the lgbt.

Also this. Disgustang!

I'm glad you got banned you obnoxious reactionary turd. Keep your braindead opinions to yourself, attention whore.

>Game Grumps

And you're 14 years old too

> I got banned from a discord server
>and when I took it to a related subreddit
Fuck off

we shouldn't be letting them have discord when its literally a monopoly voice chat platform now, that said if it's run by trannies yeah burn it

imagine being a commie trying to post on Jow Forums in 2019, take your reddit spacing back faggot dilator

We need a fucking crusade on them right now


>not running your own teamspeak server
Yea it's less flashy but it fucking works and everyone I know is a voice chat kinda nigga

I hear of a minecraft server that is secretly a based server

I advise you learn as much about their lifestyle as possible. Learn about John Money. Desmond Is Amazing. Harry Hay’s connections to NAMBLA. Most of this is on Wikipedia. You need to know much more about LGBT than the average person, because the world has been smothered and poisoned, and we are the antidote.

welcome. tolerance is a myth and fags are fags

So naive
>let them spread and escalate their degeneracy, it can only last a few centuries
>John Money
I just read for 5 minutes and this shit needs to be broadcast. His name was David Reimer.

I didn't say that, please read again. You should fight the degeneracy, but by educating children and people who are indifferent. You won't convert actual gays, they're too far gone, arguing with them is a waste of time

be grateful for the experience that made you more sober

All you need

Funny shit

Burn a fag flag at a faggot festival this Summer.
Make sure to wear a ski mask.
Know the local police response times.
Scope the place out first.
Know what you're going to be yelling as the flag burns.*
Have your escape routes planned.
Do it when the police aren't nearby.
Consider leaving your phone behind if you're worried about being tracked.
Work quickly and safely.

And don't forget to bring a gun in case you're put into a self-defense situation and need to defend your free speech and prop comedy act.

If you need a fag flag, drive around a rich neighborhood until you find a house flying the flag.
Wear a ski mask to prevent an CCTV's getting your face.
Park your car far away and walk over to the house to get the flag in the dead of night.

*"This flag is being burned in solidarity for all the children who have been sexually and mentally abused by the faggot community."

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Harry Hay who another user linked was a gay pedphile homosexual who started the 1st homosexual movement in the US. and the other guy John Money who was the mastermind behind trannys and "gender fluidity" was a pedophile:

" If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who's intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual ... then I would not call it pathological in any way. "

this is a real quote by John Money. fuck fags

The LGBT thing is just a way of population control and paving the way for the next „refugee crisis“.
NGOs will tell mohammed and abdul to claim they’re persecuted for being gay to gain asylum in highly developed countries.

Sadly no. They reproduce by molesting other people's children.

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Also Foucalt and Sartre were pedophiles "Michel Foucault stated that the petition was signed by himself, by the novelist/gay activist Guy Hocquenghem" - On a petition to outlaw the age of consent rules in France.

Foucault died of aids in California btw. kek